HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1999.11.18MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, November 18, 1999 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Ed Larios at 7:04 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Heathcote, Larios, Muller, Minderman, Nilmeyer, Piccetti, and Youth Advisory Commissioners Martindale and Warden Commissioner Absent: None Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams MINUTES Minutes of the October 21, 1999 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS Update on Teen Center Discussions. Director Williams reported that no further discussions regarding the proposed teen center have been held with the Lions Club, due to the City Council election and reorganization. Hopefully, discussions will get back on track in December. Several Commissioners expressed their concerns that discussions not be delayed more than is absolutely necessary. 2. Report on Youth Advisory Committee. Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden stated that the Committee has had one meeting in November and will meet again next week. The Committee has agreed to meet twice monthly in the future. The Committee intends to participate in the annual South Bay workshop for youth advisory committees and commissions scheduled for March, 2000. NEW BUSINESS R. Villanueva Letter re Volleyball Practice Gym Time. Commission and staff reviewed a letter from Mr. Villanueva, the coach of a Peninsula Area girls volleyball team and a memo on the same subject from Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz. Mr. Villanueva is concerned because he has been unable to secure gym space in this area for his volleyball team practice and play. Director Williams noted that the City owns zero gymnasium space and that, during the winter months, every available hour in every local school gymnasium is taken up by school programs and City sponsored basketball leagues. Rental space for a team such as this one probably is available from the schools during the period March to October each year, however, arrangements must be made with the schools. Williams also noted that, similarly, the City typically does not schedule field space for private outside groups until all City programs and local youth leagues have been accommodated. The City does not usually provide any special services for single teams. Usually, field and facility arrangements are developed for leagues made up of several Burlingame City teams. Chairman Larios noted that the Recreation Division has made arrangements in the past for the select basketball program Mike Ciardella has conducted in the Burlingame High School gym. Larios suggested that the City could reserve space at Burlingame High School and then make that space available for this volleyball team, thus reducing the rental cost for the team. Larios is concerned with the high fees required of young people participating in volleyball programs where gym time rental is a major factor. Commissioner Muller stated that she thought that the City should support volleyball activities because there are many young people who wish to play the sport in this area. It was the consensus of the Commission to continue further discussion of this matter to the Commission's January meeting. Chairman Larios directed Williams to invite Mr. Villanueva and any other similar Burlingame youth sports group to the January Commission meeting. Staff will review possible options and report to Commissioners prior to the meeting. 2. Cancellation of December Commission Meeting. Director Williams recommended that the Commission cancel its December meeting due to the lack of business and schedule conflicts during the holiday season for staff and Commissioners. It was moved by Commissioner Muller, seconded by Commissioner Minderman and approved 7-0 to cancel the regular December meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission due to a lack of business and schedule conflicts during the holiday season. The next regular meeting of the Commission will be 7:00 p.m., Thursday, January 20, 2000. REPORTS 1. Capital Improvement Project Updates. A. Landfill & Bayside Park Projects. Director Williams reported that sodding of the grass on the soccer field is nearly completed and that all construction on the golf driving range and soccer field should be completed in mid -December. The City 2 OR Council has contracted with VB Golf, operators of the Mariners Point golf facility and restaurant, to operate the City's range. The grand opening of the range is tentatively scheduled for 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 3, 2000. Bids were opened today for improvement work on the "lower deck" phase of the park, including the new ballfield, dog exercise park and pathway along Sanchez Lagoon. If bids are on target, construction can begin after the first of the year. It is expected that construction can be completed and grass/landscaping ready for use by mid -summer, 2000. C. Burlingame Aquatic Center. Chairman Larios reported that the Aquatic Center project is moving ahead. Director Williams noted that the plumbing under the pool is complete and covered; gravel was placed into the bottom of the pool and a light coat of concrete was shot on the walls to enable work to continue in the rain; and the City's locker room building has been topped -out and is ready for its roof. Opening is still planned for April, 2000. D. Laguna Park Plaground Renovation. Williams noted that work is complete on the Laguna Park playground renovation project. The planting of a memorial tree honoring the late Chris Ganas will be scheduled for next spring. E. J-Lot Children's Tot Lot. Williams noted that the J-Lot playground was now complete and the plaque describing former Park Director Boots Francard's work on N4.1 the original playground has been reinstalled. Williams and several Commissioners remarked that the play area has been very well used since its completion. Williams stated that a suggestion has been made to consider the commissioning of a mural on the building wall to the south of the playground. F. Cuernavaca Seat Wall Project. Williams stated that the contractor has not yet begun work on the wall adjacent to Hunt Drive, but that the contractor understands the urgency of starting the work prior to the heavy rains. 2. Parks Division Report. Director Williams reported that, with the recovery of the City's chipper, the ordering of a new aerial lift truck, and the filling of the last tree crew position, the tree crew is about to be fully operational. The crew is becoming very efficient and a good working team. Ongoing maintenance at parks and ballfields is now slowing down for the winter season. The new three-man crew organized to maintain City property and facilities east of US 101 is now in place and working as a unit. 3. Recreation Division Report. Director Williams noted that work is about complete on the next edition of the Recreation Brochure. This December edition will feature pictures of the Golf Center on the cover. The summer, 2000 edition will feature the Aquatic Center. Williams reported that changes are occurring in recreation and other programs for senior citizens. Williams and several Commissioners remarked on the widening gap and different interests between seniors now in their 70's and 80's vs. the next wave, now in their 50's and 3 60's. Lunch and Bingo or club meeting now attract less seniors each year. New drop -in and trips programs seem to be successful. Senior discount participation in Recreation Division classes continues strong and often helps those classes succeed when registrations are light. Williams reminded Commissioners to place Friday, night, December 3 on their calendars and then to attend the City's Holiday Tree Lighting program and the special musical event immediately following at the main library. 4. Commissioner Reports. Commissioner Minderman stated that he was concerned that planning for a Burlingame Teen Center continues in a timely manner. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Larios adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, J2fin. WA4-v-. W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director rd