HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1984.09.06PARK.,,—ECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMi,..,,, SION September g, 1984 The meeting of the temporarily formed Park, Recreation, & Beautification Commis- sion meeting was called to order Thursday, September 6, 1984 at 7:35 pm in City `- Hall by Chairman Graham. ROLL CALL MINUTES Commissioners Present: Commissioners Bacon, Bowling, Disco, Graham, Hagstrom, Hughes, Huajardo, Lembi, and Lindstrom. Absent: Commissioners Carbon and May Staff Director Quadri and Director Wagner Minutes of the July 5, 1984 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE - Received Letter from Park Plaza Towers, 110 Park Road, requesting removal of tree in adja- cent City parking lot because leaves blow into the pool. Following a brief dis- cussion Commissioner Lembi moved that the request be denied; seconded; motion carried unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE - Sent Letter to Mr. Norton of 2109 Hale informing him of the Commissions denial of his request to remove a liquidamber in front of his property at 2109 Hale Drive. Sympathy card to Waldo Perry expressing sorrow over the recent death of his wife �- and past Beautification Commissioner, Nita Perry. REPORTS WAGNER - $31,157.27 was collected in the month of July and $16,788.06 in the month of August for recreation programs. Summer class participation is up over previous years. The total participation is 5,390; seniors in the community are taking good advantage of the senior discount program. With the cooperation of the City of Burlingame and the Lions Club, and 124 family membership cards being purchased, the swim program at the Burlingame High School pool was a success. There was an average attendance of 84 children each day. The City will explore combining with the City of Millbrae to open the pool at Mills High School next summer: a total swim program could be organized because of the size of the of the pool at that location. QUADRI - Mr. Norton at 2109 Hale Drive, appealed to Council the Commissions denial for re- moval of the City's liquidamber. At the August 20 1984 Council meeting, Mr. Nor- ton's appeal was denied. The Council directed the Public Works department to make sidewalk repairs and the Park Department to do extensive root pruning. All required work has since been completed. E.I.R. for proposed freeway connection from 101 to Airport Blvd. is available for perusal. Minimal impact to Eucalyptus grove -- 30 trees will need to be re- moved but will be replaced at a 2 to 1 ratio; parking lot may impact park. In general, changes in area represent a minor impact to future park development. Tile Newsrack Ordinance is ready fur tiie second reading at Council level. Most newspapers have become cooperative. Ordinance will include regulations such as name, address, and phone number of owner of newsrack posted on newsrack; no chain- ing or bolting to City property; limiting the number of newsracks in a given area. At the October P,R, and B meeting, Commissioners will vote on whether to merge the commissions permanently. Commissioner Lembi and Commissioner Bacon will complete their two -three vear terms on the Commission after the October meeting. REPORTS - Commissioners BOWLING - Caltrans has replaced several Eucalyptus trees on ECR. DISCO - New development includes a foot bridge by the bird sanctuary. RFPORTS - Commissioners (Cont'd.) BACON - As he prepares to leave the Commission, Commissioner Bacon feels the Beautification Commission has made significant strides i.e., designated Heritage Trees; Newsrack Ordinance; preservation of the Eucalyptus trees; ECR Beautification, etc. He feels the two commissions can work together but isn't sure how "Beautification" can tie in with Recreation. Suggested that the decision to merge be decided by a secret ballot with a discussion as to final decision following the vote. Director Wagner indicated a ballot would be mailed to members with minutes. HUGHES - Wishes to commend the nominating committee on the nominees for the Landscape Award. HUAJARDO - Congratulations to Commissioner Bacon for his years of service on the Beautifica- tion Commission. LEMBI - All-star football game at the Burlingame High School field was well attended and a huge success. GRAHAM - Saturday, September 8 is opening day for soccer. LINDSTROM- The Night at the Olympic Soccer sponsored by Crown Zellerbach (in cooperation with the Recreation Department) was a tremendous success . . . tickets @ $1.00 per youth provided transportation to Stanford, hot dog, game, and souvenir. OLD BUSINESS Tree replacement ECR The preferred Eucalyptus bancroftii won't be grown by Saratoga Horticulture -- some nurseries will grow that variety but it will take up to 3 years. The Euc. Fici- folia (Red Flowering Eucalyptus) is a suitable choice. The Eucalyptus Viminalis will be replaced with the same variety; the Blue Gum will not be used due to the problems in the past. Director Quadri has requested that Caltrans hold off on planting the rest of the trees until a suitable variety can be finalized. Caltrans is also interested in cooperating with the City in a spray program for the Elms on ECR. Landscape Award Selection The Commission awarded the 1984 Landscape Award to Benihana Restaurant, 1496 Old Bayshore Highway; second and third place winners were Burlingame Executive Center (2nd) and Aerobay Office Center (3rd). Letters of commendation or honorable men- tion will be sent to all nominees. Director Quadri will draft the letters for re- view at October commission meeting and letters will be sent out in October. Beni- hana will be sent a letter of congratulations and will be awarded with a plaque at the Community Dinner at the Amfac. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Graham suggested a pay phone be available at Bayside Park for emer- gencies. Commissioner Huajardo moved that Director Wagner write a letter to the phone company requesting a pay phone be put in that location; seconded; motion was carried unanimously. Approximately $26,000 over the next two years will be available from the State through Roberti-Z'berg funds. Director Quadri is checking into possibilities and cost estimates for a restroom to be installed at the Village Park. Commissioner Bowling moved that the meeting be adjourned in memory of past me-- ber Nita Perry and in honor of retiring commissioners Don Lembi and Stuart Bacon; seconded; motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, ter Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary