HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1983.04.07�1 . �%W BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION April 7, 1983 The regularly scheduled Burlingame Beautification Commission meet- ing was called to order Thursday, April 7, 1983, at 7:32 PM in the City Hall by Chairman Bowling. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Bowling, Commissioners Bacon, Carbon, Disco, Hagstrom, Levy, Perry and Director Quadri. MINUTES The reading of the minutes was dispensed with to accommodate the revised agenda. REMOVAL OF HERITAGE TREES ON ECR Director Quadri briefed the commission on the Heritage Tree Ordin- ance and the recent meetings with Tom Hafley on CALTRANS re the removal of Eucalyptus trees on ECR. The Heritage Tree Ordinance states that any work, other than emergency work, which signifi- cantly effects a designated Heritage Tree, may not be done with- out approval from the Beautification Commission. CALTRANS has re- tained Arborist Don Blair to submit a report on 40 trees on the ECR, three of which required emergency removal. St. Paul's Nur- sery School has also retained Mr. Blair to report on three trees in front of their nursery school. Mr. Blair recommended removal. Because the removal of these trees was not considered an emergency, Director Quadri advised CALTRANS of the procedures to be followed as indicated in the Heritage Tree Ordinance. CALTRANS presented their findings to the City Council at their April 4, 1983 meeting. After hearing reports from Director Quadri, CALTRANS, and Mr. Blair, the Council at their April 4th meeting authorized Director Quadri to retain an arborist to render an opinion. The City of Burlingame has retained Arborist Leslie Mayne. CALTRANS, Don Blair, and Leslie Mayne were asked to present their findings to date to the Beautification Commission. Glenn Behm of CALTRANS indicated that CALTRANS and Burlingame are trying to meet with an agreeable solution and will cooperate with Burlingame in a tree replacement program. John Peterson of CALTRANS showed a slide presentation of the trees that had already fallen on ECR indi- cating the specific problems. Mr. Blair, Arborist, indicated that samplings of the fungus and decay on the trees have been sent to Art McCain of the University of California for further study. Chairman Bowling asked Mr. Blair if he had recommended removal of the 3 trees in front of St. Paul's Nursery School. Mr. Blair stated that he had recommended removal but that removal was not imminent. Leslie Mayne indicated that over many years the Eucalyptus on ECR have suffered much abuse, i.e. pruning techniques, root cutting, highway expansion. That, in order to retain the "grandeur" presented by the Eucs, a grad- ual removal and replacement program along with proper pruning and regular maintenance is required. Having only been retained by the City of Burlingame as of April 6, Mr. Mayne had not had substantial time to submit a report but a report would be forthcoming. v7 '\ n 1.W `e Following the presentation, time was allowed for discussion, questions �. and comments. CA Coleman was asked if CALTRANS recommended removal and Burlingame stopped removal and said tree were to fall causing personal damage couldn't Burlingame be held liable. CA Coleman explained that the City of Burlingame is not responsible for maintaining the trees and therefore cannot be held liable. Rick Goethals of San Mateo, repre- senting St. Paul's Nursery School, asked that the 3 trees in question be removed before loss of life occurs. Duane Moore of Hillsborough rep- resenting the First Methodist Church indicated that Arborist Don Blair has been retained by the First Methodist Church to submit a report on the trees adjacent to their building. Commissioner Levy suggested an Arborist Commission be set up to determine removal or other alternatives in dealing with the trees. Director Quadri indicated that criteria must be established to determine removal. . . how and where they will start. . . that the State and the City have a responsibility to make sure there is a replacement program. . . that Mr. Blair's report has not yet been substantiated. . . and Mr. Mayne has not yet submitted a report. Director Quadri recommended to the Beautification Commission that the Commission issue no permits for removal of heritage trees on El Camino Real until: 1) A final written proposal, including the specific location of each tree, explaining the basis for removal, is received and evaluated. 2) Specific criteria is established to deter- mine whether a tree is in need of removal. 3) A replacement program is developed and agreed upon. Director Quadri indicated that this recom- mendation is based on the belief that the Commission requires criteria they can use and defend before entering into an irreversible removal program. Commissioner Hagstrom moved that Director Quadri's recom- mendation be accepted. Commissioner Perry seconded. The Beautifica- tion Commission unanimously approved Director Quadri's recommendation. Audience was informed that it would take 2 or more weeks to receive the cultures from U.C. and a decision on the 3 trees in front of St. Paul's Nursery School would be based on the specific criteria estab- lished in determining tree removal. Chairman Bowling requested a brief recess before moving to the other items on the agenda. REPORTS Commissioner Levy Reported that Burlingame Intermediate School won the March Clean Cam- pus contest. Director Quadri Luana Hammett called the Park Department to commend the clean-up pro- ject at the Shorebird Sanctuary. Informed the Commission of Edwin Taylor's death. Funeral will be Fri- day, April 8, 2:00 PM at Crosby N-Gray. OLD BUSINESS Director Quadri reported that there has been no additional information re the Great Resource Rally. '1 '1 �. Commissioner Levy commended Director Quadri on his handling 9 tonight's proceedings. Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bowling a 9:55 PM. Respectfully submitted, C �, . 36-� Chester E. Bowling, Chairman Burlingame Beautification Commission Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary I-) /"A