HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1988.10.17274 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA October t7, 1988 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council washeld on the above date in the City HaII Council Chambers and wascalled to order at 7:45 p.m. by Mayor Frank J. Pagliaro, Jr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Sehool Board Member Mary Janney. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI, PAGLIARO COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MANGINI (vacation) Mayor Pagliaro apologi-zed for the late start of the meeting which was due to council interviewing applJ-cants for commission vacancies. M]NUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 3, 1988 were approved. CONTINUE HEARING ON ORDINANCE DING OVERLAY ZONE ON BAYSHORE HWY Mayor Pagliaro noted City Planner's recommendation to continue this hearing on an ordinance to provide an overlay zone on properties zoned M-1 fronting on Bayshore Highway until the November 7 meeting when a full council would be seated. Council continued the hearing. CONTINUE REVIEW OF CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL PROJECT Mayor Pagliaro stated the applicants had requested a continuance tothe November 7 meeting. Council continued the hearing. INTERIM ORDINANCE 1375 - REGULAT]NG SECOND STORY ADDITIONS IN HILLSIDE AREAS WITH MINIMUM LOT SIZES OF 10 OOO AND 7 OOOSF City Planner reviewed her memo of October 7 in which she recommend.edcouncil hold a public hearing and take action. Recent residentialadditions in the Mills Estates area have brought to council atten-tion the fact that the CC&Rs which originally protected existing resi-dences with views from structural obstruction caused by secondstory additions on neighboring properties have expired. Review ofpresent city regulati-ons reveal that these regulations do not address the problem of view obstruction in hillside areas. At the Iast meeting council directed staff to prepare an interim ordinanceto provide for public review of second story additions in hillsideareas. This ordinance defines the area affected, defines the termsof what is to be evaluated, and defines a temporary process for reviewing all second story additions within the affected areas. Neighbors would be notified of any proposed addition, ds weII as Planning Commissioners and Council members, any of whom could call the addition up for review. Councilwoman Barton noticed that the ordinance only provided forprotection of views from "common living areas" and that this did not include bedrooms. She was sure people would want views from bedrooms protected also. Councilman Lembi agreed. City Planner noted the wording could be changed to "habitable areas" which would include bedrooms. Mayor Pagliaro found the wording regarding the map areas to be confusing, staff will reword this section to better reflect the attached map. Councilman Amstrup discussed the complaint council had received regarding an addition on Arguello and that he had received calls about another such addition going up. Mayor Pagliaro opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hearing was closed. councilman Amstrup moved adoption of INTERIM oRDINANCE 1375, with the chanqe of wording protecting views from all habitable areas and the change of wording referring to the map. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried 4-0 unanimously by roll caII vote of members present. Mayor Pagliaro commented that an fnterim ordinance takes affect irunediately and for a limited time while staff develops permanent solutions . INTERIM ORD]NANCE 1375 CREEKSIDE LOTS PROHIBITING DEVETOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION OF City Attorney reviewed his memo of october 7 in which he recommended council hold public hearing and take action. At the last council meeting council directed that an interim ordinance be prepared to prohibit subdivision of creekside lots and limit develoPment to protect the natural creek area until more comprehensive regulations can be prepared. Creeks are defined by the 1954 report on Flood Control and Drainage. CounciLman Amstrup stated that he had reviewed this ordinance with contractors and builders, they had noted that historically creeks have been considered an amenity to a lot and not to be developed. He suggested that an additional 10 foot setback be established outside and para11el to the 100 year flow line where construction could not take place. Mayor Pagliaro opened the public hearing. Nancy Finney, LO2O Drake, reviewed need to protect creeks, clear debris and culverts to control flooding; citizens need long term improvements. James Yawn, 1815 Carmelita, supported this ordinance; due to increasing property values people are trying to use creek land; city needs to review all creeks, protect creek setting; City of San