HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1999.10.21MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, October 21, 1999 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Ed Larios at 7:04 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Heathcote, Larios, Muller, Nilmeyer, and Youth Advisory Commissioners Martindale and Warden Commissioner Absent: Minderman and Piccetti Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams and Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz MINUTES Minutes of the September 16, 1999 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS Report of Joint Meeting with the City Council on October 4, 1999. Commissioners and staff reviewed the joint meeting between the City Council and the Commission on the 4th of October. Several Commissioners expressed their pleasure at the Council support for a teen center in Burlingame. Williams reported that the Council had unanimously voted to authorize continued discussions with the Burlingame Lions Club regarding the development of a teen center at the Lions Hall site at the regular Council meeting of October 4. He further reported on a tour of three other teen facilities which staff organized for Council Members O'Mahony and Spinelli, Council candidate Kathy Baylock, and four members of the Parks & Recreation Department staff on October 20. 2. Report on Youth Advisoryy Committee. Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden stated that the Committee had one meeting of the Committee in October. The group met jointly with Youth Commissioners from the City of Millbrae. A cooperative dance is being planned for students at Burlingame, Capuchino, Mercy and Mills High Schools. 3. Report on Cuernavaca Park Issues. Director Williams reported on several of the park issues which were raised by two Burlingame residents at the Commission's September meeting. He noted that a contract has been let for the construction of the seat wall along Hunt Drive, Public Works is repairing the wiring so that the Park parking lot light can be put back into service; the park architect is assisting with the selection of a new basketball standard; the Police and Public Works Departments have been advised of the complaints about response and street sealing; and Williams has advised neighbors that Cuernavaca Park Eucalyptus trees are scheduled for pruning in the 2000-01 FY. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report on State Parks Bond Issue (AB 18). Director Williams reported that the Governor has signed a bill to place a State Parks Bond issue on the March, 2000 ballot. This will be the first time in several years that State voters have had an opportunity to vote on a parks bond. Williams reviewed a fact sheet describing the issue. The City of Burlingame could receive grant funds for developing or renovating City parks facilities if the bond issue is successful. REPORTS 1. Capital Improvement Project Updates. A. Village Park Cottage Renovation and Addition. Superintendent Schwartz reported on the grand opening ceremonies held, Friday, October 15, 1999. Director Williams expressed his thanks to Schwartz for his hard work on this project. The construction timetable was tight, but the facility was opened on time and on budget. Schwartz reported that the staff has been working hard to get all of the opening kinks worked out and that a new afternoon preschool session is being conducted for the first time. B. Landfill & Bayside Park Projects. Director Williams reported that construction on the golf driving range and soccer field is nearing completion. Commissioner Nilmeyer an Williams discussed the ongoing negotiations with a potential golf operator. It appears that the City Council will be asked on November 1 to decide whether to contract with an operator or open the range with City staff. A grand opening is being planned for March, 2000. Work on the "lower deck" phase of the park to close the landfill is now concluding and the park development phase will be out to bid again soon for the new ballfield, dog exercise park and Sanchez Lagoon trail. Construction of final improvements should be complete and the site should be ready for use in late Summer or Fall, 2000. C. Burlingame Aquatic Center. Chairman Larios reported that the Aquatic Center project is well underway. Excavation of the pool is nearly complete and forming is underway for the locker room -mechanical room building. Larios noted that there have been ground water intrusion problems that have slowed down the process a bit, but that work is proceeding. D. Laguna Park Playground Renovation. Williams noted that work is underway on the Laguna Park playground renovation project. The planting of a memorial tree honoring the late Chris Ganas will be scheduled for next Spring. 2 2. Parks Division Report. Director Williams reported that soccer season is in full swing and that the Fall tree planting program is underway. to response to Commissioner questions, Williams reported on the status of CalTrans tree trimming, removals and replacements on El "%� Camino Real. 3. Recreation Division Report. Recreation Superintendent Schwartz reported that Fall recreation programs are underway. A new 4th and 5th grade girls volleyball program at the elementary schools is proving to be very popular. A new 40 and over softball league for men has also been well received. 4. Commissioner Reports. • Commissioner Nilmeyer reported on a sprinkler problem he had noted at Bayside Park. Williams will pass the information on to the park maintenance staff. • Chairman Larios stated that he was disappointed that the 7 man flag football rules for the intermediate school league restrict the opportunity for players to learn interior line play skills. Superintendent Schwartz reviewed the intermediate school flag football league and program and Schwartz noted that the current league rules really establish a passing league. Schwartz and Director Williams noted that there is an increasing concern about football injuries at the intermediate school level because of the increasing disparity in the size of boys at the 7th and 8th grade level. Numerous boys now in the 8th grade at B.I.S. are near 6 feet in height. Weight disparities continue to increase at the intermediate levels and no protective equipment is worn by players at the intermediate school level. Schwartz noted that the current flag football rules were developed by the league in which B.I.S. participates and that there are really no viable options for more traditional flag football play, even if B.I. S. wanted to play in a league with more traditional rules. Commissioner Muller supported Chairman Larios's wish that the football league could be more traditional and broad based. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Larios adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, i Joh . Williams Par s & Recreation Director 3