HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1983.01.06BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION January 6, 1983 Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. Roll Call - Chairman C. Bowling, Commissioners S. Bacon, M. Hagstrom, A.Levy A. Perry, M. Disco. - Absent: A. Carbon (excused) Guest for the evening - Chris McGuigan, student in the American Govern- ment Class at Mills High School. Minutes of December 2, 1982 were read. Nita Perry noted her name was omitted on the roll call for November 4. The 12/2/82 min- utes were approved and seconded as corrected. Correspondence_ - Director Quadri received letter regarding a Lit- ter Control Meeting on January 12, 1983 at the San Mateo High School District Office, 650 No. Delaware St., San Mateo Letter from Chairman Chet Bowling directed to City Manager sug- gesting the City purchase new litter receptacles for Burlingame Medical Center on E1 Camino Real. Reports - Millie Hagstrom reported that former commissioner Willa Sexton was recently _.in_ waii where she learned that the stu- dents in the Oiigh schools were informed of the trees in their vicinity. Both hTiTla and Millie H. thou_ght it a good idea for the students in our local hi h schools'be informed of the names, care of, policies, t . of our Burlingame trees. e,ei,, Suggestion of updating our booklet on Heritage Trees and re- issue same. S. Bacon suggested adding the trees in Washing- ton Park to our booklet. Information and tree policies in a form of a pamphlet be given to realtors was again suggested. This was brought up several years ago. It was suggested to follow through with this idea. Nita Perry announced that Taylor Intermediate School won the Campus Clean Up Contest by a hairline. She explained the point system used for judging. Nita Perry reported that the newstands in Burlingame are in very poor condition. Director Quadri informed the Commissioners of the storm dam- age from the last two storms, which, he said, was the high- est damage on record. Of interest, were the trees blown down in Washington Park: 1 Spanish Fir, 5 Eucs, 4 Douglas Firs, 1 Loquat, 1 Acacia. Director Quadri suggested the Arbor Day Ceremony for this Spring be held in Washington Park to replace lost trees. Commissioners all agreed. r I-) S%. e `.1 Old Business - Chairman Bowling suggested the Millbrae Commis- sioners of City of Millbrae Beautification be invited to our Spring Garden Seminar in March. Everyone agreed. Re- quested Secretary Millie Disco write a letter inviting the Millbrae Commissioners to our Garden Seminar. Director Quadri requested suggestions for the Garden Semi- nar theme, which is to be held March 5, 1983 at 10 a.m. at the Rec Center. Commissioner Bacon suggested "Keep Your Garden Healthy". All Commissioners agreed upon this. New Business - Chairman Bowling announced the Annual Commis- si'oners�dinner will be on February 18, 1983 at Kee Joons. Invitations are soon to be mailed. Director Quadri displayed plans for the beautification of the median divider between Murchison and Ray Drive. All agreed they are good plans and unanimously approved the plans be presented to Cal Trans in Sacramento for hopeful ultimate approval. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4.u. ,V, L . -4i �G ' AT Chester E. Bowling, 1hairman Burlingame Beautification Commission Millie Disco Recording Secretary 101 n '1