HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1987.02.1713 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA February 77, 1987 CALL TO ORDER A duly on the called noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was above date in the City Ha11 Council Chambers. The meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. by Mayor Gloria H. Barton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by City Attorney, Jerone Coleman. ROLL CALL held was COUNCI LMEMBERS COUNCILMEMBERS SUPERVISOR TOM PRESENT: ABSENT: HUEN]NG AMSTRUP, PAGLIARO BARTON, (0ut of MANG IN I Business) 198 7 and the Study Mayor Barton introduced our new County Supervisor, Ton I{ueni-ng, who represents the second dlstrict which lncludes Burlingame. Supervisor Huening reviewed his areas of partlcular interest; education, toxics and transport.ation. He expressed his desire to work with councll on resolving problems in those areas. Mi-nutes Meeting APPEAL PUBLIC of the Regular Meeting of February 2,of February 7, L987 were approved. OF PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING CONTINUED ACTION ON ADDITION TO 732 CHANNING ROAD City Planner reviewed her memo of February 6 in which she recommended council hold public hearing and take action. The applicants, Jeffrey and Clyde McFadden are requesting two variances, for a 3 foo! 8 inch side yard (5 feet required), and for off street parking (one space provided, tuo required), in order to add a 62O square feet second story addition to the single family structure at I32 Channing Road. The proposed addition would change the house from a two bedroom to afour bedroom house. The second f loor is being placed over the existing first floor, the side setback variance results from the desire to match the load bearing wa11s. The Planning Conmission voted 3-2-1 to approve !his request (one cornmissioner absent and oneabstaining). Planning rules require a majority vote of four to pass, therefore the motion failed. Councilnan Lenbi noted he had discussed uith the City Attorney apossible conflict of interest. City Attorney had determined thatthere was no conflict. Jeffrey McFadden, applicant, requested thatthe next meeting in order for a ful1 council appeal be continued to be present. publi.c hearing to the the to Council March 2 unanimously approved 1987 meeting. continuance of the DENIAL OF SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR FENCE AT 118 DWIGHT ROAD Director of Publj-c Works reviewed his memo of February 10 in whi-ch he recommended council deny this encroachment permiE. Staff is concerned that the fence creates blind spots that are hazards for pedestrians and vehicles. If council grants Ehis encroachment pernit, he suggested two alternatives, a nodification to the existi.ng fence to improve sight lines at the driveways or a reduction in height to threefeeE. The applicant, Shirley Kent, received a permit to build a fence at her property line but she thought the property line was at the sidevalk l{hen it i"s actually 22 inches inside the sideualk. 0ther adjacent fences on the block are placed 22 inches behind the sidewalk. LEMBI, State, MINUTES Mayor Barton opened the public hearing. 1"4 The appl j-cant was not present. Council discussion: other nei-ghbors have built front fences in proper pLace; this fence is a hazard to pedestrians; revieued alternatives available to applicant; staff is recommending fence be removed and rebuilt at proper location. Councilman AEstrup noved to deny this require that the fence be removed and Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried menbers present. special encroachment pernit and built on the property line. unaninousLy 4-0 on voice vote of Director of PubIic Works noled showing the property J-ine for before a permit is i.ssued. future a sketch of the site fence would be required that in the a front yard b CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Lembi questioned if the increase in fees for Public Works included the sewer lateral inspections, Director replled no. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1339 - REGULATION OF RESTAURANTS RESOLUTION 18-87 - INCREASING FEE SCHEDULE, BONDING AND REQUIREMENTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS INSURANCE City Attorneyts memo of February 9 recornmended council adopt thisresolution to increase sone of the fees and bonding requirements for public works departnent. At the last meeting council adopted Resolution 17-87 increasing fees, subsequently staff discovered an error i.n the resoluti. on in that water meter charges were included. This new resolution contains the proper information. Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 33423 - 33785, duly audited, in the amount of $1,115,149.91 and Payroll Checks 72735 - 73430 for January 1987 in the amount of $729,372.32. RENEWAL OF AMUSEMENT BAYSHORE HIGHWAY PERMIT FOR EL TORITO RESTAURANT - 1590 CiEy Attorney's memo of February 10 recommended council Ehi.s amusenent permit to July 1, 1987. The restaurant complied with the requirenent for a sign indicating the is not accessible to the handlcapped. RESOLUTION L9-87 - AMENDING CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE extend has building e City AtLorney's roemo of February city I s conf 1i.ct of interest code titles and responsibilities. 9 recommended counc i 1 to reflect changes in amend the staff f APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION TRANSFER TO ALLOCATE LIABILITY INSURANCE COSTS Finance Director's memo of February 6 recommended council approve the transfer of funds to allocate 1iabillty insurance costs. 0ur auditors recommended establishment of a separate self insurance fund for workers compensation, property risk management and general liability. Up to this point the contribution for theliability insurance portion has come from the nondepartmental insurance budget. Costs should be allocated to the departnoents to more accurately state the operaEing costs and sinplify the annual report to the State. DENIAL OF CLAIM: GEORGE JAMES RALLY City Attorney recommended denial. a. City Planner's memo of February 6 recommended council iotroduce this ordinance to extend the regulation of the number of restaurants in the BurJ-ingame Avenue and Broadway commercial districts for another tro years, to April 16, 1989. c.WARRANTS AND PAYROLL d. c. L5 Councilman Amstrup moved approval of the by Councilman Lembi, carri"ed unanimously Consent Calendar. by voice vote. Seconded Kopp regardlng SB 2O4, Council concurred. a committee for the Bicentennial indicated they would call her Mayor Barton mentioned the letter from Senator and asked that a letter in support be mailed. Mayor Bart.on asked for nominations to of the Constitution. Council members with suggest.ions. Councilman Anstrup questioned the propriety of using school grounds for campaign fund raising events. Staff will research and inquire ofthe school district what its policy is regarding political campaigns. SCHEDULE HEARING Councilnan Anstrup asked that council revieu action regarding the rooftop satellite dish Mayor Barton scheduled hearing for March 2, the Planning Commission antenna aE l44O Chapin. 198 7 meeting. Mayor Barton noLed a letter from the County regard j-ng a Housing and Traffic Conference on April 30 and inquired if any council members could attend. Councilman Lembi said he would Ery to attend. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Commission Minutes: February 5, 1987, Planning, February 9; Beautification, b Letter fron Chanber of enforcenent. Conmerce regarding parking neter Grand Jury requesting in format ion . Frances Holzemer regarding lack of parking at the County regarding housing and traffic conference on c d Letter f rorn Letter f romLibrary. Letter f rom April 30. e a f . Letter from Robert De1ze11 regarding d isposal of motor oi1. City Manager responded to council that service stations used to accept used motor oil, but they no longer take it because disposal now costs them noney; it is accepted at the San Carlos transfer station; staffis exploring this issue with the county. Mayor Barton was very concerned, as were ot.her council members. Director of Public Worksnoted that nost of this oil finds its way into the cityrs storm drainsor sewers, staff tries to track uhere it comes from but it is adifficult task. h i j k Letter from CounLy regarding Child Abuse Week. Letter from A.L. Johnst.on regarding commissioner appointrnents. Letter from Health Alliance regarding smoking control ordinances. Letter from Edward OrDonnell regarding commissioner appointments. PoIj-ce Report, January 1987. THE FLOOR De1ze11, resident, reviewed his concerns about disposal ofoi1; it is a very toxic substance containing leads and oxides; FROM Robert motor SB 2O4 BICENTENNIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION USE OF SCHOOLS FOR POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS HOUSING AND TRAFFIC CONFERENCE a. 16 he hoped council would Lake some positive accept kraste oi11 he has wiLnessed people drainsl he stores uaste oil in his garage action and urge BFI topouring oiI down storm which is a hazard. LETTER OF COMMENDATION TO STAFF Mayor Barton noted a letter fron the San Mateo Times commending the City Manager, City Planner and Pinance Director. Councilman AmsLrup also noted that the San Mateo Times reporter Janet Parker Beck has been nominated to the Wonenrs Hall of Fame. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m udith A. Mal fat t City Clerk ( CLOSED SESSION - TITIGATION Mayor Barton adjourned to a Closed Session on litigatlon at 8t05 p.n. ADJOURNMENT