HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1983.02.03BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION February 3, 1983 The regularly scheduled Burlingame Beautification Commission meet- ing was called to order Thursday, February 3, 1983, 7:30 PM in the City Hall by Chairman Bowling. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Bowling, Commissioners Bacon, Carbon, Hagstrom, Levy, Perry, and Director Quadri. Absent: Commissioner Disco (excused). MINUTES Corrections were noted and the minutes for the January 6, 1983, were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from the Millbrae Beautification Commission inviting the Commission to an award presentation to Burlingame Intermediate on January 27, 1983, for the Clean Campus Program. Letter from the Burlingame Beautification Commission inviting Millbrae Beautification Commission to the Spring Garden Seminar on Saturday, March 5, 9:30 AM at the Rec Center. Letter from Mr. Ray Flowers requesting permission to donate the funds for the purchase of 24" box tree,commemorating the 65th birthday of Iry Amstrup, to be planted during Arbor Day ceremonies. Letter and bill from City of Millbrae Beautification Commission requesting $19.97 representing 112 of the purchase price for the Clean Campus Award plaque. Letter(s) to Mr. John Chiapelone and Mr. Ken Meyer confirming their consent to speak at the Spring Garden Seminar. Letter to Dermot Fallon thanking him for stone path and new plants he recently completed at the Shorebird Sanctuary. REPORTS Commissioner Hagstrom A junior member of the Millbrae Beautification Commission presented the Clean Campus Award to Burlingame Intermediate School for the 1960-91 1981-1982 school year. Two members from the Burlingame Beautifi- cation Commission and Mayor Barton represented Burlingame at the presentation. Commissioner Hagstrom suggested that Burlingame investigate the possi- bility of setting up a Junior Commission. Commissioner Hagstrom will w ,-1 REPORTS (cont'd.) contact Anne Kirkbride (Chairman of the Millbrae Beautification Commission) and invite her to speak to the Commission re junior commissioner functions. The steps and bench on the pathway from Alvarado to Easton has been vandalized. Director Quadri indicated that a report has already been submitted to Public Works. Commissioner Hagstrom suggested a civic group may be interested in a cleanup project in that area. Director Quadri will refer to the proper depart- ment. Commissioner Hagstrom presented a check for $100 from the Garden - Study Club for the replacement of trees lost during the storm. Trees will be planted during the Arbor Day Celebration at Washing- ton Park. Commissioner Lev Taylor Intermediate won the January Clean Campus inspection. Com- missioner Levy briefly reported on the Clean Campus Award cere- mony. Commissioner Carbon Koichi Hirano is still working in the Mills Canyon. Commissioner Carbon hopes that more scouts will become involved in worthwhile community projects. irector Ouadri Director Quadri explained the request from Mr. Ray Flowers to have a tree,commemorating Iry Amstrup's 65th birthday,planted during the Arbor Day celebration. Commissioner Hagstrom moved that this request to donate a tree be approved. Commissioner Bacon seconded, and the motion was carried. Director Quadri briefly explained the beautification work done at the Shorebird Sanctuary by Eagle Scout Dermot Fallon. The work has been completed and a letter of commendation has been sent. The City Manager has indicated to Director Quadri that money may be available in the contingency funds to place 2 or 3 trash cans in front of the Burlingame Medical Building. This matter has been sent to Council for their final approval. S rin Garden Seminar - Director Quadri briefly explained the pro- gram wit featured speakers J. Chiapelone and K. Meyer. Director Quadri will also do a presentation at the seminar. Director Quadri spoke with Police and Public Works Departments rela- tive to dumping of trash along RR tracks. Heritage Tree list has been updated as required by City Ordinance 11.06, and is now available to the public. "i .. ,Iyw ls': �. ac.!„4r-Y'ri... hnr .,. OLD BUSINESS Details for the Spring Garden Seminar were discussed i.e., coffee pots will be borrowed from Lucky's; commissioners will bring cookies; Commissioner Hagstrom will purchase essentials . coffee, cream, sugar, napkins, paper plates, etc. Director Quadri indicated that maps and letters for the Arbor Day celebration have been sent to the schools and other appropriate people. Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bowling at 8:26 PM. Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary OR Respectfully submitted, Chester E. Bowling v Chairman, Beautification Commission i-, '1