HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1999.06.24MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, June 24, 1999 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Mike Nilmeyer at 7:04 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Heathcote, Larios, Muller, Minderman, Nilmeyer, Piccetti and Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams, Parks Superintendent Tim Richmond and Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz Others Present: Scott Martindale, 769 Willborough Road, Burlingame MINUTES Minutes of the May 20, 1999 meeting were approved, as presented. 1%- COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS Appoint Youth Advisory Committee (YAQ Members. The Commission received the staff recommendations for the selection of 10 candidates for appointment to the first YAC. Commissioner Larios expressed his concern that there was only one representative nominated for Burlingame High School and that the nominee was a recent B.I.S. graduate who had not yet attended Burlingame High. Director Williams noted that Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden, an incoming B.H. S. senior, is also being recommended. A third B.H.S. representative is also anticipated when the Police Department nominates the Police Cadet to participate in the YAC. Commissioner Larios stated that he believed that all three local high schools should be represented by at least two student members of the YAC. Director Williams noted that the YAC Bylaws, as approved by the Commission in May, called for only one official representative from each high school so that the number of high school committee members would not overpower the intermediate school members of the group. Commissioner Larios also expressed a concern that a student, nominated from B.H.S. because he was a representative of a different group of students, was not being recommended by staff. Commissioner Warden stated that the student had not been selected after the review process. Superintendent Schwartz indicated that he will report back to Commissioner Larios regarding the reason that this individual was not selected. • It was moved by Commissioner Larios, seconded by Commissioner Muller and then approved 7-0 to indicate that the Commission believes that the YAC membership should include two students (at least one upperclassman) from each of the three local high schools. Director Williams will report back at the July meeting regarding the process to change the YAC Bylaws. • It was moved by Commissioner Larios, seconded by Commissioner Heathcote and then approved 7-0 to appoint the 10 young people nominated by staff for membership in the original YAC. (Roster attached as Exhibit A.) 2. Review and Recommend Scott Martindale for Appoint as Youth Advisory Commissioner. Commissioners interviewed applicant Scott Martindale for the position as the second Park & Recreation Youth Advisory Commissioner for the 1999-2000 year. • It was moved by Commissioner Larios, seconded by Commissioner Minderman and then approved 7-0 to recommend to the City Council that Scott Martindale he appointed as Youth Advisory Commissioner. 3. Discussion of Burlingame Together Youth Group Proposal re Teen Center. Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden reported on the youth groups presentation to the City Council on June 7, 1999. The Council declined to appropriate $4,000 to develop architectural renderings for a proposed teen facility. Several Commissioners expressed their concern about the Council's response to the young people. Additionally, several Commissioners stated their feelings that the Depot was too small and is inappropriate for use as a teen center or teen coffeehouse. Superintendent Schwartz stated that the youth group has continued working on this issue and is planning to report back to the Commission at the Commission's July meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. Reorganization of Commission. The Commission had delayed the selection of a Commission Chairman and Vice Chairman for two months so that the three newest Commissioners could get to know their counterparts on the Commission. Chairman Nilmeyer indicated that he probably will not seek reappointment to the Commission and he noted that his personal belief is that the regular rotation of the Commission chairmanship is a good practice. N..2 • Commissioner Muller nominated Ed Larios as the new Commission Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Heathcote and nominations were closed. Commissioners voted 7-0 to elect Ed Larios as the Commission Chairman for the 1999-2000 year. • Commissioner Larios nominated Nicole Piccetti as the new Commission Vice Chairman. