HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1998.11.19MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, November 19, 1998 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Mike Nilmeyer at 7:03 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Heathcote, Larios, Nilmeyer, Piccetti, Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden Commissioners Absent: Kelly, Youth Advisory Commissioner Lip Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams, Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz Others Present: None MINUTES Minutes of the July 16, 1998 meeting were approved, as presented. INTRODUCTION OF NEW YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSIONER WARDEN Chairman Nilmeyer introduced Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden to the group and welcomed her to the Commission. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS Teen Blue Ribbon Study Committee Appointments. Commissioner Piccetti reported on the November 17 meeting of the Teen Blue Ribbon Study Committee. She stated that City teen staff representatives from Belmont and San Carlos addressed the Committee and that their descriptions of programs in those two cities had been helpful to the Committee. Commissioner Heathcote asked if the use of the Depot as a drop -in teen center or coffeehouse had been considered. Director Williams stated that the Blue Ribbon Committee, previous Park & Recreation Commissions and the City Council had, at various times discussed the use of the Depot. To date, there has been no consensus to seriously consider a program there because of the two issues of the small limiting space available in the Depot and its location, surrounded on three sides by busy streets. Superintendent Schwartz reported on Zappachino's Coffeehouse in San Mateo and on the recently started once -per -month teen coffeehouse program in Millbrae. Schwartz and his teenage son attended the first night at the facility in Millbrae. 1 2. Review and Approval of Bayside Park Masterplan. Director Williams presented the proposed Bayside Park Masterplan prepared by Callander Associates, Landscape Architects. Williams described the various developments planned in each phase of work at the park. Williams stated that Phase I developments (Sanchez Lagoon pathway and lighting, new baseball/softball field, dog park and parking improvements) are tentatively planned for summer 1999, after the final closure of the area as a landfill. There is no current timetable for Phase II improvements. Phase III improvements are expected to coincide with the widening of Airport Boulevard, sometime in the future. Commissioners asked that staff include Phase II and III improvements in the Five Year C.I.P. that will be developed next Spring for the 1999-00 Budget. It was moved by Commissioner Larios, seconded by Commissioner Heathcote and approved 4-0 to approve the Bayside Park Masterplan as proposed by staff and to urge that Phases H and III be completed as soon as possible. The Commission further requests that staff return to the Commission on a timely basis to review the status of Bayside Park improvements. 3. Review and Approval of "Conditions of Approval' re Landfill Park E.I.R. Commissioners reviewed the Conditions of Approval (attached) presented by Jane Gomery of Public Works Engineering relative to the development and operation of the Landfill Park site. The City Council approved the environmental document and related mitigation measures at the July 205 1998 City Council meeting. Director Williams reviewed the 18 operating conditions proposed for Bayside Bark and the landfill site upon completion. Williams stated that the Parks & Recreation Department staff was satisfied that the proposed conditions were reasonable and necessary. It was moved by Commissioner Piccetti, seconded by Commissioner Larios and approved 4-0 to approve the Conditions of Approval for the operation of parks and recreation activities at Bayside Park and the landfill site, as proposed by staff. 4. Report on Selection Process for Golf Range Operator. Chairman Nilmeyer reported on the day long interviews conducted for the selection of a range operator. Nilmeyer stated that the Committee had settled on three finalist firms to continue on in the process. Director Williams noted that the construction schedule had recently been lengthened at the request of several contractors bidding on upper deck construction. Construction bids are due November 24. If bids are favorable, the Council could award the bid in December; construction could start in January; and driving range opening could be expected by August, 1999. The golf shop, golf practice area and soccer field might not open as early as the golf driving range, depending upon weather in the January -April, 1999 period. 0) 5. Report on Reopening Ceremonies at Paloma PlU rg ound. Chairman Nilmeyer reported on the reopening ceremonies held at Paloma Park on October 22, 1998. Mayor Spinelli, Chairman Nilmeyer and former Lions Club President Chip Coleman spoke at the opening ceremonies. The McKinley School Band and two kindergarten classes from McKinley also participated in the event. 6. Report on Dedication and Opening of BHS All Weather Track. Commissioner Larios reported on opening ceremonies for the BHS all weather running track. Larios, former Commissioner Nyhan and several City officials were in attendance at the event on October 25. Director Williams announced that the running track night lights are in operation and are presently scheduled to be on from 5:00 to 7:00 a.m. and from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. daily. NEW BUSINESS 1. Change in Schedule for December Commission Meeting. Director Williams noted that he did not anticipate a large number of items for the December meeting of the Commission and recommended that the Commission consider the cancellation of its regular December meeting. Commissioners present felt that they wished to have the regular meeting so that any newly appointed Commissioners could be introduced to the Commission and staff. It was the consensus of the Commission to change the regular December meeting of the Commission to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 17, 1998 and to hold this meeting at the Burlingame Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue. 2. Report on City Council Review of Commission Attendance. Director Williams announced that the City Council had expressed concern at the cancellation of the September and October, 1998 Commission meetings and that the Commission seats of Kelly, Larios, Lembi and Pera are now vacant. Larios has applied for reappointment. Kelly, Lembi and Pera are not expected to apply for reappointment and so three new Commissioners are anticipated for the Commission in December. REPORTS 1. Capital Improvement Project Updates. A. BYBA Batting Cage in Washington Park. Superintendent Schwartz reported that major framing for the batting cage is now up. Staff anticipates that the batting cage will be finished prior to the start of the high school baseball season in January. B. Landfill_ Upper Deck Development and Lower Deck Closure. Director Williams had already reported on these two items in agenda items discussed above. 3 C. Cuernavaca Park Shade Structure Demolition. Williams reported that Public Works Engineering staff is requiring that a new retaining wall be constructed when the shade structure is removed. The project has been on hold while Architect John Cahalan has been designing this wall and related improvements. Construction of the wall will probably add at least $10,000 to this phase of the project. D. Burlingame me High School Aquatic Center. Williams reported that the swim pool project is presently out to bid. If bids are favorable when returned in January, it is anticipated that the pool will be ready for use in late August, 1998. E. Laguna Park Playground Renovation. Williams reported that preliminary discussions have begun Architect John Cahalan and that the Playground Advisory Committee (with two Park & Recreation Commission members) will be convened ' shortly after the first of the year. Commissioner Piccetti agreed to continue serving on the Committee and Chairman Nilmeyer will appoint a second Commissioner after the appointment of the new Commissioners in December. F. Village Park Cottage Renovation and Addition. Schwartz reported that he and the architect met with City Engineering, Building Inspection and Planning staffs to begin preliminary discussions regarding this project. It is estimated that construction will begin in May, 1999 and be completed in September, 1999. 2. Parks Division Report. Director Williams stated that there was no new Parks Division report this month. 3. Recreation Division Report. Recreation Superintendent Schwartz encouraged all Commissioners to attend the annual Tree Lighting and Holiday Faire event to be held on December 4 at City Hall and on Burlingame Avenue. Schwartz also noted that the youth basketball season is underway with 61 Burlingame and Hillsborough teams registered in the program. 4. Commissioner Reports. There were no Commissioner reports. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Nilmeyer adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. tfully Submitted, o4n Williams & Recreation Director attachment: Conditions of Approval lv