HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1999.07.15MEETING MINUTES `- Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, July 15, 1999 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Ed Larios at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Heathcote, Larios, Muller, Minderman, Nilmeyer, and Youth Advisory Commissioners Martindale and Warden Commissioner Absent: Picetti Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams, Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz and Parks Maintenance Supervisor Bob Disco Others Present: Frank Tealdi, 221 Loyola Drive, Millbrae; Tong Zhoo, Burlingame MINUTES Minutes of the June 24, 1999 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS Report of Youth Committee Working on Teen Center Proposal. Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden presented a report of the work done by the group of young people preparing a report to go back to the City Council regarding a possible teen center. Warden reported that the group has held a meeting at The Depot and that the group had concluded that the facility would not be adequate for a teen center or coffee house. The group has been refining the layout and program needs for the proposed teen center. The young people will be working on their various assignments through the summer and will meet again on September 2 to prepare a final draft of the committee report. It is expected that the report will be presented to the Commission on September 16 and then forwarded to the City Council on October 4. Considerable discussion about a proposed teen facility was offered by Commissioners, members of the audience and staff. It was agreed by all that a teen facility should be built in such a way as to make it also usable by other age groups and organizations when it was not being used by teens. A teen center should be first and foremost a teen center, but should be also available to others in the community for classes, programs and activities. Director Williams reported that staff and the young people's group has been considering the Lions Club building and immediate area as a possible site for a teen center, with the Lions `- Club to continue as users of the building or the nearby Recreation Center facilities. The facility is owned by the City and some land area around the building could be dedicated to the project. Several Commissioners expressed the opinion that this location would be a good one for a teen facility. Commissioner Nilmeyer noted that the proximity of the Lions Hall building to the Recreation Center could benefit all City recreation programs and community users. Williams noted that staff feels that this site is very appropriate for a teen center. Some problems that might impact this site include: Loss of some park open space, provision of adequate parking; status of Lions Club Hall on the Historical Building Register. Williams also gave some historical perspective of the work done in 1994 and 1995 by Commissioners, staff, students, parents, school staff, Police personnel and others. At the time when the masterplan for remodeling the Recreation Center was being considered, many hours of meetings and discussion were held regarding a possible teen center. Study meetings were held and regular reports of the group's work were brought to the Commission for public discussion. At that time, students were unanimous in not wanting a teen center carved -out of the Recreation Center, but rather, preferred a separate facility designed for teens to be the primary users. Commissioner Minderman stated that Burlingame teens deserve a teen facility. 2. Report on Selection of Youth Advisory Committee Members. Chairman Larios stated that he had discussed the selection process with Superintendent Schwartz and understood that at least one applicant had been dropped from consideration because that applicant had not appeared for the appointment interview. Director Williams asked that the discussion regarding amending the Youth Advisory Committee (Y.A.C.) bylaws to add more high school students be delayed until the Commission's September meeting because Recreation Division staff has been so busy operating summer programs that it has been impossible to devote time to the proposed revisions and the process for change. The ten member Y.A.C. will continue to meet and advise and support the Teen Coordinator. Chairman Larios directed that this matter be placed on the Commission's September agenda for discussion. NEW BUSINESS 1. Cancellation of the Commission's August Meeting. Commissioners discussed August vacation schedules and Director Williams reported that he was unaware of any new matters that should come before the Commission in August. 2 It was moved by Commissioner Muller, seconded by Commissioner Nilmeyer and approved 6-0 (Piccetti absent) to cancel the regularly scheduled August meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission. REPORTS 1. Capital Improvement Project Updates. Director Williams reported on the following projects: A. Landfill & Bayside Park Projects. Construction on the golf driving range and soccer field is currently underway. Williams also noted that negotiations are continuing with the proposed golf range operator and that the lower deck area (including the new parking area, ballfield, lagoon trail and proposed dog exercise park) is now being closed as a landfill, so that development can begin. B. Burlingame Aquatic Center. Williams reported that plans are moving ahead to convert the pool project to a 50 meter swimming pool. Construction plans are presently under review by the State Architect's Office. Concurrently, the School District has begun a bidding process in order to rebid the pool tank construction. Weather should not be a factor since much of the startup work is already completed and the pool could be finished in time for the high school spring swim season. A good report has been received from the soils testing lab and the diesel fuel spill discovered in the Spring is extremely limited and will have no further delaying effect on the project. C. Cuernavaca Park Shade Structure Demolition. Demolition of the shade structure has been completed. Staff has begun the process to solicit bids for the new seat wall required to prevent erosion along Hunt Drive. Refurbishing of the area will begin in Summer, 2000. D. J Lot Parking Lot & Playground Renovation. The J Lot project is underway. E. Laguna Park Playground Renovation. Final plans have been received. The project should be out to bid soon. F. Village Park Cottage Renovation and Addition. Superintendent Schwartz reported that work is well underway on this project. Walls are up and the roof is under construction. Completion is still expected in early September, prior to the start of Fall Pre School classes. 2. Parks Division Report. Parks Maintenance Supervisor Disco reported that summer maintenance work is progressing well. Renovation of three turf fields is currently underway. Summer field renovation is scheduled for all athletic fields on a three year cycle. Commissioner Minderman asked about the spraying of turf fields for clover and broad leaf. Disco reported that chemicals available today are less toxic and more effective than those available in the past. The three year cycle appears to be adequate to control problems. 3 Disco also reported or, recent changes in the law which require more frequent and more complete inspection of playground equipment. The City recently sent a Parks staff member to a training session. Basically, every nut and bolt on every piece of playground equipment must now be physically inspected on a regular schedule. 3. Recreation Division Report. Recreation Superintendent Schwartz reported that summer activity programs are full and seem to be very well received by the public. Schwartz reminded all of the Music in the Park Concerts held in Washington Park at 1:00 p.m. every Sunday afternoon in July. Two more concerts remain in the 1999 series. 4. Commissioner Reports. • Commissioner Muller asked about the installation of more windscreen material at Bayside Park Diamond #1 to improve visibility for players on the left side of the diamond when light reflects off the Bay. Staff will check on this problem. • Commissioner Muller noted that there have been recent problems with scoreboard lights at both Washington Park and Bayside Park. Superintendent Schwartz noted that both scoreboards have wiring problems and that staff is working on the matter. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Larios adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jt14. hW. Williams Parks & Recreation Director 11