HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1987.03.1624 CALL TO ORDER A duly on the ca11ed noticed regular neeting of the Burlingame City Council was above date in the City Hal1 Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7:33 p.n. by Mayor Gloria H. Barton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Director of Public Works, Ralph Kirkup. ROLL CALI uURr,INuAMr,, C^LIr 0Rl IA March 16, 1987 AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, MANGINI, PAGLIARO NONE held was COUNCILMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS MINUTES PRESENT: ABSENT: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2,1987 were approved. 1340 - ESTABLISHING STOPPUBLIC HEARING - SECOND READING - ORDINANCE SIGNS ON HOWARD AVENUE AT LORTON AVENUE Director of Public Works reviewed his meno of February 24 in which he recomnended council hold public hearing and then adopt this ordinanceto establish a four way stop at the corner of Howard and LortonAvenues. The Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission revieued thisissue and recommended stop signs, as data showed the intersection meets traffic volume and accident warrants. He responded to council that there is already a stop on Lorton at Howard, by put.ting stop signs on Howard there will be a four way stop at this intersection. Mayor Barton opened the hearing was cLosed, public hearing. There being no comments, the Councilman Anstrup moved adoption of ORDINANCE 1340. Seconded by Councilman Mang ini . Councilman Lembi recommended installation of the stop signs as soon aspossible rather than waiting 30 days; this is a dangerous intersection and there was a serious accident there a week ago. City Attorney noted that if council wants the neasure enforced by police immediately it would have to adopt an urgency ordinance; or signs could beinstalled but police could onJ-y lssue warnings until 30 days pass. Councilmen Amstrup and Mangini were agreeable to adding installation of the signs as soon as possible to their motion. Councilman Amslrup reviewed council r s at.tention because Hetchy uater systen. that he had brought this issue t it could limit any expansion of o Hetch Mayor Barton noted she did not like to vote on something until she has seen both sides of the issue. City Manager said SB27 appears to be the same as IIR4089, a copy of which was attached to his report; staff will get more ioformation and council will discuss further at Lhe Study Meeting and continue this meeting until then to take action. SUMMER JOBS FOR YOUTH 1987 City Manager reviewed hi-s meno of March 7 in which he reconnended council allocate funds for the Summer Jobs for Youth program. Council has supported this program for the past four years and they are requestinB, between $775 based on Burlingamers 1986 utilization or $975 based on percen!age of youth population. He recommended council allocate $975. The motion carried unaninously 5-0 on ro11 call vote. SB27 - LIMITING EXPANSION OP WATER SYSTEM 25 Councilman Manginl moved to allocate $975 to Summer Jobs for Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously on voice Youth. vote. AUTHORIZE MAYOR TO VOTE AT COUNCIL OF MAYORS FOR APPOINTMENT COUNTY ENGINEERS TO ADVISORY COMMISSION ON TRANSPORTATION OF CITY Directgr of Public Works reviewed his memo of i{ar ch 24 in which he recomroended council authorize the Mayor to vote at the Council of Mayors to appoint the City/County Engineers Associatlon as the Advisory Comnission to develop the County Transportation Expenditure Plan if one half cent sales tax increase is enacted. He revieued that each ci.ty council would have input. for planned projects as well as implenentation of the tax. Councilnan Pagliaro by staff . Seconded vote. noved to authorize the Mayor by Councilman Lembi, carried to vote as suggesLed unanimously on voice CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUT]ON 27-87 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF ANZA WATERLINE FREEWAY UNDERCROSSING - JOB OO5W Assistant Civil Engineer's memo of accept the above job as completed fhe a6ount of $67,769.98. March 4 recommended by Manual C, Jardirn, council