HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1983.10.06�... lft_. BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION October 6, 1983 The regularly scheduled Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting was called to order Thursday, October 6, 1983, 7:30 PM in the City Halll by Chairman Carbon. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Carbon, Commissioners Bowling, Hagstrom, Levy, Perry, and Director Quadri. Absent: Commissioners Bacon and Disco (excused). Visitors: Toni Byrne, Claire L. May, Natalie Perry, Brad Lansill, Henry Cayban, (Burlingame High School students). MINUTES The minutes of the September 1, 1983 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Vice Mayor Amstrup to Ms. Robyn G. Lesnewsky, Vice Presi- dent/Branch Manager of Bell Savings and Loan for their "Most generous donation of $500 to the City's tree preservation program." Letter from Chairman Carbon on behalf of the Beautification Commission to Fred Honda, Manager of the AMFAC Hotel congratulating them for their property being chosen for the 1983 Beautification Award. REPORTS Commissioner Hagstrom reports that the area in the Stanaway Parking Lot on Broadway and the sidewalk is littered and suggests a letter from the Beautification Commission be sent to Stanaway Market. Com missioner Hagstrom also reports that the S.P. tracks and E1 Camino Real between Murchison and Trousdale continue to be a problem with litter. Commissioner Perry reports that the newsstands have been ordered by the Chronicle and it should take 6 weeks for placement. Commissioner Perry attended the dedication of the Ed Taylor Trail in The Mills Canyon Wildlife Area and said it was nice. Chairman Carbon reports that the residents at 1049 and 1053 El Camino Real are beautifying their frontages and recommends a letter of com- mendation be sent. The Commission was in agreement. Chairman Carbon will draft a letter. Chairman Carbon commends CalTrans for the "excellent" job being done on Eucalyptus trees on ECR, and suggests a thank you letter be sent. Chairman Carbon enjoyed attending the Garden Study Club meeting and asked for an update on the Fragrance Garden. Director Quadri re- ported that parks worker California McRoskey has purchased plants all over northern California and most have been planted. Commissioner Perry requested the Garden Study Club be contacted when the Fragrance Garden is completed. 1 t Director Quadri reports that cation have been typed and w approval before going to bid 1984. Director street t the Specifications on the ECR Beautifi- 11 be submitted to Engineering for final Project should begin in the spring of uadri reported on the recent code violations in regard to reel: Sycamore at 131 Loma Vista was pruned severely . . . Homeowner was contacted by letter and has agreed to replace with suitable tree. Trees were removed at 1570 Gilbreth . . . Owner was sent a letter and has agreed to replace with suitable trees. Eucalyptus tree was vandalized in Ray Park . . . re- ported to Police Department; no one was caught. Trees and shrubs were removed from Mills Canyon by resident at 2901 Arguello . . . Homeowner was contacted by letter and has agreed to replace trees. Sycamore trees at 2020 Hillside were severely pruned . . . Homeowner was informed by letter that he was in viola- tion of code; and that, future code violations of this sort will be turned over to the City Attorney. Commissioner Hagstrom moved an article be submitted to the Boutique & Villager from the Beautification Commission to stop some of the illegal pruning or removal of trees. Commissioner Bowling seconded. Moticn was carried. Trinity Lutheran Church on by the Beautification Commi sion asked Director Quadri resentative attend the next permit has not been adhered the situation. ECR has not adhered to the permit granted ssion for tree removal on ECR. Commis - to write to the Church requesting a rep - commission meeting to explain why the to, and what they intend to do to remedy Director Quadri reported that a general form letter is being designed by the citv for code violations. NEW BUSINESS Director Quadri reports has hired a part-time p throughout the city. ings and ideas back to that the Burlin erson to evaluat Director Quadri the Commission. game Elementar e the children invite School District 's artwork m to repor s find - Commissioner Levy stated that he has enjoyed working with the Commis sion and is pleased with the many achievements made by this commission. Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Carbon at 8:40 PM, after which cake and coffee were served to honor,Allen Levy and Nita Perry, the two retiring commission members. Respectfully submitted, Arthur Carbon, Chairman Burlingame Beautification Commission Karlene Harvey Recordinq Secretary W rw