HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2000.01.20MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, January 20, 2000 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Acting Chairman Kirk Heathcote at 7:01 p.m. in Conference Room A, Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Erickson, Heathcote, Lawson, Muller, Minderman and Youth Advisory Commissioners Martindale and Warden Commissioner Absent: Larios Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director John Williams and Recreation Superintendent Randy Schwartz Others Present: Kim Bentley, 101 Crescent, Burlingame; Mark Gallo, 776 Stonegate, South San Francisco; Kerry & Leslie Inokuchi, 1440 Cortez, Burlingame CHAIRMAN It was the consensus of the Commission that Commissioner Kirk Heathcote should serve as Acting Chairman for this meeting in the absence of Chairman Ed Larios (illness) and former Vice Chairman Nicole Piccetti (resigned). It was further agreed that the selection process to appoint a new Vice Chairman will be placed on the agenda for the February meeting of the Commission. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSIONERS Commissioners, staff and new Commissioners Erickson and Lawson introduced themselves. Acting Chairman Heathcote welcomed the new commissioners to the Commission. MINUTES Minutes of the November 18, 1999 meeting were approved, as presented. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Leslie Inokuchi presented a petition from Ray Park neighbors asking that a second basketball standard be placed at the Ray Park basketball court. Director Williams explained for new Commissioners that the previous basketball standards had been removed in 1995 when the court was designated for roller hockey use. One basketball standard was placed outside the playing surface, extending over the court. Staff concurs with Mrs. Inokuchi and her daughter that a second such standard would be well used and staff intends to proceed with the installation when funds are available. The type standard required is expensive. No action is required by the Commission. t OLD BUSINESS 1. Update on Teen Center Discussions. Director Williams reported that a meeting was held the previous week between City representatives and members of the Lions Club regarding development of a new teen/community center facility in Washington Park in the area of the Lions Hall. The City Council will be asked to hire a consultant to evaluate the Lions Hall building and make further recommendations. Commissioners asked to be kept advised on the progress of the project. 2. Report on Youth Advisory Committee. Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden reported on Y.A.C. activities. Superintendent Schwartz reported on the process to hire a replacement Teen Coordinator. Recreation Supervisor Mike Blondino will staff the Y.A.C. meeting and activities until a new person is hired in March. 3. Continued Discussion on Volleyball Gym Practice Time Availability. Director Williams summarized the discussion on this subject from the November Commission meeting for new Commissioners. Staff recognizes that there is an acute shortage of gymnasium space in Burlingame, particularly during the winter basketball/volleyball season. Mark Gallo, a girls volleyball team coach, summarized his problems in finding gym practice time. Ray Villaneuva, who had written the original letter to the Commission, was unable to attend the meeting due to a scheduled team practice time. Superintendent Schwartz reported that an arrangement has been brokered with the San Mateo Union High School District so that the City can reserve gym space and then arrange for community teams to use the space at a lower rental rate. This arrangement does not create any new gym space, however. Commissioner Minderman asked about the use of elementary school facilities, like Lincoln School. Schwartz noted that elementary gyms are used as much as possible, but that their small size and issues related to scheduling and setup/takedown often make use difficult. The new B.I.S. gym/cafeteria has helped provide more space recently, but elementary school teams are still having to practice far too late in the evenings. 4. Continued Discussion re State Ballot Proposition 12. Director Williams presented several informational pieces regarding the State Parks Bond issue, scheduled for the March 7, 2000 statewide election as Proposition 12. Williams indicated that the City of Burlingame should receive approximately $385,000 in per capita funds for park and recreation projects if the bond measure is successful. There was some Commission discussion on the matter. It was moved by Commissioner Lawson, seconded by Commissioner Minderman and passed 6-0 (Larios absent) to recommend that the City Council pass a resolution of support for the State Parks Bond Issue (Proposition 12) on the March 7 ballot. 