Inc. in b RESOLUTION PICKUP 28-87 - RENEWING AGREEMENT FOR STATEWIDE PRISONER Police Chief's memo of agreement with the Los for stateuide pri soner recommended council renew Ehis County Sheriff through the County March 4 Angeles pickup. C RESOLUTION 29-87 - IN SUPPORT OF PENINSULA PRESERVE COMMUTER RAIL SERVICE IN BAYSHORE LEGISLATORS TO CORRIDOR AND 58666 RES0LUTION 30-87 JoB 005 ACCEPTING COMPLETION OP ANZA FREEWAY GRADING Senior Civil Engineer I s accept as conplete thi s anount of $695,920. memo of project March 10 by Grade recommended council Way Construction in the e RESOLUTION 31-87 - AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT NO. I TO AGREEMENT FOR MAIN PUMP STATION BYPASS DESIGN - JOB 405 City Enginee.r I s meno of March 12 reconmended council auLhori-zethe amendnent wit.h CI12M Hill in the amount of $76,934 for theRollins Sewer Bypass under Rollins Road and Highway 101. f. DENIAL OF CLAIM: JANNELLE AND JOSEPH BECERRA Ci ty Attorney's meno reconnended deni.a1. 361 CALIFORNIAAMUSEMENT PERMlT MICKEYI S PIZZA, City AtEorney t s rnemo amusement pernit f or Grandfauher I s Pizza. 4 recomrnended council approve thiseight video machines at the former approval of Warrants 33786 - 34057,of $798,964.05 and Payroll Checksof February 1987 in the amount of of March Lhe sane h. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recomnended duly audited, in the amount 7343). - 74LL6 for the month $70s,6s8.s0. Councilman Manginj. noved approval of the by Councilman Lembi, carried unanimously Consent Calendar. by voice vote. Seconded a. Letters from SamTrans and Senator Quentin (opp recommendedcouncil support this legislation to preserve peninsula rail service. d. 26 FOURTH OF JULY Councilman Pagliaro noted Lhat when council adopted Lhe ban on fireworks it discussed providing an alternative celebration. Barton said she has discussed with the City Manager and thought Point would be a good place for fireworks display. City Manag related some informal discussion has been had with neighboring Coyote Point is under county jurisdiction. Fisherman Park is 1 in Burlingame but belongs to county, there is 1ittIe parking at site. Some office complexes in Lhe bayfronL area have large pa areas but they are private property. WATER CONSERVATION Councilman Lembi asked if city was considering some water conse measures. He suggested council take a position regarding conse water. City Manager noLed Director of Public Works has discuss San Francisco and more information will be forthcoming. OX MOUNTAIN LANDFILL Mayor Barton noted she had received a letter from BFI asking co support regarding use of the landfi11. Council agreed to a let support. SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARING Mayor Barton acknowledged a let.ter from attorneys for India C1u appealing the Planning Commission denial for their parking varj. L2O9 Howard. Hearing lras scheduled f or the April 6 meeting. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: Traffic, Safety and Parking, February Civil Service, February 10; Planning, March 9, L987. yor oyote r ities, cate d that ing d at ion ing with ci1 r of ce at 9;a b c Proclamations : National Dispatchers Week, April Development Program. Library Week, April L2-L8; Commendat.ion 5-11; National to YMCA Youth Two letters from 27 residents on Newlands activities at 1510 Newlands, and response complaining of by City Attorney. City Attorney noted this t,ime and the difficulty homes like this. business hasnft had a State license fo of keeping track of state and county op s ome rated d. Police Report, February L987. PUTNAM MAZDA LIGHTS Councilman Pagliaro inquired about the sLatus of the Putnam 1ig plans; he drove by several nights and the lights are very intru City Planner said they would be on next Planning agenda for stu action would take place until the following meeting. Pagliaro some interim plan where the lights would be t,urned off until t.h plans are approved. FROM THE FLOOR There were no public comments. ADJOURNMENT t ing ive. y but vored l_r I The meeting 18 in order was to adjourned at 7:58 p.m. to the Study Meeting of take action on 5827. Judirh A. Malfa Ciuy Clerk 1 arch