HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 1999.05.20MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, May 20, 1999 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Mike Nilmeyer at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Heathcote, Muller, Nilmeyer, Piccetti Commissioners Absent: Larios, Minderman Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams MINUTES Minutes of the April 15, 1999 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS 1. Blue Ribbon Teen Study Committee. The Commission received the final report of the Teen Blue Ribbon Study Committee. Commissioner Picetti and Director Williams summarized the work of the committee. The City Council received the report at its May 17, 1999 meeting and Mayor Janney will be writing to the committee members, thanking them for their service and discharging the committee. Chairman Nilmeyer expressed the Commission's appreciation for the good work done by the Blue Ribbon Committee. 2. Review and Approve Bylaws for Youth Advisory Committee (YACI. The Commissioners reviewed the proposed bylaws presented by the Burlingame Together Youth Advisory Committee. Several Commissioners stated that they felt that the Bylaws were good and would serve the YAC well. Director Williams noted that the bylaws can be revised at a future time by the members of the committee. It was moved by Commissioner Heathcote, seconded by Commissioner Piccetti and approved 5-0-2 to approve the bylaws for the new Youth Advisory Committee (YAC), as proposed by the Burlingame Together Committee. 3. Appointment of Youth Advisory Committee Members (YACI. This item was continued until the June meeting since staff had not completed interviewing proposed committee members. 4. Appointment of 2nd 1999-2000 Youth Advisory Commissioner. This item was continued until the June meeting of the Commission since no applications have been received, to date. 5. Discussion of Commission C.I.P. Priority List. After considerable discussion on this matter, a tentative Commission Priority List was developed. Staff will return with the list in final form for adoption at the June meeting. The tentative priority list is attached to these minutes as Attachment A. NEW BUSINESS 1. Naming of Facilities at Bayside Park, Director Williams noted that upper and lower deck landfill improvement projects currently under construction will need to be officially named so that signs can be prepared and so that appropriate designations can be placed in the Recreation Brochure and other documents. Commissioners reviewed the Director's staff report. It was moved by Commissioner Picetti, seconded by Commissioner Dittman and approved 5-0-2 to recommend to the City Council that park facilities at the landfill site be designated as recommended by staff.- • The entire park site be named Bayside Park. Within Bayside Park: The golf driving range area be named Burlingame Golf Center . The new lighted soccer field be named Burlingame Soccer Center. The recently lit Bayside Park soccer field be named Bayside Soccer Field. The three existing and one proposed ball fields be named Bayside 1. 2. 3. 4. The dog exercise park be named Burlingame Dog Exercise Park. REPORTS 1. Capital Improvement Project Updates. Director Williams reported on the following projects: A. Landfill & Bayside Park Projects. Construction on the golf driving range and soccer field is currently underway. Williams also noted that negotiations are continuing with the proposed golf range operator and that the lower deck area (including the new parking area, ballfield, lagoon trail and proposed dog exercise park) will be closed as a landfill soon, so that development can begin. Public use of the lower deck facilities is anticipated in Spring, 2000. `1�.— 2 B. Burlingame Aquatic Center. Williams reported that an anonymous donor has offered to contribute $1 million to the swim pool project if the pool can be expanded to 50 meters by 25 yards. The SMUHSD Board of Trustees and the City Council have both instructed staff to continue negotiations on this possible change. If approved, the change could delay the pool opening to Spring, 2000. C. Cuernavaca Park Shade Structure Demolition. The demolition contract has been signed with the contractor and work is expected to begin in early June. Staff will notify park neighbors before the demolition project begins. E. J Lot Parking Lot & Playground Renovation. This project has been awarded and work will begin within a few days. E. Laguna Park Playground Renovation. Staff expects to receive final plans from the architect in June. Bidding can be conducted in time for construction early next fiscal year. F. Village Park Cottage Renovation and Addition. Work is well underway on this project. 2. Parks Division Report. Parks Superintendent Richmond's written report noted that: All ballfields are now being routinely prepared; Bayside Soccer Field has been aerated, overseeded, fertilized and topdressed; Spring tree planting is continuing; City's tree contractor is pruning Eucalyptus trees south of Oak Grove, along the railroad tracks; and five persons have been offered positions in the Parks Division. 3. Recreation Division Report. Director Williams noted that summer class and camp registration has been busy. He reminded Commissioners of Art in the Park on June 12 & 13 and noted that there will be a free Music in the Park concert each Sunday afternoon during the month of July. 4. Commissioner Reports. • Commissioner Muller asked Director Williams if any new restrooms were planned for Bayside Park with the new facilities near and behind the existing park. Williams replied that no new restrooms are planned. When the park is completed, major restroom facilities will be available adjacent to the Soccer Center in the golf shop building, as well as the existing restrooms at Bayside Park Diamond #1. He noted that at some point in the future, Airport Boulevard will be widened and the Phase III Plan for Bayside Park calls for the existing restroom to be rebuilt down the left field line a few feet. • Commissioners Muller and Dittman also noted that they had experienced the problem of poor visibility when playing on the left field side of Bayside Diamond # l during the time period about one-half hour before sunset. For some reason the sun and the N%� 3 reflection off the Bay make it difficult to see hit balls in the evening hours. Muller and Dittman asked if another band of green windscreen material could be placed above the existing screening on the backstop to further screen the sun. • Commissioners Muller and Dittman also noted that there were some burrs and rough edges on posts in Bayside Park #1 dugouts and that clothes and fingers could catch on the rough spots. Chairman Nilmeyer asked if pathway lights were planned for the pathway at Burlingame High School from Oak Grove to the Aquatic Center. He noted that it is very dark in that area and that the Commission would like to explore the possibility of lighting some of the tennis courts in that area for night play. Director Williams indicated that the pathway lighting would be considered when landscaping along the pathway was discussed. He also noted that there has been opposition to lighting any high school tennis courts from some neighbors along Oak Grove. Nilmeyer asked that staff consider installing conduits for future lighting when any renovation work is done along the pathway between the tennis courts. Commissioner Piccetti noted that there was no water available in the drinking fountain at Village Park. Williams stated he would investigate, but that it might be difficult to keep water service turned on during the current construction project there. • Commissioner Muller complimented Recreation Supervisor Mike Blondino on his work to support the community athletic leagues and programs. She especially appreciates his efforts to start new leagues in Burlingame for women. Chairman Nilmeyer directed that staff place new business items on the June agenda re: Reorganization of the Commission and possible cancellation of the August Commission meeting. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Nilmeyer adjourned the meeting at 8:03 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Jo W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director attachment: Commission C.I.P. Priority List