HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1998.02.19MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, February 19, 1998 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Mike Nilmeyer at 7:33 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Heathcote, Kelly, Larios, Nilmeyer. Youth Commissioner Getchel Commissioners Absent: Lembi, Pera, Piccetti. Youth Commissioner Klimen Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams, Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz Others Present: Hank Sauer, 840 Fairfield, Burlingame MINUTES Minutes of the January 15, 1998 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS Review of Proposed Batting Cage Project at Washington Park. Director Williams reviewed the status of the proposed project. The Burlingame Youth Baseball Association has filed plans and specifications with the City Building Department. Williams and the City Attorney are working with BYBA and its attorney on contract language. BYBA has distributed project notices to all residences backing up to the northeast corner of Washington Park, even those that exceed the typical City notice limit of 300 feet. The League received no calls from neighbors, Parks & Recreation Department staff has received no calls or comments from the neighbors and no neighbors were present at the Commission meeting to comment on the proposal. Hank Sauer, Project Manager for BYBA, presented a copy of the batting cage plans and answered several questions from Commissioners. Several Commissioners expressed their support for the project and complimented BYBA on the proposed appearance of the structure. It was moved by Commissioner Kelly, seconded by Commissioner Larios and approved 4-0 --� that the Commission, after reviewing the batting cage project plans, support the proposed project, as presented. 2. Development of C.I.P. Priority List of Parks & Recreation Proiects. The Commissioners had received a list of staff proposed capital improvement projects and probable costs. Commissioners discussed various items that staff had proposed. It was noted that two Commission priority projects from last year did not appear on the staff list - lighting Burlingame High School tennis courts and constructing a bandstand in Washington Park.. Director Williams stated that he has not had any contact with other persons outside the Commission who support the court lighting and some BHS neighbors have expressed their opposition to lighting proposals. Commissioner Larios and others indicated an interest in a lighting project that would light four (4) of the courts and be less obtrusive to neighbors. Commissioner Kelly stated that he was very interested in an indoor athletic/teen center that could be used to reduce the City's reliance on Elementary and High School District facilities. Kelly suggested that the Commission look at a possible facility that could be located in the area of the current Parks Division yard. The Commission discussed ways in which the Commission could encourage the City Council to consider an athletic/teen center. Commissioner Heathcote presented his concerns about the quality of park restrooms throughout the City. Commissioners noted that if a good park restroom model can be developed in Washington Park, perhaps it can be replicated in other parks. Commissioners discussed possible locations for a bandstand in Washington in Washington Park. Williams stated that staff was not supportive of any new buildings and structures in Washington Park that were not driven by strong program needs. There is currently no musical or other programs that would use such a bandstand. The current Music in the Park concerts organized by Parks & Recreation staff only occur on four Sundays each July and at least one or two bands each year would probably be too large to fit into a bandstand. Staff has no plans to expand the music series. It was agreed that the discussion re C.I.P. priority list would be continued to the March Commission meeting so that staff can distribute its proposed five (5) year Capital Improvement plan and so that Commissioners missing from this meeting can participate in the discussion. Review of Proposed Changes in West Entrance to Washington Park. Director Williams reported that the new restroom facilities in Washington Park are planned for installation soon. Staff is planning to proceed with lockable single user units that are becoming popular in public areas because they offer better safety and security for users and are easier to maintain. The new restrooms may be available in time for Art in the Park. 2 Williams also explained the work planned to make the west park entrance more usable for groups, more attractive and more accessible. The horseshoe pit area is used regularly, but only one or two pits are ever used at a time. Staff is proposing to reduce the horseshoe pit area to four (4) courts and to convert that space and the former boccie ball courts into a new group picnic area. Group picnic space is one of the greatest park facility needs within the City of Burlingame and the existing area near the Recreation Center is often unavailable for groups wanting picnic space. The proposed new area will probably handle groups in the 40-60 person range. New water and electric sources will also be helpful for Art in the Park each year. Commissioners were supportive of the planned improvements. NEW BUSINESS City Council -Commission Concerns. Chairman Nilmeyer expressed his concern about comments in the February 2, 1998 City Council Minutes in which it was stated that "the Park & Recreation Commission has begun defining policy instead of making recommendations to Council, the Commission is being influenced by small groups." Several Commissioners stated that they would