HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1984.02.02BU� NGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMI-'SION February 2, 1984 The regularly scheduled Burlingame Beautification Commission meeting was called to order Thursday, February 2, 1984, 7:35 PM in the City Hall by Vice -Chairman Hagstrom. ROLL CALL Present: Vice -Chairman Hagstrom, Commissioners Bacon, Bowling, Disco, and Director Quadri. Absent: Chairman Carbon Guests: Members of the Park and Recreation Commission; Chairman Graham, Commissioners Huajardo,Hughes, Lembi, Lindstrom, May. Recre- ation Director Wagner; City Manager Dennis Argyres. The Commission agreed to change the agenda to discuss the item on Com- bing Commissions. COMBINING COMMISSIONS Director Quadri indicated that the idea of combining the Park & Rec and Beautification Commissions has been discussed at both commission meetings and a proposal had been drawn up by staff at the request of the P & R Commission to show what a combined commission might look like. CM Argyres explained that the proposal was designed from the existing ordinances regulating the two Commissions. CM Argyres indi- cated this meeting was requested to hear the commissioners' comments, for or against; that the objective is not to reduce the number of com- missions but to provide more continuity between the commission and departments. �.s Commissioners agreed that organizationally it was a sound idea, how- ever, Commissioners Lembi and Huajardo expressed concerns about re- ducing citizen participation in city government. Commissioner Bacon said he was favorable toward the combining of commissions, that it will help the staffs reporting relationship to council and that the 2-3 year term limit allows continual turnover for citizens to be in- volved. Commissioner May indicated that combining would not disallow those becoming involved, but would only delay their involvement—b-y-2 /n SA/Sy E 8 -Y, Fol-lowing discussion C. Lembi moved that the commissions have combined meetings with joint agendas until October to test the merger idea; seconded; approved unanimously. C. Lembi moved that the trial combined commission meet the 1st Thurs- day of each month beginning in March; seconded; approved unanimously. During this period, they would also determine what might be the appro- priate number of commissioners to suggest to Council. Temporary chair- man and Vice -Chairman will be selected at the first combined meeting on March 1. Park and Rec Commissioners were invited to stay through the remainder of the Beautification Commission meeting. MINUTES Minutes of the January 5, 1984 were approved as submitted. COMMUNICATIONS Letter from Aulwurm & Paul commending the beautification of the area in front of and around Studio B Art Gallery at 108 Myrtle. Aulwurm & Paul suggest that Mr. Ken Bauer be recognized for this work. h -�s '1 w COMMUNICATIONS (cont'd.) Letter and donation from Garden Study Club of the Peninsula for the purchase of trees for Arbor Day planting. Letter from the Commission to Mr. Mackitarian and Mr. Pereira at 1049 & 1053 ECR for the planting of shrubs and flowers in the parking strip; that this kind of lovely work is appreciated. Letter from BBC inviting the Millbrae Beautification Commission to the Spring Garden Seminar on Saturday, March 10, 1984. OLD BUSINESS D. Quadri reported that the bids for ECR Beautification were opened on September 17, 1983. The bids ranged from 99,193--135,000. Shooter and Butts was the low bidder. D. Quadri reported that deep rooting trees that are fast growing have been suggested by Saratoga Horticulture. Garden Study Club of the Peninsula has donated $2,000 for the purchase of trees. All other planting material will be low maintenance and drought -resistant. The Commission recommended that the Council approve this project. Arbor Da will be on March 9, 10:00 a.m., at Village grove will be planted to separate the playing field area. This will be the 5th year that Burlingame has City Award. The Spring Garden Seminar will the Recreation Center. Topics IN THE HOME GARDEN, and INDOOR PARK & REC BUSINESS be on March will be GRO PI ANTS_ Park. A from the received redwood eating the Tree 10, 9:30--11:30 a.m., at , ROSES RD Wagner reported that Hillsborough will provide 2 Little League fields at North School Since there are more fields, it will not be necessary to schedule Friday night games or Sunday games. C. Graham asked if the field condition at North School had been improved. RD Wagner indicated there should be some improvement within 2 months. C. Huajardo added that the Hillsborough fields should be equitable\to those in Burlingame.. C. Graham recommends the Commission make it clear to Little League that they adhere to the rules dictated by staff. Commission agreed that a letter to the league be sent prior to opening day stating that this year's opening day "not be a repeat performance of last year." D. Quadri re will be inst orted that lled at Ray the new grandstands, Park before the Apr donated Bobby by ox the Lions Club, opening. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned by Vice -Chairman Mildred Hagstrom at 9:18 PM. Respectfully submitted, 2a4�-X.- 46 - Arthur Carbon Chairman, Beautification Commission Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary -r