HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1983.08.04`. NNW BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION August 4, 1983 The regularly scheduled Burlingame Beautification Commission meet- ing was called to order Thursday, August 4, 1983, 7:35 PM in the City Hall by Chairman Carbon. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Carbon, Commissioners Bowling, Disco, Levy, and Director Quadri. Absent: Commissioners Bacon, Hagstrom, and Perry. Visitors: Glenn Behm of Caltrans and Carl Roepke of Trinity Luth- eran Church, Burlingame. MINUTES Corrections were noted under the first item of New Business to read "there are weeds and trees that are obstructin�e sidewalk in the area of 821 California Dr.". Minutes for the July 7, 1983 meeting were approved as corrected. rnDDFfDnNnFNrF Letter from Director Quadri to Janet McDonald reporting that the tree donated by her "friends at Visa" in memory of George Brown had been planted in the Washington Park. Letter from City Manager to Mr. Glenn E. Behm of Caltrans thanking them for their "responsible and cooperative approach" in determin- ing the potentially hazardous trees on ECR. Letter(s) from City Manager to Laurence R. Costello (U.C. Coopera- tive Extension) and Richard Marling (Landscape Resources Supt./San Mateo) thanking them for their "efforts in helping to determine the potentially hazardous trees" on ECR. REPORTS Commissioner Bowling complimented Director Quadri and the Parks De- partment on the condition of Washington Park. Director Quadri in- dicated that California McRoskey has been assigned to that area and is doing a "great job". Director Quadri gave a brief report on the work done by the CCC's in the Mills Canyon Wildlife Area and presented an article from the Boutique about the CCC crew. Caltrans crews have begun the work on the Eucalyptus on ECR as of Monday, August 1st. To date 4 trees have already been removed; by the end of August a crew will be sent in to prune. Resident at 5 Bayswater intends to request a permit to remove a large Magnolia on the City property. Tree has caused extensive sidewalk damage. ' OLD BUSINESS Caltrans has submitted 5 more applications for tree removal on ECR. Four are categorized as a priority 1 and one as a priority 3. Glenn Behm of Caltrans indicated at this time there are no more removals anticipated, bringing the total removals Lo 15. Laurence Costello, (UC Consultant) has been testing as trees are removed and feels a better criteria can be established for determining hazardous Eucalyp- tus. Director Quadri added that the information gained will be help- ful to everyone. Director Quadri recommended that the Commission grant a permit to Caltrans to remove these 5 additional trees. Com- missioner Bowling moved that the permit be extended to Caltrans; Commissioner Levy seconded; motion was carried unanimously. The item concerning News of Commissioner Perry. aper Stands was tabled due to the absence The Landscape Award Committee presented the list of nominees for 1983: AMFAC HOTEL - 1380 Old Bayshore Blvd. BURLINGAME EXECUTIVE CENTER - 1818 Gilbreth Rd. 824-840 MITTEN COIT - 897 Hinckley 840 HINCKLEY Letters of commendation to Cheese Please (299 California Dr.) and the Bubble Machine (1001 California Dr.) will be discussed at the September Commission meeting. NEW BUSINESS Carl Roepke of Trinity Lutheran Church indicated that the eight Syca- more trees on ECR have overpowered the front of the property and they block the view of the Church. The trees also do not allow them to landscape as they wish. Trinity Lutheran Church has submitted appli- cation to the Beautification Commission to remove 4 of the 8 Sycamores. Commissioner Bowling expressed concern that there is indication that the trees have been pruned by someone other than the City. Director Quadri advised that concern can become a condition of the permit. Director Quadri stated that new projects in the City are required to provide 1 tree per 50 feet (these existing trees are 25-30 feet apart). Commissioner Bowling moved that the permit be granted on the condition the City be responsible for the maintenance of the remain- ing Sycamores; Commissioner Disco seconded; motion was carried unani- mously. The clearinq of trails in the Mills Canvon Wildlife Area will be com- pleted by the CCC's in mid -August. The Commission will send a letter drafted by Director Quadri to the State Legislature commending the work of the CCC's. Dedication of the Edwin Taylor Memorial Trail was discussed. Commissioner Levy requested that this meeting be dedicated to Commis- sioner Bowling; that he "performed beautifully" as Chairman of the Beautification Commission. Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Carbon at 8:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Aeur Carbon Chairman Burlingame Beautification Commission '1