Mateo witl be reviewing their creeks; need to review the 100 year flow Iine as the old study is over 30 years oId and creeks have changed. cene Supanich, 1036 cabrillo, reviewed creek flooding, creek goes over bank worse each year; setback requirements must be established. David Ferenc, 1015 Cabri11o, urged study of creeks; trees needed to protect creek flood plain and anchor soil. Lois Burro$rs, 1801 Carmelita, agreed that the creeks needprotecting; the palm trees on her Iot act as blockades in creek; need some standards for improvements and building near creeks; every property owner should be required to maintain their creek area. Mayor Pagliaro closed the public hearing. Council discussed the h,ording of 100 year flood plain versus creek, agreed that the definition should stand as worded in the ordinance until new study of creeks is done. Council saw a need for a new survey of city creeks to establish the 100 year flow level in each creek. A new study would take several months. Council directedstaff to get estimates on a neh, survey. Councilman Amstrup moved adoption of INTERIM oRDINANCE the addition of 10 foot setback along each side of the levet in each creek. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, unanimously by roII call vote. 1376, with 100 year flohr carr ied Mayor Pagliaro declared a recess at 8:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:32 p.m. with four council- members present. RESOLUTION 97-88 - APPROVING NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ZONING CHANGE SECOND READING - ORDINANCE 7374 - RECLASSIFYING FOUR PARCELS FROM LIGHT INDUSTR]AL (M-1) TO WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL (c-4) City Planner reviewed her memo of october 7 in which she recommended council hold public hearing and take action. Before approval of the 275 276 ordj-nance, council should adopt a resolution approving a negativedeclaration finding that the project will not have a significantenvironmental impact. To achieve better consistency between theceneral Plan and the Zoning Ordinance, four properties in thebayfront area should be rezoned to Waterfront Commercial. Thesefour properties are 1333 Bayshore (Hyatt Hotel) , 1,299 Bayshore (anoffice building) , 1777 Airport (Sheraton Hotel_) and 350 Beach Road(drive-in theater). The Planning Commission recommended thisrezoning unanimously to council. Mayor Pagliaro opened the public hearing. There being no co[unents,the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Barton moved to adopt RESOLUTION 97-88 approvinnegative declaration, and adoption of ORDINANCE 1374 RezoninParcels. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimouslvoice vote. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP I8O1 CARMELITA Public Works Director reviewed the memo of October 1.2 which notedthe Planning Commission approved this division of land at its October 1"1 meeting \4rith two conditions, that all structures be g theg Four vbv placed clear of the l-00 year flood pla be retained on the lots. He noted tha adopted this night would not affect thaffect the plans for buildings on the be outside the 10 foot setback adjacen and that four large trees he interim ordinanceot division, but it could es which would now have too the 100 year flood f1ow. Itr,tteLsittt Mayor Pagliaro asked the Director to revielv criteria council must consider for this map approval: (1) recommendations of cityengineer; (2) compatibility of proposed lots to neighborhood; (3) accessibility for safety services; (4) proposed grading and contourconformity. Director noted the lots are essentially flat. Mayor Pagliaro opened the floor to cornments. Lois Burrows, applicant, showed an overhead slide map of the proposed lots and the creek flow area. She noted that the o1d city maps show a substantially different flow area for the creek. Theproposed lots are very large and she does not plan to build in the 100 year flow area of the creek. She will leave the trees, althoughthe city engineer has said the palm trees obstruct the creek. She noted an area wide need for more housing. Charles Kavanaugh, applicantrs engineer, spoke in favor the the lotdivision; any proposed house would be above the flood plain; he approved of the proposed survey of creeks to determine L00 year flood flow since recent floods do not seem to fit the pattern. Speaking in opposition were several neighbors with concern about changes in creek; urged delay decision on map until new creek surveyis done; sho\red overhead slide of area where creek flows, all those l-ots through which creek flows are very large, these new lots would not be as largei could not see how houses could be fit onto theseIots outside the creek Iines; workers remodeling a house are using area under bridges in creek beds for toilet, should be cleaned; opposed to tearing down the trees. Mayor Pagliaro closed the floor to cornrnents. Council discussed its concern about this lot division, but it couldnot see any grounds to deny it considering the parameters by whichit must be judged. Council urges strongly no variances be requestedfor future development of these 1ots. Council and Planning Commission still miqht review structures to be placed on the lots. Mayor Pagliaro moved to approve this tentative and final parcel map. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by ro11 caII. REVIEW OF CROSSWALKS AT OAK GROVE/PALOMA Public Works Director reviewed the memo of October 13 recappingTraffic Safety and Parking Commission action regarding the 277 crosswalks near McKinley School . The Cormission recommends that children cross only at El Camino where a crossing guard is on duty. The crossing guard will place caution signs in street before and after school. Staff wiII arrange for removal of the crosswalks at Paloma and oak Grove. council accepted the commission recommendation. CONSENT CALENDAR Staff noted that the FAU projects (d) have been revised and an amended resolution was recornmended for approval . Council inquired if the Broadway sign was working properly, staff replied yes. councilman Amstrup noted that the fence in the encroachment permit (f) is substantial and the property owner should be notified about the need for building permits. a INTRODUCTION OF ORDINAI.ICE 13'17 PREMfSE TO THREE - LIMITING NI]MBER OF CATS UPON A city Attorney's memo of october 5 recommended council introduce this ordinance to control the number of cats which may be keptat a premise. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1378 - ESTABLISHING A DECLINING HEIGHT ENVETOPE IN R-1 AND R-2 DISTRICTS city Plannerrs memo of october 13 recomrended council introducethis ordinance and set public hearing for November 7. c. RESOLUTIoN 98-88 - AUTHoRIZING DESTRUCTIoN oF RECORDS FINANCE Einance Director's memo of october 1l- recommended council authorize destruction of deposit slips more than five years old . d. RESOLUTION 99-88 SUPPORT]NG HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Public Works memo of October 6 recommended council adopt this resolution approving highway projects (FAU). e. RESoLUTION 100-88 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF BROADWAY SIGN CP521 Public works memo completion of the Brumfield Electric of Br S october 7 recommended council accept oadway Arch Sign reconstruction byign in the amount of $34,662.!2. f. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR FENCE AT 2828 TROUSDALE DRIVE Public works memo of october 11 recommended council approvethis permit for a 20 inch high fence at the back of sidewalk subject to standard permit conditions. s WARRANTS AND PAYROLT Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 41738 - 42129, duly audited, in the amount of $1,451 ,620.'75 and Payroll Checks 85758 - 87768 for the month of september 1988 in the amount of $755,080.31. Councilman Lembi moved approval of the consent Calendar, includingthe revised resolution approving highway projects. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by voice vote. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Amstrup hoped council members would attend the nextcouncil of Mayors meeting on October 28. Several topics of importance will be discussed at that meeting. MOSQUITO ABATEMENT BOARD APPOINTMENT Mayor Pagliaro noted the term expiration of the cityrs Mosquito Abatement Board member. councilman Lembi moved to reappoint TerenceFibich to the Mosquito Abatement Board for another two year term 278 until December 31, 1990. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously. SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARINGS Mayor Pagliaro scheduled two appeal hearings for November 7: (1) 134-136 Bloomfield, garage alteration, (2) L440 Chapin, real estateoffice. Mayor Pagliaro also noted a received by city officials.Ietter commenting on the high salaries He requested staff respond to this. a b ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Cornmission Minutes: Civil Service, September 1-2;Beautification, October 6; and Planning, October 11, 1988. 1988 Draft San Mateo County So1j-d Waste Management P1an, and memo regarding same from City P1anner. Memo from City Manager regarding cancellation of study meeting. d. Letter from Mosquito Abatement Board regarding reappointment. e. Treasurerts report, september 30, 1988. f. Building Report, september 1988. S. Executive Sunmary of Draft 1988 State Transportation System Management Plan for Bay Area. h. Letter from Mrs. Bigelow regarding tree trimming. i. Letter from County Transportation Authority asking support of Regional Measure 1, bridge toll increase. FROM THE FLOOR There were no colunents from the floor. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:23 p.m Judith A. MalfattCity Clerk