2 NEW BUSINESS 1. Proposed Park Regulations for Golf and Soccer Centers. Commissioners reviewed proposed park regulations recommended by staff. The proposed regulations would ban all �- dogs except seeing eye or service dogs from the golf range and soccer field area. Smoking would also be banned in these same areas. It was moved by Commissioner Minderman, seconded by Commissioner Muller and passed 6-0 (Larios absent) to recommend that the City Council adopt park regulations for Bayside Park as proposed by staff. 2. Neighborhood Request for Short Basketball Standard at Pershing Park. Kim Bentley, a Pershing Park neighbor, presented a petition from residents in the park neighborhood asking for the installation of a short sized basketball standard for smaller children at Pershing Park. Staff and several commissioners spoke to the matter of larger children and adults damaging and breaking smaller basketball standards by dunking or hanging on the basket rim. Commissioner Muller noted that she has purchased a heavy duty basketball rim for use at her school because of similar problems. Director Williams stated that staff was willing to experiment with a lower basket in Pershing Park on a trial basis if a heavy duty rim assembly could be installed. It was moved by Commissioner Minderman, seconded by Commissioner Muller and passed 6-0 (Larios absent) to install a smaller basketball standard with a heavy duty rim assembly at Pershing Park for a one year trial period. REPORTS 1. Capital Improvement Project Updates. Director Williams reported on all capital improvement projects underway or recently completed so that new Commissioners could get an understanding of the various projects. Commissioner Erickson asked about promotional activities planned for the opening of new City facilities and offered to assist. 2. Parks Division Report. Director Williams reported that the staff is starting to prepare fields for the Spring baseball and softball seasons. 3. Recreation Division Report. Superintendent Schwartz reported that registration for Spring recreation activities was currently underway. 4. Commissioner Reports. Commissioner Muller asked about evening use of local gymnasiums and Superintendent Schwartz recapped some of the related issues. Muller also asked about the after school sports program at B.I.S. Director Williams stated that he would have Recreation Supervisor Blondino attend a future meeting of the Commission to discuss the B.I.S. program. �' 3 Commissioner Lawson asked about the future of the basketball court in Washington Park. Williams noted that any teen center construction in the area of the current Lions Hall will probably eliminate the outdoor basketball court. He pointed out that there are outdoor basketball courts at Burlingame High School that are available for public play on a regular basis. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Acting Chairman Heathcote adjourned the meeting at 8:49 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, r, Jo n W. Williams Parks & Recreation Director E I L VO January 14, 2000 Dear Mr. Williams, U� My name is Kerry Inokuchi. I am in fifth grade at Lincoln Elementary School, which is near Ray Park. During recess some kids and I go down to the basketball court to shoot hoops. The problem is there's only one hoop. We like to play different games, but every time we shoot, one ball gets knocked away by another ball. It's usually the girls shooting at the hoop because when the boys come they shoot at the hoop and there is usually no room for us. I also live a block away from Ray Park. I go to the basketball hoop on the weekends, but most of the time other people are already there shooting baskets. If there was another hoop, I could shoot at one hoop without waiting in line, and the kids and I could play one game at one hoop and another game at the other hoop. The boys could also shoot at one basket and the girls shoot at the other one. I was also wondering if you could add lines in the basketball court because then I would know where the free throw line is and practice my free throws. Could you also add the key, base line and side lines? I could (and others could) scrimmage against each other. It isn't just me who comes to Ray Park and finds another person at the hoop. I'm attaching to this letter a few sheets of people's signatures and addresses that agree with me that there should be another basketball hoop. They added in their addresses to prove that they live near Ray Park. My family and I would especially appreciate it if you could add another basketball hoop in Ray Park. Sincerely, Kerr nokuchi 1440 Cortez Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 TEL: 340-8735 �-- Keith Inokue"PV`%C4/ ff Inokuchi ( Leslie Inokuchi We agree that there should be another basketball hoop placed in Ray Park QY41u'i y ADDRESS o r i F J.1 YDc- 66h e, 11 (n ,n) IYA or I C- SS b e vA(? r V ± ' V-� L cN C)'\-, e k i 5A u 5 ^ aU, „( `as �y T. L Q YPPQI . 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