HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1982.02.04BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION February 4, 1982 The regularly scheduled Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting was called to order Thursday, February 4, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall by Vice Chairman Hagstrom. Vice Chairman Hagstrom served in the absence of Chairman Bowling. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Bacon, Carbon, Disco, Hagstrom, Levy, and Park Director Quadri. Absent : Commissioner Bowling (excused) Commissioner Perry (excused) MINUTES Minutes of the January 7, 1982 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Willa Sexton of the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula an- nouncing her intent to request a donation from said club for the Arbor Day planting. Also included were negatives from the wildflower plant- ing in Mills Canyon. 1/7/82 Letter from Evelyn Harper, President of the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula apologizing for the delay of the forthcoming donation for the wildflower planting in Mills Canyon. 1/11/82 Agenda for the Regional Planning Committee Litter Advisory Committee of the January 13, 1982 meeting. Attached was the 1981 Annual report of the Camp Glenwood/Youth Employment Program Weekend Work Crew Ex- perience. 1/11/82 Copy of letter to Ms. Evelyn Harper, President of the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula thanking the organization for their generous contribution toward the purchase of wildflower seed for Mills Canyon. 1/11/82 Donation from the Garden Study Club ($100.00) received from Mildred Hagstrom. Donation was for the wildflower planting in the Mills Can- yon Wildlife Area. 1/18/82 Donation to the Helen D'Arcy Fragrance Garden, in memory of the hus- band of Evelyn Cerruti and for the illness of Henrietta Wise, from the Lighthouse for the Blind. 1/25/82 REPORTS Commissioner Bacon Commissioner Bacon received a call from Ron Weave, re 1982 Resource Rally, inviting Burlingame to participate in the litter clean-up pro- gram between April 19th and April 25th. Ron Weaver will be contact- ing Director Quadri to discuss details. Commissioner Disco Along California Drive at Trousdale items are being dumped. Director Quadri indicated he would contact the San Francisco Water District. Commissioner Disco (cont'd.) The article from the Boutique re vandalism to the elm tree at 853 Paloma Avenue will be placed in the Beautification Commission's scrap book. Director Quadri informed the commission that Mayne Tree issued an Arborist report stating the tree is dead and must be removed. The City will attempt to retrieve the cost of removal, cost of the Arbor- ist report and the cost of planting a new tree from the vandal. Commissioner Lev -_-The January inspection for the Clean Campus Contest was qarried out by Commissioners Haqstrom and Levy and Mi rae s Beautification Commis- sioners Kirkbride and Brown on February 3rd. Taylor Intermediate and Burlingame Intermediate campuses were inspected for cleanliness in the entrance area, locker area, eating area, and grounds. Taylor Interme- diate won the January inspection by 2 points. -- Commissioner Hagstrom suggested that perhaps a letter could be sent to principals of the ele- mentary schools encouraging them to set up clean campus programs at their schools. Commissioner Carbon Commissione as to wheth that there A large tre been poorly Quadri will -bon reque er there were were no fees. on Broadwa trimmed and investigate �d clarification fees for a permit. by Bekins should be further. and trimmed n the street Director Qua tree policies ri indicated ether tree near Rector have more uniformly. Director Commissioner Carbon suggested the homeowners on El Camino Real be en- couraged to plant colorful plants between the Eucalyptus trees. After some discussion, the commission felt this idea could be incorporated in the Spring Garden Seminar program. Commissioner Carbon is concerned that the Junior Chamber of Commerces' program of placing ribbons on the E1 Camino trees may be setting a precedent. Director Quadri The bus shelter in Ray Park on E1 Camino was brought to the attention of the Council. The Public Works Director reported to Council that Sam Trans is going to replace that shelter and he will inquire when replacement is scheduled. Director Quadri reported that the new shel- ter has been ordered. A set of previously designed plans of the entrance to Burlingame at Millbrae Avenue was on display for the commissions perusal. Cost is the prime concern for this project. Gas tax money has already been committed for large projects until 1984-. Parks money cannot be used for a project such as this. Director Quadri indicated that once plans are drawn and some idea as to cost were decided, perhaps service clubs could be approached. Ultimately, City Council would have to approve the project. Director Quadri also indicated that this project would be included as a capital project for the 1982-1983 budget with the hopes of being approved. OLD BUSINESS The theme for the S rin Garden Seminar on March 6 is Planting for All Year Around Color. Director Quadri wiTT asV Alex Graham to speak about types of plants, Larry Costello to speak about using trees for color in the garden, and Al Hammer and Cliff Jones to speak on the basics of design and plants for texture and background color. The commission discussed further details of the seminar. Arbor Day has been scheduled for March 8 at 10:00 a.m. in the Mills Canyon. Director Quadri presented a check for $100.00 from the Gar- den Study Club to purchase the California Live Oaks to be planted on Arbor Day. Director Quadri reported that in checking with the nur- series, the live oaks are all too small. He will check to see if the canyon live oaks would be more mature for planting, however, the small California live oaks could still be planted. Letters of invita- tion are ready to be mailed and will go out the week of February 7th. The City of Burlingame received the designation of Tree City USA. A copy of the letter to Mayor Mangini was received in the Park Department. Details of the tree planting ceremonies were discussed by the commis- sion. NEW BUSINESS April 19-25, 1982. The commission chose April 24th as the day for cleanup in Burlingame. The area on Skyline Blvd. and other trouble spots will be scheduled for cleanup on that day. Director Quadri indi- cated he would create a list of areas in need of cleanup. Commissioner Carbon will notify the Boy Scouts in the area. Commissioner Bacon sug- gested that the Girl Scouts in Burlingame also be invited. Director Quadri will get a list of the Girl Scout leaders in the Burlingame area. Commissioner Bacon suggested Ron Weaver be contacted to address the Scout troops. The participants will be encouraged to bring gloves from home. The commission was concerned about liabilities. Director Quadri indicated he would check with the city attorney. Commissioner Carbon was presented his commissioners badge by Vice -Chair- man Hagstrom. -- --- Director Quadri reported that the Saratoga Horticulture is asking cities t- o participate in a tree program. This program would i-nvolve_a_ 3 year com- mitment to purchase and plant 30 selected trees each ,year in the city's planting strips. The trees are of the variety with root systems that grow down rather than out. Saratoga Horticulture will conduct a study on the selected trees. Director Quadri reported that the Garden Study has $1000 to donate for a project and perhaps could be used for this type of project. The commission suggested that the trees could be plan- ted at the Burlingame entrance on E1 Camino at Millbrae Avenue, with some kind of acknowledgment to the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula. Director Quadri indicated he would be contacting Saratoga Horticulture to initiate this program. Meeting was adjourned by Vice -Chairman Hagstrom at 9:08 P.M. Respectfully submitted, aiazbl L. Karlene Harvey Chester E. Bowling Chairman Recording Secretary Burlingame Beautification Commission