HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1984.03.01PAi.,_, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION C�iISSION March 1, 1984 The first combined meeting of the temporarily formed Park, Recreation & Beautifi- cation Commission meeting was called to order Thursday, March 1, 1984, 7:35 pm in the City Hall by Chairman Graham. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Graham, Chairman Carbon, Commissioners Bowling, Disco, Hagstrom, Hugardo, Hughes, Lembi, Lindstrom, and May; Directors Quadri and Wagner. Absent: Commissioner Bacon AGENDA ITEM V. (A) Election of temporary officers It was agreed by the Commission that the current chairmen from the separate commis- sions alternate monthly, with Chairman Graham chairing the first combined meeting. MTNIITFC Minutes of February 2, 1984 should be corrected to read (under COMBINING COMMISSIONS) omit "by 2 years" . (under PARK & REC BUSINESS) last sentence in first paragraph should "Hillsborough fields should be equitable in quality to those in Burlingame." Minutes were approved as corrected. COMMUNICATIONS Spring Garden Seminar flyer. Copy of letter to the Garden Study Club of the Peninsula thanking them for the con- tribution toward purchase of trees for the Arbor Day tree planting program. REPORTS �. 20th Anniversary of Benihana Restaurants - Mayor received letter from Benihana's of Tokyo requesting trees donated by Burlingame Garden Center be planted within the City to commemorate their 20th Anniversary. Benihana's will also provide a plaque commemorating the occasion and by whom the trees wree planted. The Commission wel- comed the idea of trees being planted but was concerned about plaques being placed on city property. The Commission suggested that the plaque be placed in the lobby of Benihana. Commissioner Huajardo moved that we accept the gift of trees and that a letter from the City thanking Benihana for the donation be sent; seconded. Motion was carried. 1980 Bond Act funds - Director Quadri reported that the balance ($26,000) of the Parkland funds for ballfield renovation has been freed up. The City will now re- apply and the fields will be completed by the 1985 season. Director Quadri will send a letter to the leagues. Park Employee - Frank Rancatore will begin April 2nd to replace Don Santos who left at the end of the year. Park & Rec Financial Statement - Director Wagner reported on the income from the Rec programs as of July 1983. 1983-84 FISCAL YEAR (8 months) ACCUMULATION was $249,411.47 with refunds of $9,065.65. 1984 Bobby Sox Registration - Director Wagner reported a record number of girls have registered this year. A total of 305 of which 75% are Burlingame residents. Cap Night is scheduled for Firday, March 9 at Burlingame Intermediate School and Open- ing Day will be held on Saturday, April 14 at Ray Park. OLD BUSINESS Arbor Day is scheduledfor Friday, March 9 at Burlingame Village Park. Mayor Amstrup will receive the Tree City USA plaque from the Dept. of Forestry. The City's eleuenLary anu junior nagn scnools nave been iriviLeo �c; atteno. Spring Garden Seminar speakers have been confirmed; Ann Heinz, a new employee in charge of house plants at Burlingame Garden Center will speak on Indoor Plants; Hubert Rodenberg, past president of the S.M. Rose Society, will speak on Roses in the Garden. NEW BUSINESS City Commission Attendance - In reference to the memo from Council to the commis- sions re attendance, the Commission agreed that if there are other commitments/ responsibilities keeping the member from attending 4 of the meetings that person should withdraw themselves from the commission. The Commission agreed to send a letter to the City Manager recommending the words "without permission" be omitted tro�l the existinq ordinance. NEW BUSINESS fcont'd. Commission Meeting Reminder - Commissioner Lembi requested that the commissioners continue to receive a phone call reminding them of the commission meeting. Com- missioner Hagstrom said it would not be necessary for the Beautification Commis- sioners to be called because their meeting date had not been changed. Director Wagner said he would have his secretary continue to call the P & R Commissioners. Gardener Noise - Commissioner Huajardo asked if there was any way noisy equipment used by gardeners could be restricted or controlled. Director Quadri indicated there was an exisitno noise ordinance for construction. The Commission asked Director Quadri to ask the City Attorney if the ordinance would include gardeners. Director Quadri said he would send the existing ordinance and other information to the Commission. Street Cleaning - Commissioner Huajardo reported that there are many cars parked in the street and prevent the street cleaners from cleaning the streets. He would r t C :_h i.,, F-IL-1 -1 ul c sc the cars i 1 K2 the general public l.0 iie i 11 ( of liicli u i ;,iie � �� cc � .. � �u+� � �i y 5����uu could be moved. Director Wagner will check with public works as to the schedule and will include it in the next Recreation Brochure. REPORTS Commissioner Disco Eveninq Maqazine filmed their show in Burlingame and the City looked very nice. 'Sent letter from the Commission thanking Ken Bauer for his "efforts to beautify the area in which you live". Was upset by the article in the Boutique Villager "Commission Merger Blasted". Director Quadri indicated that much of the article was taken out of context and -� that he was surprised by the attentiongiven to that subject as it was a small part of the business the Council discussed at the Study Session. Commissioner Huajardo The April P,R & B agenda should include evaluation criteria of the trial merger, i.e., effectiveness, etc. Commlgsinrnr Haostrom The parking lot and sidewalk near the Broadway Post Offiae has pits and debris. Director Quadri will investigate further. Commissioner Lembi 'Would like the city's workers to be reminded to present themselves in suitable ways, .i.e., language and other forms of etiquette be practiced. Commissioner Carbon There is water and oil puddling on the street in front of Hughes gas station. Director Quadri will investigate. Trees on ECR in front of the Standard gas station at Adeline were illegally pruned. 'Requests a letter be sent from the Commission to the oil company informing them of the city's ordinances on tree pruning. Commissioner Graham 'Requested Director Quadri to explain the landscape award. Director Quadri ex- plained that the award is given to a commercial property each year for landscape excellence. A nominating committee is appointd by the commission and nominates 5-6 different sites. The winner is awarded at the Community Dinner in October. The Commission dis/cussed awarding or acknowledging exceptionally landscaped privaie property. As has beenth` -Iol ; c v . t! , Comm i !! i l r, . ;' 1 c!,r, owl `d" , by letter any property %hat has been exceptionaiiy° landscapec:V Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm. Respectfully submitted, Kalene Harvey Recording Secretary -.