HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1984.06.07ti PARK, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION June 7, 1984 The meeting of the temporarily formed Park, Recreation, & Beautification Commis- sion meeting was called to order Thursday, June 7, 1984, 7:40 pm in the City Hall by Chairman Graham. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Graham, Bacon, Bowling, Disco, Hagstrom, Huajardo, Hughes, Lembi, and Lindstrom Absent: Commissioners Carbon and May Staff Directors Quadri and Wagner Guests Glenn Hezmachalch from the Office of State Architect and Jeet Aulakh of Caltrans; representatives from the Historical Society and the S.O.S. Committee; Donald Hugo, 712 Linden Avenue, Burlingame. MINUTES Minutes of the May 3 meeting were corrected to include Commissioner Bacon as present in the ROLL CALL . . . and that Commissioner Huajardo inquired about the status of the Crescent Playground project and requested the Commission be kept up to date. The minutes were approved as corrected. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Graham moved business item A., S.P. Station Landscape Review,to be dis- cussed at this time. Director Quadri explained that this Commission was the first group to receive the presentation from Caltrans. Any comments and suggestions will be referred to the City Manager. Restoration will be in four phases starting in July with completion scheduled for Jan. 1985. The four phases are: 1) roof repair, 2) exterior walls and struc- tural repair 3) ceiling repair and interior painting 4) landscaping. Chairman Graham asked if suitable trash receptacles would be placed and where? . Mr. Hezmachalch reported that another department is working on the placement of trash receptacles, phones, etc. Commissioner Huajardo asked if the plan included future plans for mass transit connection. Mrs. Martha Rosman from the Historical Society indicated that the original character may be destroyed by the planting of trees between the tracks and the building. Director Quadri suggested there may be a more suitable variety of tree, one that might tie in with the character of the City. Mr. Hezmachalch will send the list of trees,acceptable to Caltrans and S.P., to Director Quadri for review. Director Quadri inquired who would be re- sponsible for maintenance of landscape? . . . Mr. Hezmachalch indicated it would be Caltrans' responsibility. After further discussion, Chairman Graham thanked Mr. Hezmachalch for his presen- tation. CORRESPONDENCE Memo from the City Manager re DAMAGE TO TREES AND SHRUBS DURING STREET REPAVING L indicating that damaged plants will be replaced at a cost to the contractor and that specifications will be tightened. Memo from City Manager re CITY REVIEW OF BURLINGAME AVENUE STATION RESTORATION PLANS and states that representatives from Caltrans will be at the June 7, 1984 meeting to discuss the proposed plans. :ORRESPONDENCE (Cont'd.) REQUEST FOR REMOVAL of 2 Eucalyptus on the NW corner of Barroilhet and E.C.R. from Caltrans. Director Quadri explained situation which is causing severe structural damage to residence at 1500 Barroilhet. Commissioner Bowling moved that Director Quadri's recommendation be accepted, and Caltrans be granted permission to remove; seconded. Carried unanimously. Letter from Mr. Donald Hugo, 712 Linden Avenue, Burlingame, re SEXUAL & EXPLICIT MATERIAL IN NEWSRACKS, expressing his concern over the sale of such materials on public streets and sidewalks of Burlingame where minors have access to them. Director Quadri explained limitation in regulating content of newspapers, and indicated the City Attorney is also looking into this matter. Director Quadri felt the proposed newsrack ordinance with its limits on placement and container size, along with the name, address, phone, etc. on the outside of container, may discourage these types of newspapers from being sold in the City of Burlingame. Mr. Hugo presented copies of the Spectator and Pleasure Guide to the Commission, and indicated that he had signatures of�ncerned citizens. Mr. Hugo indicated he is hopeful the City can come up with some solution to this problem. Commissioner Huajardo moved that the Commission be in support of Mr. Hugo's concern and appeal to the City Attorney and to Council to seek a solution to this matter; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Request from Colonel Richard A. Norton, 2109 Hale Drive, to remove a liquidambar due to root problems. Director Quadri requests the Commission inspect and consider this matter at the July, 1984 meeting. :ORRESPONDENCE - Sent Letter to Mrs. A.R. Anderson, 1114 Grove Avenue informing her of the Commission's denial for tree removal request at her address. :ORRESPONDENCE - Articles Article in LEISURE LINES on Burlingame Again Named "Tree City USA", and VOTE YES ON PROP. 18. 2EPORTS - Directors JAGNER - Director Wagner presented the Spring Registration Report; 5,937 participated in Spring classes. Of the registrants, 77% were Burlingame residents with the fitness programs having the largest enrollment. 103 family membership passes have been purchased for the summer swimming. Art -in -the Park will have an anticipated 10,000 people; the Burlingame Train Sta- tion will be opened by Caltrans for public inspection . . . photographs will also be on display. +++ Commissioner Lembi thought there was very little publicity for this years Art -in -the -Park. Director Wagner indicated that since it is no longer part of Burlingame Days the banner over the Avenue was not displayed, but there will be a banner for next year. News releases were sent to newspapers and radio stations. Commissioner Hagstrom suggested that the cable station also be contacted for next years'program. Director Wagner presented a Request for Policy Approval re rules and regulations for City sponsored music in the park. Three Sunday concerts are planned for the summer; July 15, July 22, and September 23. Commission approved of the program and the policy. �UADRI - Proposition 18 passed which will mean approximately $100,000 in Bond money and ' 1 Roberti-Z'Berg funds will increase to the $25,000-$30,000/year range. Eagle Scout John Clover planted 29 pine trees at Bayside Park which will provide a wind break. 1984-85 Park/Rec budgets were approved by Council. REPORTS - Commissioners IAGSTROM- Commissioner Hagstrom reported that the new plantings at the ECR project are very dry. Director Quadri reported that the contractors are responsible for maintenance until the end of June. On Hillside, between Bernal and Drake, debris is laying at the end of the alley. Eucalyptus on ECR have not been replaced by Caltrans. HUGHES - Benihana planting and luncheon/reception was nice. OLD BUSINESS Newsrack Ordinance Commissioner Bowling moved that the Commission recommend Council approval of the proposed ordinance governing newsracks; seconded. Motion carried. Noise Ordinance Director Quadri reported that the City received about half a dozen complaints per year regarding gardener equipment noise. Commissioner Huajardo requested this item be held over, allowing further thought and information. NEW BUSINESS Landscape Award Committee Commissioners Bowling, Disco, Huajardo, and Graham will serve on this years Land- scape Award Committee. A list of last years nominees will be included with the minutes. All American Football Clinic Commissioner Huajardo feels the City should have some say as to extra events occur- ring on the Burlingame High School fields such as the All American Football Clinic Since the City of Burlingame Recreation Department permits those fields from time to time , and additional events could ultimately impact the City's use. He requested the Recreation Department evaluate the wear caused by this new activity. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, KarTene Harvey Recording Secretary * List of nominees for last years' Landscape Award is on backside "1 LANDSCAPE AWARD NOMINEES 1983 1) AMFAC HOTEL 1380 Old Bayshore Blvd. 2) BURLINGAME EXECUTIVE CENTER 1818 Gilbreth Rd. 3) 824 - 840 MITTEN 4) COIT 897 Hinckley 5), 840 HINCKLEY