HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1984.10.04PARK, hCREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMOVION October 4, 1984 The meeting of the temporarily formed Park, Recreation, & Beautification Commis- sion meeting was called to order Thursday, October 4, 1984 at 7:40 pm in City Hall by Chairman Graham. :OLL CALL Commissioners Present: .Commissioners Disco, Graham, Hagstrom, Hughes, Huajardo, Lembi, Lind- strom, and May. Absent: Commissioners Bacon, Bowling, and Carbon Staff Director Wagner Guests Visiting students from Serra and Mills High School; Councilman Frank Pagliaro 1INUTES Minutes of the September 6, 1984 meeting were approved as submitted. ,ORRESPONDENCE - Received Letter from Bob Osberg, Vice -Principal of Burlingame Intermediate School, re- questing the Beautification Commission continue to send representatives each month for the Clean Campus Award inspection. (See Action under Old Business). Letter from Councilman Frank Pagliaro regarding no restroom facilities pro- vided at Victoria Park --- complaints have been received that park users have been seen relieving themselves in the bushes. Councilman Pagliaro suggests the Park and Recreation Commission consider providing restroom facilities at this location. Director Wagner suggested that the letter be tabled until the November meeting when Director Quadri could present his feelings and cost esti- mates. The Commission discussed the use of the park facilities at both Victoria and Village Parks and their lack of restroom facilities. Commissioner Huajardo moved that the City should provide restroom facilities at all parks that offer active recreation areas. The Commission unanimously approved the motion. The recommendation by Commission is a philosophical position and must be acted upon by the Park Department and City Council when monies are available and priorities are observed. In Commissioner Carbon's absence, he requested his sentiments be made known re- garding the Commission Merger; he would be in favor of a merger of the Commis- sions and believes the newly formed Commission should consist of 6 members. ORRESPONDENCE - Sent Memo to all Commission members re Commission Merger with attached Secret Ballot from Director Quadri. Letter to Park Plaza Towers from Director Quadri reporting the Commissions deci- sion to deny request for removal of a plum tree from adjacent parking lot be- tween Park and Lorton Avenue. Letter to Mr. Ted Akaosugi, Manager of Benihana of Tokyo congratulating them for L their property being chosen for the 1984 Landscape Award. --- Director Wagner indicated that Commissioner Graham will present the award at the Community Dinner. Memo to City Manager informing him of the completion of Stuart Bacon's second term on the Beautification Commission; Art Carbon's wishes to serve a second term on the Commission, and Commissioner Lembi's completion of second term. Councilman Pagliaro accepted an award presented to the City of Burlingame at "Cap Night" from the Bobby Sox Leagues for the City's assistance in the Bobby Sox program. He presented the award to Director Wagner for the Recreation and Park Departments involvement. REPORTS--$73,053.67 was collected in the month of September bringing the total accumulation 4A— GN R for 3 months of the fiscal year to $120,999.00. Director Wagner is researching the idea of having a Senior Citizen's nutrition center in the City of Burlingame. Millbrae offers meals for Senior 5 days a week, serving about 50 meals per day. Meals are prepared at Chope Hospital and Seniors are charged only $1.00 for a nutritious meal. Socialibility seems to be an im- portant part of the meal. A facility would be needed for about 5 hours per day; �N -1 some possible sites might be the Lions Hall at Washington Park or Roosevelt School. Peninsula Hospital has just purchased the Safeco Insurance building on ECR. Administration at Peninsula is enthusiastic about providing a nutrition cen- ter for Seniors. Director Wagner is meeting with the San Mateo High School District and the City of Millbrae regarding the renovation of the Mills High School pool for public use and programs. Before starting on the renovation project the City of Burlingame will need to make some kind of commitment. REPORTS --Commissioners DISCO On ECR across from Adeline gas station, 4 trees north of bridge, a eucalyptus tree has a Pine branch growing out of it. HUGHES Attended the opening of soccer season and enjoyed the Junior Olympics parade put on by the athletes. LEMBI Stated his pleasure in serving on the Park and Recreation Commisison for the last 7 years. OLD BUSINESS Clean Campus Award Commissioner Carbon (via the Park. Dept.) received a call from Nancy Weber of the Millbrae Beautification Commission regarding the continued participation of the Burlingame Beautification Commission. Commissioner Hagstrom stated that in order to have children interested they need adult support. Commissioner Lembi sees it as a positive program and moved that the Beautification Commission reinstate their participation in the program; seconded. Motion was carried. Commissioner Hagstrom will volunteer to serve on the committee and will contact Nancy Weber. Commission Merger Director Wagner reported that according to the City Attorney the secret ballot on the Commission Merger was illegal due to the Brown Act and that, the Commission was required to vote at a publicly held meeting. Commissioner Huajardo wished to clarify that the final vote of the Commission would be presented to the Council as a recommendation. Commissioner Lembi moved that the Beautification Commission and the Park and Recreation Commission merge; seconded; a brief discussion followed before the final vote. Following the discussion Commissioner Graham called for the vote. The motion was defeated on a 1-7 vote; Commissioner Disco in favor of the motion and all the other Commissioners dissenting. Commissioner Lembi moved that, should the Council accept the recommendation from this meeting that the Commissions retain their separate entities, the Commissions should meet at least once a year to discuss goals and priorities; seconded. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Director Wagner indicated that he appreciated the time and energy spent by all to go through this important process. Commissioner Graham adjourned the meeting at 8:32 PM thanking Commissioner Lembi for his service to the Commission. Respectfully submitted, KarlQne Harvey - Recording Secretary .0**N "'IN No