HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2000.10.19MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission `- Thursday, October 19, 2000 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Ed Larios at 7:01 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Erickson, Heathcote, Larios, Lawson, Minderman and Muller; Youth Commissioners Martindale and Zhao Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams, Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz, Recreation Supervisor Mike Blondino, Recreation Coordinator Tim Barry and Recreation Coordinator Dave Barry MINUTES Minutes of the September 21, 2000 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. OLD BUSINESS Update on Teen Center Project. Recreation Superintendent Schwartz reported that contract negotiations with DES Engineering (project architect) are complete and the contract for services has been signed. Staff and the design firm have scheduled the first meetings to begin collecting public input. The first meetings are planned to include members of the Lions Club and members of the Historical Society. It is hoped that the final report, with recommendations, can be brought to the City Council for review in February, 2001. Commissioners agreed that Commissioner Heathcote will represent the Commission at the first meetings. 2. Report on Youth Advisory Committee. Youth Advisory Commissioners Martindale and Zhao reported on Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) activities. The group is just beginning its work for the school year. Design of the YAC tee shirt for committee members to wear when conducting special events for teens is complete. YAC members are going to participate in the Safe Streets Halloween project, the Holiday Faire at the Recreation Center and the Holiday Tree Lighting. 3. Report on Burlingame Sports Programs. Superintendent Schwartz introduced other Recreation Division staff present at the meeting. Elementary Sports. Supervisor Blondino and Coordinator Tim Barry reported on the elementary sports program being conducted for 4th and 5th grade students. Commissioner Minderman complimented staff on the development of the new volleyball court at Ray Park. Burlingame Intermediate School Athletic Program. Director Williams gave new Commissioners some background on the development of the B.I. S. program. He noted that without City involvement, there would probably be no after school sports program for intermediate school students. Coordinator Dave Barry reviewed the program which he conducts at B.I.S. He noted that the B.I.S. program is very comprehensive and that lacrosse for girls and volleyball for boys are being considered as possible new programs. Commissioner Dittman asked about the type of flag football rules which are used at B.I.S. She noted that the "passing league" rules really do little to prepare boys to play football at the high school level. Schwartz and Blondino discussed the makeup of the intermediate school league in which B.I.S. teams participate. Staff has determined that it is better for all concerned to participate in the existing league because competition is better in all of the other sports than it would be if this program was moved to a new league. Changing to a different sports league would also mean extensive travel times to schools located considerably further from Burlingame. Current league member schools are in South San Francisco, Millbrae, Hillsborough and Burlingame. Blondino also noted that serious football players currently have the options of participating in summer football camps and of playing in Pop Warner Football if they wish to learn advanced football skills. Commissioners and staff discussed the Code of Conducts recently developed for players, coaches and parents. Issues around the conduct of children and adults were discussed at length. Everyone present expressed concerns about the deterioration of behavior norms in athletic programs for children as evidenced in recent years all around the country. All agreed that the majority of problems are caused by parents and adult spectators, not by the children involved. Commissioner Minderman asked about team selection processes and Schwartz and Blondino discussed that subject. Minderman stated that he felt reassured that selection processes were appropriate, after hearing the input from staff. Community Youth Sports Groups. Schwartz described the organization of the various youth sports boards in the community (e.g., AYSO and CYSA, soccer; BYBA, youth baseball; and BGSL (girls softball). The City supports these organizations with the provision of playing facilities, meeting space, publicity, etc. Each group is required to pay a $20 fee (applied to field maintenance) for each player in their league who is not a Burlingame resident. There is a $1,000 cap in place for nonresident fees. FA Schwartz discussed the development of the new Aquatics Club Board of Directors and noted the similarities and differences proposed between that group and the other local youth sports groups. Chairman Larios asked about the operation of the Aquatics Foundation, founded to support the Aquatic Center. Schwartz reported that the Foundation now has in excess of $500,000 in hand to be used in support of special pool needs for maintenance and operation. Adult Sports. Blondino reported on the City program of adult sports leagues. Leagues currently offered include softball, volleyball, basketball and soccer. Programs for adults continue to be strong in Burlingame, although, nationwide, some reductions in the numbers of softball participants are being noted. Commissioner Muller asked about the condition of the main gym floor at Burlingame High School. Chairman Larios replied that the floor had not been properly refinished during the summer months and that it is scheduled to be refinished during the winter holiday vacation period. Commissioner Lawson asked about the Gaelic Football practice and games that had been scheduled for the Soccer Center in May, June and July. Blondino reported that the youth league had not been very successful, but that adult teams used the facility all summer and were very complimentary in their comments about the Soccer Center. Commissioner Larios complimented staff on behalf of the Commission for the high quality of sports programs that are being offered to residents of the City of Burlingame. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report on Artificial Turf. Williams, Schwartz and Chairman Larios all reported on the artificial turf fields that they had examined in the Seattle, Washington area recently. All reported being impressed with the new products now being placed on the market. Several major college and professional sports team are playing on the new turf. The turf is similar to the material that was placed on the Golf Center driving range, but is thicker and is filled with combinations of crushed rubber tires and sand (depending upon the manufacturer). Commissioner Miderman asked about the safety of participants playing on the new style artificial turf. He was advised of the differences between "Astro Turf' and the new artificial turf. Reports from the installations now in play around the country indicate that injury rates are no higher on the new turf than on natural grass fields for the same sports. Director Williams reported that there are now fields of the new turf in use at Sacred Heart Cathedral HS in San Francisco, at Valley Christian HS in San Jose, at a new park district field in Pleasanton and that the City of Santa Clara is currently under construction for a new artificial turf soccer field in the area near Great America. Larios noted that the San Mateo High School District is considering installing the new artificial turf at Burlingame HS football field because of the heavy demands placed upon the field as the only night lighted field in the District. The field is also heavily used by youth soccer and other groups. The District is investigating ways to secure contributions or to have the field installed as a demonstration field for the new product. K Director Williams stated that City staff has been considering the installation of artificial turf �-- in the infield at Washington Park when softball and youth baseball programs are moved to Bayside Park next year. After talking with several user groups, staff now believes that the infield should be planted in grass. Not only would the original installation of natural grass be less expensive, user groups have indicated a willingness to participate in ongoing infield maintenance because they prefer the aesthetics of a natural grass field. It was moved by Commissioner Minderman, seconded by Commissioner Muller and approved 7-0 to recommend to staff and City Council that the City pursue the idea of supporting efforts to place the new type artificial turf on the Burlingame HS field where both the School District and community users would benefit from a better quality field. Commissioner Muller asked about the use of turf irrigation water from the new well at Washington Park on the ballfield. Williams reported that there have been several problems in bringing the new well online and that, at present, the Public Works Department is studying the project to see if the well and distribution system for its water can be made operational. REPORTS 1. Capital Improvement Project Updates. Director Williams reported on the following capital improvement projects. A. Most work on the golf range and soccer center has been completed. The golf range teaching station is now out to bid. Completion is expected in January or February. Lower deck improvements are rapidly nearing completion and substantial completion and acceptance of the project should be completed'With two weeks. There will be a 90 day maintenance period for grass and landscaping to grow -in. Dog exercise park opening is planned for January, 2001 and the ballfield grand opening should occur in late March or April. B. The Aquatic Center final punch list is near completion. Only several minor items remain. The tennis court rehabilitation project near the pool is complete and the courts are in play. Williams stated that he expects the District to go to bid on the proposed parking lot and landscaped entry into the pool area soon. C. Landscape architect John Cahalan is presently at work on the design for modifications at Cuernavaca Park. D. Cahalan has completed work on plans for the BART strip relandscaping on the east side of California Drive north of Dufferin. The completed plans are now being reviewed by BART engineers and the City engineering staff. Work cannot begin until BART completes work on new drain lines in the area. H E. Work is set to begin on the design of the rehabilitation project for the Trenton Park playground. Parks Superintendent Tim Richmond will convene a committee of neighbors, Recreation staff, parks staff, the project architect and two Parks and Recreation Commissioners. Commissioners Lawson and Minderman have agreed to serve on the playground committee. F. The improvement project for the Washington Park ballfield lights is underway. A structural engineer is studying the soundness of the light poles. If all poles are in satisfactory condition, staff will proceed with the replacement of the old outfield lights. New down -the -line and bullpen fencing will also be installed before the Spring season. 2. Department Ouarterly Report. Commissioners had received the Department's 1 st quarter activity report for the FY 2000-200. 3. Commissioner Reports. There were no Commissioner reports. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Larios adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, John W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director K 5