HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1998.06.18MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreatioin Commission Thursday, June 18, 1998 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Mike Nilmeyer at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Heathcote, Kelly, Lembi, Nilmeyer, Piccetti, Youth Commissioner Klimen Commissioners Absent: Larios, Pera, Youth Commissioner Getchel Staff Present: Recreation Superintendent Schwartz Parks Superintendent Richmond Others Present: None MINUTES Minutes of the May 21, 1998 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no comments from the Public CEREMONIAL Youth Commissioner Klimen was presented with a Service Award Plaque by Chairman Nilmeyer on behalf of the City. OLD BUSINESS A. Discuss Possible Teen Interest Survey This item was tabled until the Blue Ribbon Committee completes its task. B. Teen Blue Ribbon Study Committee Update Superintendent Schwartz reported that all openings on the Committee have been filled and Director Williams will set up the first meeting within the next few weeks. 1 NEW BUSINESS --� A. Report on Burlingame Together Summer Workshop Superintendent Schwartz and Youth Commissioner Klimen attended the June 15, 16, 17 workshop. They reported that approximately 50 attended, including 18 Mills & Burlingame students, representing (among others) Burlingame School District, Burlingame Police Dept., Burlingame Fire Dept., Burlingame Parks & Recreation, Burlingame Lions, San Mateo Union High School District, Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center, Baha'i Community, and the City Council. The Workshop ended with groups formed to work on school safety, student mentoring and youth activities. B. Selection of 1998-99 Youth Advisory Commissioners Schwartz reported that applications were distributed at the Burlingame Together Workshop and one has been completed and returned. Hopefully, more will be returned prior to the July Commission meeting. C. Discussion re Canceling August Commission Meeting The August, 1998 meeting was cancelled due to vacation schedules. REPORTS A. Capital Improvement Projects Status Paloma & Alpine Parks Playground Rehabilitation Parks Superintendent Richmond reported that the pre -construction meeting will be held on June 22, with the work beginning shortly after the July 4 weekend. 2. BYBA Batting Cage in Washington Park Richmond & Schwartz informed the Commission to the difficulties BYBA has been having verifying proof of insurance for the project volunteers. The foundation work is being handled by a contractor and that phase may begin soon. 3. Soccer - Ballfield Lights at Bay_side Park Richmond reported that the project is on schedule - the pile driving is completed, concrete work will begin tomorrow and the poles are scheduled to be lifted into place by helicopter next week. 4. Landfill Closure/Parking Lot -Soccer Field -Golf Range Development Richmond stated that the project is going through the E.I.R. process and nothing new has occured since the last meeting. 5. BHS Aquatic Center & RunningTrack Schwartz reported that the final plans for the Aquatic Center are in the State Architect's office to be approved and that work has begun --� on BHS' new track. 2 B. Parks Division Richmond announced that the Conservation Corp will be working �- through June at Mills Canyon doing fire control under the direction of Keith Marshall and trail work for the Parks Division. Friends of Mills Canyon has been notified. Franklin Field has been sprayed to kill the Kikuyu grass. This has caused a large brown area on the field. The field will be overseeded next week and should be ready for soccer season. C. Recreation Division Schwartz stated that the Recreation Center's Open House went very well last Thursday - Sunday. The project gave the community a chance to see all of the capital projects currently underway or planned by the Parks & Recreation Dept. The open house featured a full-size, decorated view of the proposed senior citizens wing of the Recreation Center. Art in the Park was held this past weekend and was very successful. Schwartz complimented both the park and recreation staffs for putting on a great event. The Cancer Survivor's Picnic was held in Washington Park the previous weekend and went very well despite uncooperative weather. The Music in the Park concert series will be held from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. each Sunday in July behind the Recreation Center. Giants Night drew nearly 500 Burlingame guests to the game. A second Giants night is being planned for September 11 th. Summer camps and classes are beginning this week and are well attended. D. Commissioners Commissioner Lembi complimented staff on the Senior Citizens wing exhibit and on Art in the Park. Commissioner Piccetti asked about the new Washington Park restroom. Richmond reported that it is in place and was operating for Art in the Park. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Nilmeyer adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Randy Schwartz Recreation Superintendent 3