like to have some explanation of the above statement and that a joint study session with the City Council might be particularly helpful, since there are now new Commissioners in place. Change in Commission Startinia Time. Chairman Nilmeyer asked staff to place an item on the March Commission agenda for discussion about possibly starting Commission meetings at 7:00 p.m. in the future. REPORTS Capital Improvement Project Status Updates. A. Recreation Center. The remodel project is nearing completion. Superintendent Schwartz described the final steps remaining to complete the project. B. Landfill Site. Director Williams reported that engineering and design work is proceeding on the Bayside Soccer/Baseball Lights project. The City expects to have all of the landfill closed except the area for the new baseball/softball field by mid- 1998. A consultant has been hired to assist staff in the development of an operating plan for the Golf Driving Range and an RFP process for the selection of a range operator. Plans and specifications are being completed for the new parking lot, soccer field and golf driving range. A spring, 1.999 opening is now envisioned for both the soccer field and the golf driving range. Director Williams and Superintendent Schwartz answered several questions regarding athletic field development, possible program uses and maintenance. Williams noted that both the soccer and softball/baseball field will be developed with � 3 a sand based turf that enables quick drainage and reduces turf wear and tear. Staff --� expects both lighted fields to offer many more playable hours each year than do any other City or School District fields in Burlingame. Staff was asked to bring in copies of the latest development plans for the March Commission meeting so that the new Commissioners can be updated on the development. C. Al2ine/Paloma Tot Lots. Williams reported that he expects final plans for Paloma and Alpine Park to be received from the project architect within the next few days. A spring bidding and summer construction schedule are still expected for the two tot lots. E. BHS Running Track and Aquatic Center. Commissioner Larios reported that although running track project bids had expired, the project is still very much alive and the Booster Club has been active in fund-raising efforts. School staff is also concerned with the need to renovate the football field and grandstands and a combination project may be announced soon. Williams reported that final design work is now underway on the Aquatic Center. It now appears as though it will be no more expensive to have the City locker room facilities in the new City building than to have them built into the existing school locker rooms. Locating the locker rooms in the City facility near the staff office will greatly improve staff supervision and control in those areas. Staff will also bring in latest Aquatic Center plans for the March Commission so that new Commissioners can see the entire scope of the project. 2. Parks Division Report. Director Williams reported that the inside of the Washington Park grandstand has been repainted and a new score booth (with access to an emergency telephone line) constructed in the grandstand area. No City or Elementary School District athletic fields are currently playable, due to heavy winter rains. Parking lot lights at Bayside Park have recently been repaired and the lot is now adequately lit for evening events. Sycamore tree pruning is now taking place in the south sections of the City and the City's Eucalyptus tree pruning contractor is now working on the 1000 block of Burlingame Avenue, near the Washington Park tennis courts. To date, the City has been fortunate that we have had no major storm related damage or tree loss in parks or in the street tree inventory. 2. Recreation Report. Recreation Superintendent Schwartz reported that: A. Sports Programs. A new women's basketball league has been formed and a new coed softball league is being organized. B. Teen Activities. A successful teen ski trip was recently completed. Planning is now underway for a youth picnic and car show. A 1-6:00 p.m. daily summer teen program is being planned for Burlingame Intermediate School and Lincoln School during the coming summer. Commissioners discussed target teen audience and Schwartz indicated that the Division has chosen to focus teen program work with the intermediate school and freshman -sophomore age groups. These young people have recently participated in City sports and other programs and they should provide a better opportunity for connections with City staff than the high school juniors and seniors who are often focused on cars, jobs and college selection. Commissioner Kelly suggested that staff consider promoting a "Battle of the Bands." 3. Commissioner Reports. A. Commissioner Larios noted that a major tree fell last week in front of Burlingame High School but that, fortunately, no injury or major damage occurred. In response to a question from Larios, Director Williams reported that the University of California has not yet completed the study of the testing equipment which was performed on Oak Grove and El Camino Real large trees last summer. B. Chairman Nilmeyer asked if park entrance design could tie the west end of the park to the train station and Burlingame Avenue. Williams indicated that the project architect has been asked to do just that. The new restroom building will be a stucco frame building and landscaping at the corner of North Lane and Carolan will be planned to mesh with the train station (but not necessarily with the Royal Donut Shop). Chairman Nilmeyer adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, j lam- John W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director