HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2000.11.16MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, November 16, 2000 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Ed Larios at 7:02 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present Commissioner Absent: Staff Present: Others Present: MINUTES Erickson, Heathcote, Larios, Lawson, Minderman and Muller; Youth Commissioners Martindale and Zhao Dittman Parks & Recreation Director John Williams, Recreation Supervisor Tricia Pinney Donald Cory, 833 Alpine Avenue, Burlingame, CA, 94010 Minutes of the October 19, 2000 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Donald Cory addressed the Commission regarding three issues: Contractors are being careless with their trucks on the project now underway on Carolan near Alpine and Mr. Cory stated that City landscaping and trees are being damaged. Director Williams will check on the matter and respond to Cory. 2. He repeated his previous concern that no large swings were installed in Alpine Park when the playground was renovated. Williams and several Commissioners noted that Federal regulations now require 36 feet of clear space for swings and that the Park Committee for that park decided not to have large swings so that more play equipment of other types could be installed. Cory also complained that the City has inappropriately trimmed the Oak tree which he donated for planting in Washington Park. Williams will respond to Mr. Cory. OLD BUSINESS Update on Teen Center Project. Director Williams reported that the first round of public meetings have been held with the architect and that the consultants are presently summarizing that information and gathering other related data. Represented at the two public meetings were the Lions Club, the Historical Society, the Senior Commission, the Parks & Recreation Commission, students and City staff. 2. Report on Youth Advisory Committee. Youth Advisory Commissioners Martindale reported on Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) activities. They presented a flyer which has been developed for the YAC and summarized some the activities of the Committee. Director Williams also presented a memo from Recreation Division staff summarizing YAC activities and describing trips that have been planned for teens. (Attachment A) NEW BUSINESS 1. Report on Special Events and Other Recreation Programs. ams. Recreation Supervisor Tricia Pinney described her program assignments. She noted that some of her programs, such as Art in the Park and the City Golf Tournament, generate revenues which are used to offer scholarships to low income children and to subsidize other programs for children. The free Music in the Park concert series each July is also subsidized by program profits. Commissioners asked questions about several programs and program issues. Commissioner Minderman stated that he believed that Pinney and the Recreation staff should be complimented for the high quality recreation programs and activities that the City offers to Burlingame residents. 2. Cancellation of December Commission Meeting. Commissioners discussed the cancellation of the regular December meeting of the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Minderman, seconded by Chairman Larios and approved 5-0 (Dittman and Erickson absent) to cancel the December, 2000 meeting of the Commission due to a lack of business and holiday schedule conflicts. The next regular meeting of the Commission will be at 7:00 p.m., on January 18, 2001 in Conference Room A, City Hall. REPORTS 1. Capital Improvement Project Updates. Director Williams reported on the following capital improvement projects. A. The Lower Deck project has been accepted by the City. Several punch list items remain, but the major part of the work has been completed. The trail along Sanchez Lagoon should be open for public use soon. Grass must still be grown in and maintained by the contractor on the new ballfield and the dog exercise park. 2 Williams stated that the grand opening ceremonies for the dog exercise park have been scheduled for 12:00 noon on Saturday, January 27, 2001. Saturday, February 3 �- is the rain backup date for the opening ceremonies. The new ballfield grand opening will be held in late March or early April. B. Landscape architect John Cahalan is presently at work on the design for modifications at Cuernavaca Park. C. Cahalan has completed work on plans for the BART strip relandscaping on the east side of California Drive north of Dufferin. The completed plans are now being reviewed by BART engineers and the City engineering staff. Work cannot begin until BART completes work on new drain lines in the area. D. Commissioners Lawson and Minderman reported on their participation in the Trenton Park Committee. The Committee has had its first meeting to advise the project architect on design issues for the Trenton tot lot rehabilitation project. Design is underway, with construction planned for summer in the 2001-2002 FY. E. The improvement project for the Washington Park ballfield lights is underway. A structural engineer is studying the soundness of the light poles. F. The Aquatic Center (Oak Grove) parking lot project bid has been awarded by the San Mateo Union High School District. Construction should begin immediately. G. No new information is available on discussions regarding improvements to the high school football field or the practice field. 2. Parks and Recreation Division Reports. A written Parks report had been provided to Commissioners previously. Williams encouraged Commissioners to invite interested persons to apply for the current Parks Maintenance Worker position now open in the Parks Division. Williams noted that Commissioners are invited to attend the Holiday Faire at the Recreation Center on Saturday, December 2 and the Tree Lighting Ceremony at City Hall on December 8. 3. Commissioner Reports. A. Commissioner Lawson asked about the status of skateboard parks. Williams reported that the City of San Mateo is presently working with the County to develop a first rough masterplan for a skateboard park at Coyote Point south of the Humane Society. When a masterplan is developed, a better cost estimate for the project can be presented to San Mateo, Foster City and Burlingame for consideration. He also stated that Millbrae is moving ahead with the YMCA on a proposed skateboard park on City land, just north of Mills High School. Burlingame could possibly end up with two skateboard parks located just north and just south of the City boundaries in San Mateo and Millbrae. �)o V ( :�' PAA- �It B. Chairman Larios mentioned the need for electrical outlets and storage in or near the Burlingame High School tennis courts. Director Williams will investigate with �- District officials and confirm what is being planned. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Larios adjourned the meeting at 7:41 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, J W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director Attachment: Memo re Youth Activities Committee activities Reminder: Next regular meeting of the Commission will be Thursday, January 18, 2001. 2