HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1983.07.07BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION July 7, 1983 The regularly scheduled Burlingame Beautification Commission meet- ing was called to order Thursday, June 2, 1983, 7:35 PM in the City Hall by Chairman Bowling. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Bowling, Commissioners Bacon, Carbon, Disco, Hag- strom, Levy, Perry, and Director Quadri. REMOVAL OF HERITAGE TREES ON ECR Director Quadri reported to the Commission that Caltrans has sub- mitted requests for the removal of 10 Eucalyptus based on the form developed by Don Blair, Dick Marling, and Larry Costello to aid the Commission in the evaluation of the Eucalyptus trees. Glenn Behm of Caltrans indicated that removal would begin in August of this year; and that these 10 trees were of the highest priority. It was expected that an additional 10-15 trees would be recommended for removal at a future date. After slide presentations from both Don Blair and Larry Costello, Director Quadri indicated that the evaluation process has helped to save some of the trees; that, only 10% of the Eucalyptus on ECR will be removed as compared with the 40% first discussed. Director Quadri stated that in his opinion, the requests for re- moval are warranted and that he recommends the Commission approve the issuance of a permit to Caltrans for removal of the 10 trees. Commissioner Perry moved that Director Quadri's recommendation be accepted. Commissioner Levy, seconded; and the motion was carried. Director Quadri indicated that there are no definite plans to date as to the variety of trees used for the replacement but that the City would enter into an acceptable agreement with Caltrans at a later date. A brief recess was called by Chairman Bowling before moving on to other Commission business. MINUTES The minutes of the June 2, 1983 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Mayor Crosby and the City Council from the Beautification Commission indicating the Park Department's budget is "adequate and within perspective", and the Commission's opinion that there is a need for the funding of the Tree Program. Letter and donation of $10.00 in memory of Ed Taylor from Dorothy Cusick to go toward the expense of a sign for the renaming of the Creekside Traili in Mills Canyon. REPORTS r..i Reported that some new bu*ldings have been built recently where driveways and sidewalks have been laid right up to the trees and roots have been cut. CommissioHer Carbon suggests that conditions be set at the planning level to protect the trees. '1 w. REPORTS (cont'd.) Commissioner Disco �-- Reported that the summer excellent job along El C 4%%. Commissioner Haqstrom crew from the Park amino, near Trousda Department is doing an e. Reported that there is an accumulation of garbage in the Stanaways Market parking lot on Broadway. Director Quadri indicated that if it is actually wet garbage, the Health Department can get involved, but otherwise it was nothing the Park Department or Commission would become involved in. Commissioner Bacon suggested that a let- ter to the establishment from the Commission requesting the area be cleaned up might be helpful. Director Quadri suggested that a standard letter could be designed that could be made readily availa- ble whenever the need arose, and could be sent out to the establish- ments. Director Quadri Council approved you in memory of the renamin Ed Taylor. Director Quadri informed the the CCC's in the Mills Canyon trails, removal of poison oak 8 week project is completed, memory of Ed Taylor. of the 'Creekside Trail' in Mills Can- Commission of the work being done b Area i.e., clearing and reestablis and cutting of fire trails. When a formal dedication will be planned ing this in OLD BUSINESS The nominating committee presented the slate of officers; Chairman Arthur Carbon; Vice -Chairman --Mildred Hagstrom; and Secretary -- Mildred Disco. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the slate of officers presented be accepted unanimously. The replacement of newspaper stands was discussed, with the intent of having a recommendation for Council consideration by August. Director Quadri advised the Commission that a proposal should be submitted and should be as close to final form as possible. Direc- tor Quadri will check with other cities muni codes as to what kinds of newspaper stands, how many, and the locations required. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Carbon reported that there are weeds and trees that are obstructing the sidewalk in the area of 731 California Dr. Director Quadri will send a form letter from the Park Department. Chairman Bowling thanked the Commission for all their support while he has served as chairman. Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bowling at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Chester E. Bowling,CTh n Burlingame Beautification Commission Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary I-) '1