HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1987.02.07CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIT STUDY MEETING Saturday, February 7, 1987, 9:00 a.m. Main Library CoNnunity Room Mayor Gloria Barton convened the study session of the BurlingameCity Council on the above date in the Library Cornrnunity Room at 9 : 00 a.m. PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBf, MANGINI , PAGTIARO STAFF PRESENT:ARGYRES, BECKER, BERGSING, COLEMAN, KIRKUP, MONROE, PALMER, QUADRI , TOWNS, WAGNER This \^ras the annual goals session for the City Council and staff. The city Manager briefly reviewed the highlights of 1986 and the forecast of some of the major issues for 1987. Councilman Amstrup commented that when the city is reviewing and updating the trafficanalyzer, we need to carefully review the capacity of the Rollins/Broadway intersection, particularly concerning the possible developments in the Rollins Road industrial area. Mayor Bartonfelt that regional issues such as transit were very important to our citizens and that our City needs to be involved in these discussions. The City Manager reviewed the budget outlook for 1987/88. our sales tax and investment income are down. This will require thatthe City reduce its expenditures on capital projects to $2 millionor less for next year. The operating budget guideline wiII be an increase of no more than 5%. We will also need a bond issue fund the state required improvements to our sewer treatment plan A bond may result in up to a 20ts increase in our sewer fees in t next year. Councilman Mangini commented that we might needrestrict our expenditures on street resurfacing to the state g tax funds that we receive. Mayor Barton felt that a 20% hike sewer fees would be difficult for our resi-dents. The City Manager indicated that the average homeowner's bill might increase from $5.88 per month to $7.05 per month. Homeowners pay 30 to 40% of the total debt service based on our user charge system; the commer-cial and industrial users pay the remainj-ng share. Councilman Lembi questioned whether the City had a definitive plan for addressing the downtown parking situation. The City Manager reviewed the funds we have budgeted for parking. He also notedthat the stated Council policy is to acquire surface lots which mayresult in a future site for structure. Council discussed thepublic's reaction to the recent increase in long-term rates to $1per day. Councilman Lembi relayed some of the comments he has received from the public about their dealings with the Building and Public Works departments. He felt that we need to work on a goal of a positive attitude. Couneilman Pagliaro indicated he has also heard some comments and that we may have a public relations problem with someof our inspectors. City Manager reviewed the recent City training program on public contact and who is attending. He also discussedthe nature of the problems that occur when we become moreregulatory and must say no to things which previously were not anissue. Councilman Pagliaro also requested that appropriate depart- ment heads should be at Council meetings where there is a majorissue concerning their department. Council discussed calling to request staff members be present vrhen they felt there $ras a need. Councilman Lembi questioned the Recreation Dj-rector about two ofhis department goals for 1987 concerning after school sports. Hefelt that the Council should review the liability exposure of somerecreation programs. The question of liability will be discussedat our March study session. councilman Mangini asked that the Fire Department look at Hoover school concerning complaints about apotential fire hazard. tot. he to asin 1T !2 Councilman Paglj-aro commented that he has been receiving complaintsabout the number of books and number of new books at our library,particularly novels. The City Librarian reviewed the nr.mber of new volumes added each year and the problems we have concerning space and removal of old books. Mayor Barton commented that she felt our basic priorities from lastyear had not appeared to have changed. Councilman Amstrup feltthat we need to be sure that our infrastructure is maintained. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Judirh A. MaIf a t riCity Clerk vmy ADJOURNMENT