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dittman and nominations were closed. Commissioners voted 7-0 to elect Nicole Piccetti as the Commission Vice Chairwoman for the 1999-2000 year. REPORTS l . Capital Improvement Project Updates. Director Williams reported on the following projects: A. Landfill & Bay�side Park Projects. Construction on the golf driving range and soccer field is currently underway. Williams also noted that negotiations are continuing with the proposed golf range operator and that the lower deck area (including the new parking area, ballfield, lagoon trail and proposed dog exercise park) is now being closed as a landfill, so that development can begin. B. Burlingame Aquatic Center. Williams reported that plans are moving ahead to convert the pool project to a 50 meter swimming pool. If the conversion plan is successful, work could resume on the pool by late August. Weather should not be factor since much of the startup work is already completed and the pool could be finished in time �-- for the high school spring swim season. C. Cuernavaca Park Shade Structure Demolition. Demolition of the shade structure has not yet begun. Hopefully, the contractor will begin work soon. E. J Lot Parking Lot & Playground Renovation. The J Lot project is underway. E. Laguna Park Playground Renovation. Staff expects to receive final plans from the architect within the next few days. Bidding can be conducted in time for construction in September and October. F. Village Park Cottage Renovation and Addition. Work is well underway on this project. Walls are up and the roof should go on soon. Completion is still expected in early September, prior to the start of Fall Pre School classes. Scwartz reported on negotiations with US Filter (operators of the City's Sewage Treatment Plant). US Filter has indicated an interest in making a donation to the City in recognition of its 25 years of service in the City of Burlingame. Donated funds could be used for building furnishings and for ongoing science programs for young children. `.- 3 2. Parks Division Report. Parks Superintendent Richmond reported that all but one of the full time employee slots in the Division have been filled and the new employees appear to be fitting -in very well. Richmond indicated that staff has been very busy with park and field preparation work in recent weeks. Activities such as Art in the Park, City adult softball leagues, BYBA baseball and Girls Softball League have required much staff attention. All athletic fields in the city are presently in good shape. Several Commissioners complimented Richmond on the appearance of local parks and ballfields. Richmond also noted that the annual tree trimming contract for large City trees has been completed. Parks staff has recently finished some special landscaping areas and is presently working at Hillside Circle to improve and beautify that area. Richmond complimented Parks Maintenance Worker Ben Caldwell on his recent work in the courtyard at the Recreation Center. Caldwell has developed an attractive oriental garden that has received numerous compliments. Commissioners and others are urged to see the courtyard on their next visit to the Recreation Center. 3. Recreation Division Report. Recreation Superintendent Schwartz reported that Art in the Park was very successful under the leadership of Recreation Supervisor Tricia Pinney this year. Schwartz noted that Music in the Park begins for the July season on Sunday, July 4. All Commissioners are urged to attend this free event. City staff and volunteers are going to provide barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs for Music in the Park patrons. Proceeds will be used to support the scholarship program for teen activities. Schwartz also reported that Recreation Supervisor Mike Blondino directed a very successful tournament for girls softball players in June. 17 teams participated in the event and some of the teams stayed in local Burlingame hotels during the tournaments. Summer classes and camps are underway and many classes and camps are full. Teen trips are going well, even though trip registrations have not been large. Recruitment is now underway for the new Recreation Coordinator to fill Jordana Schneiderman's spot as she moves to Recreation Supervisor 1 to take over supervision of Aquatic Center. 4. Commissioner Reports. • Commissioner Piccetti complimented staff on a very successful Art in the Park. • Commissioner Dittman asked about the Recreation Division resident policies. Superintendent Schwartz gave a brief description of the policies. • Commissioner Dittman asked about swim programs for the new Aquatic Center. Schwartz and Williams indicated that a full spectrum of classes, teams and activities are being planned for the new pool. Ll • Commissioner Larios asked about possible date for converting the Washington Park baseball infield to a grass infield. Williams replied that, since this change is dependent upon getting the new field at Bayside Park into play, the change could not happen until Fall, 2000 at the earliest. Larios also asked about the possibility of advertising inside the Washington Park ballfield. Williams stated that Larios could present any ideas about advertising, but that the City Council has not been receptive to any advertising proposals for City parks in the past. Commissioner Larios noted that the dates on the two pool construction signs were now out of date. Williams stated that the signs will be updated as soon as staff has received a firm new pool completion date. Larios also suggested that School District swim coaching and teaching staff be considered for part time employment by the City. This might help defuse some of the inevitable "us vs. them" feelings that arise in shared facilities. Schwartz indicated an interest in following -up on this suggestion. Chairman Nilmeyer asked that staff place the possible cancellation of the August Commission meeting on the July agenda for discussion and possible action. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Nilmeyer adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Job W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director attachment: Recommended YAC Applicant List