HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1984.04.05PARK', '"RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMOR"iSSION April 5, 1984 ROLL CALL [UT]"INJILy The meeting of the temporarily formed Park, Recreation, & Beautification Commis- sion meeting was called to order Thursday, April 5, 1984, 7:30 pm in the City Hall by Chairman Carbon. Commissioners Present: Chairman Carbon, Chairman Graham, Commissioners Bowling, Disco, Huajardo, Hughes, Lembi, Lindstrom, and May Absent: Commissioner Hagstrom Staff Directors Quadri and Wagner, Recreation Supervisor Chiardella Guests Councilman Pagliaro and Marjorie Taylor Minutes of the March 1, 1984 meeting were approved as submitted. Director Wagner introduced Mike Chiardella of the Recreation Department. Mike was recently commended in the Leisurelines newsletter for his successful leadership in organizing the after school sports program for the Burlingame Elementary Schools. AGENDA ITEM VI (B) Adult Softball Reqistration - Proposed Policy Chanqe Mike Chiardella explained the history of Adult Softball leagues in Burlingame in regard to resident vs. non-resident participation and the department's goal of 70% resident participation by the 1985 Spring season. Commissioner Graham indicated that information regarding cost was not made available prior to signups and should have been communicated in some way. Director Wagner indicated that the softball leagues are totally self-sustaining. Cost was increased due to increase in equip- ment, supplies and officials and was not known at the time of publication. COMMUNICATIONS - Letters Received Letter from Adele Tergian regarding concern over "litter & drainstorm stoppages" Director Quadri indicated that this has been referred to the Public Works Depart- ment. Memo to Dennis Argyres, City Manager, from Councilman Pagliaro regarding Beautifi- cation Commission Assistance With S.P. Station Improvement and reviewing the "land- scaping aspects of any and all projects of three units or more". -- Director Quadri reported that Councilman Pagliaro's suggestion was discussed at the April 4 Council Study Session and was not adopted. Letter from Mrs. A.R. Anderson, 1114 Grove Avenue requesting the removal of a large camphor tree. -- Director Quadri requested the members of the Commission in- spect and discuss at the next meeting. COMMUNICATIONS - Letters Sent Letter from P.R. & B Commission to Council suggesting omission of the words "with- out permission" in the Resolution #61-72 regarding Commissioners attendance. -- Director Quadri reported that Council approved of the recommendation and amended the resolution as suggested. r^"MUNICATIONS - News Articles �— Director Quadri reported on news articles for Arbor Day found in the Boutique, The Times, and the Examiner. The Leader published photographs of the Mills Canyon Wildlife Area. REPORTS - Directors Director Wagner reported $278,345.33 in collections have been received in the Rec Department for the 1983-84 Fiscal Year (9months) Accumulation. Director Wagner is pursuing the idea of the Burlingame High School pool opening in the summer for community swimming. Funding from the City of Burlingame, Lions Club donations, family memberships @ $30 per family, and a daily swim charge of $1.00 will be required to offset the cost for the pool to be opened for 44 days in the summer. Burlingame Night at the Races will be Thursday, April 26 at Bay Meadows. All profits will go to the "Save Our Station" fund. Anyone interested should contact the Rec Department. Director Quadri reported that Caltrans has had cleanup crews working on ECR between Murchison and Trousdale. The bleachers will be installed at Ray Park on Saturday, April 7. L. REPORTS - Directors (Cont'd.) Director Quadri reported that the ECR Beautification is taking sha installed by the Water Department, and irrigation has been complet Corporation buildin next week. is nearin ; water line, completion. Final inspection will take place New Park Maintenance employee began on April 2nd; past employment was with the Oyster Point Harbor District. Director Quadri reported that Benihana has agreed to place the plaque for the tree planting in the lobby of their restaurant. Planting will be May 4th. Com- missioners will be sent invitations. REPORTS - Commissioners Chairman Carbon reported that he had attended the Council Study Session and feels that the monitoring of landscape plans and new ideas for improvements in the City could be discussed by the newly formed commission. Chairman Carbon extended his congratulations to Mrs. Taylor for the continued interest in the Mills Canyon Wildlife Area. Mrs. Taylor said that the trail is beautiful but that volunteer work will be welcome. Councilman Pagliaro explained his proposal to have the Beautification Commission review landscape plans. He also brought the condition of the Washington Park ten- nis courts to the Commission's attention and suggested that they look into the sit- uation. Director Quadri reported the City holds a standard 10% maintenance bond, and the contractor has been notified of the situation. Commissioner Bacon reported that the Spring Garden Seminar was excellent but it was disappointing that more people didn't attend. Commissioner Bowling reported that the trees in front of Trinity Lutheran Church on ECR do not appear to be coming back after the severe trimming. Director Quadri indicated that if they don't survive the City Attorney will pursue further action. Commissioner Lembi reported a dead tree at 1465 Burlinqame Avenue. Commissioner Lindstrom indicated that during the street paving, bushes, grass, and shrubs were burned; Director Quadri indicated that shrubs and grass should come back; some street trees are going to be lost but the contractor will be held re- sponsible. Commissioner Lembi moved the Commission send a letter to Council re- garding the damage to trees and shrubs and the Commission's distress over the quality and workmanship of this project. Seconded. Motion was carried. Commissioner Disco feels more publicity for the Spring Garden Seminar could im- prove the attendance. -- 'Asked Director Quadri the condition of the Elms on ECR. Director Quadri reported that testing begins in May. Commisisoner Hughes attended the Arbor Day celebration. 'Commended the idea for the commissioners plates given out at the Commissioners Dinner. OLD BUSINESS Commission Attendance Council Resolution #61-72 was discussed. Newsracks Retired Commissioner Nita Perry was paramount in getting new newsracks in the city. An ordinance is still being considered. Director Quadri will send a copy of the proposed ordinance and other info to Commissioners prior to next meeting. Noise Ordinance Commissioner Huajardo will work on a presentation for the next Commission meeting and welcomes anyone else who wishes to work on a proposed noise ordinance. Street Sweepers Director Wagner reported that the street sweepers do not have a regular schedule. Commissioner Bowling indicated that he is ocncerned over areas that are not cov- ered by Park, Rec. & Beautification and feels that the Public Works areas could be improved by having a commission to deal with those specific problems. NEW BUSINESS Combined Commission Evaluation Criteria Ways of evaluating and setting up criteria for the merging of the two commissions were discussed. Director Quadri will have a list of responsibilities spelled out / from the ordinances governing the two commissions for each member before the next meeting. 1984-85 Budget The 1984-85 Park/Rec budgets will be discussed at the next meeting. Commissioner Huajardo requests that input from the professionals teaching at the Recreation building be sought as to the building needs. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.