HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1988.08.01238 BURLfNGAME, CALIFORNIA August 1, 19 88 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA}ICE TO THE FLAG Led by Police Commander Tom chase. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES BARTON, LEMBI , MANGINf ( vacation ) AMSTRUP, PAGTIARO the Regular Meeting of 1988 were approved. JuIy July 14, 20, RESOLUTION 75-88 FIXING ASSESSMENTS FOR WEED AND RUBBISH ABATEMENT PROGRAM - CP 8803 Director of Pub1ic works reviened his memo of recommended council hold a public hearing and resolution fixing assessment to be placed on t property owner will be assessed for an amount Viee Mayor tunstrup opened the pub11c hearing. cornments, the hearing was closed. July thenhetof$ 18 in which he adopt a ax ro1l. OnIy one 5L7.50. There being no Councilman Mangini moved adoption of RESoLUTIoN 75-88. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously 4-0 by roll call vote, Mayor Pagliaro being absent. REQ UEST BY HOTELS TO INCREASE HOTEL TAX TO UPGRADE FAIRGROITNDS Steve Sharpel, General Manager of the Marriott Hotel at 1"800 Bayshore, stated the hoteliers of the county are requesting their councils consider placing a measure on the November balIot to increase city hotel taxes in order to make improvements to the county Fairgrounds; he introduced Rick Adie, General Manager of the new Hyatt Hotel at L333 Bayshore Highway. Adie requested dj-rection from council and noted that the fairground needs improvement to draw visitors to the business for the hotels. SEMI , one of the fairground, has a contract until 1990 and another place to hold their convention if improved; they have talked to Santa Clarawilling to contribute $1 million per year county and improvelargest users of the they are looking forthe fairgrounds are not and San Jose. They areto amortize a facility to meet their needs at our fairgrounds. Adie noted other cities are looking to Burlingame for Ieadership and direction in this issue since Burlingame has the largest number of hotel rooms in the county. Councilwoman Barton wondered if the Convention Bureau and hotels would have some control over use of the fairgrounds if this measure were approved. Adie responded he would like to see Convention Bureau have control. council discussed materials received regarding this issue; they had many questions and thought material was unclear. Council deci would like to dj.scuss this issue with hotels, convention Burea county representatives and perhaps even SEMI to get some idea needs and costs involved. Council \"ras not prepared to act on matter at this time. ded it u,of the the CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame city Council was held on the above date in the City HalI Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice Mayor lrving S. Amstrup. Minutes of the Special Meeting ofJuly 18, and the Study Meeting of 239 Vice Mayor Amstrup noted with council agreement that he planned on meeting with some people concerned with this subject later this week and offered to have councilwoman Barton join him. He will rePort back to council. Vice Mayor Amstrup called a recess at 7:54. The meeting reconvened with four council members present at 7:56 p.m. SPECfAL ENCROACIiMENT PERMfT FOR FENCE AT 1804 DEVEREUX Director of Public l,torks reviewed the memo of July 13 which recommended council deny this request because it would set a precedent for the neighborhood where there are no fences, the city water main is located behind this fence, and the meter reader would have to walk over the lawn behind the fence to read the meter. Thecity sewer cleanout is also located behind the fence. The applicants were present and Vice Mayor Amstrup invited them to comment. Bill and Marie Stark, applicants, requested council approve their request. When they moved into the home there was a hedge at the location of the fence which they have xemoved. The meter reader hadto walk behind the hedge to read the meter before. They showed council photos of the site. They stated that if the city needed torepair the water main they wou1d. remove the fence as necessary. Council- discussed with City Attorney the possibility of cityl-iability for injuries caused by the location of the fence on cityright-of-way. city Attorney suggested the applicants be required tocarry $500,000 liability insurance as a condition for the permit and he noted there is a hold harmless cl-ause in the permit language. AUGUST 1988 TRAFFIC ALLOCATIONS city Planner reviewed her memo of July 25 in which she requested council make a determination on two requests for traffic allocations (one other request had been withdrawn by the applicants, Burlingame fnvestment Corporation, for the Harbor view Hotel at 620 Airport). The two requests are for (1) McSIeep Inn at 765 Airport and (2) Thrifty Rent-A-car at 1755 Bayshore. (1) Mcsleep Inn: Ackerman Group are requesting a traffic allocation for a 102 room motel on a two acre site next to Days Inn. The hotel would have no eating facilities. (2) Thrifty Rent-A-Car: In May council granted Thrifty an allocation for 100 car rental fleet at 1755 Bayshore. At that time they were looking for another site for storage of vehicfes. Since then the operator has decided not to have a l-ocal storage facility and to increase the fleet size from 100 to 400 cars, therefore they need an increase in their traffic allocation. This 400 car fleet will generate more traffic at the Airport Boulevard intersection from a 1.19 acre site than the Hyatt Hotel from a nine acre site. Vice Mayor Amstrup noted that any action on traffic allocations does not mean council approval of the project, action on the specific projects will come at a later time. Council agreed on approval of an allocation for McSIeep Inn. A representative of Thrifty, Lloyd St. Clair, responded to councj-I questions regarding their request for traffic allocation. Councilman Mangini thought the number of car rental agenci-es should be regulated and suggested council study this issue. other council members had serious concerns about the large number of rental cars Thrifty is proposing. This rrrould seriously impact some critical intersections. Councilwoman Barton moved to deny the j.ncreased traffic allocation request for Thrifty while allowing the original 100 car fleet approval . Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by voice vote. 240 Councilman Mangini moved to grant the special encroachment permitfor a three foot fence subject to normal conditions and also subjectto the applicants having $500,000 liability insurance in case ofinjury, Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously. MEMO FROM CfTY ATTORNEY REGARDING TREE ROOT DAMAGE TO SEWERS Council acknowledged this memo regarding a recent letter from Mr. King at 141 Clarendon Road whose sewer lateral failed to pass thecity required test prj-or to h5-s selling the property, therefore he must repair the lateral. He had previously experienced sewer backup caused by city tree and was reimbursed by city; he feels the city should pay the cost of replacing the sewer lateral. City Attorney recommended city deny responsibility for this tl.tr)e of damage. Councilman Lembi requested a copy of this memo be sent to King. REQUEST FOR VALET PARKING AT ITIAIT I{AEE City Planner reviewed her memo of JuIy 22 in which she reguested council make a determination on this request to use 74 spaces forvalet parking at the Hyatt Hotel. They would charge $4 per day forvisitors and $8 per day for overnight guests using valet parking. Self parking patrons would be allowed to park in the valet area at no charge if the self parking spaces are fu1l. Councilwoman Barton moved to approve this request. Seconded by councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by voice vote. MTC TRANSPORTATION AWARD - NOMINATE MAYOR PAGLIARO Council acknowledged the memo of JuIy 27 which recommended council take action regarding the MTc Transportation Awards program. It has been suggested that Frank Pagliaro would be an appropriate candidatefor this award for his efforts in chairing the Measure A committee and his other work for transportation improvements in our county. Council concurred with this proposal and nominated Mayor Pagliaro. a INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1368 - ESTABLISHING DECLINING HEIGHT ENVELOPE FOR R-1 ZONES City Planner's memo of JuIy 25 recommended council introducethis ordinance and set public hearing for August 15. For some months the Planning Commission and City Council have studied the problem of regulating the height and mass of development in single family neighborhoods in order to protect the air andIight of adjacent properties and conserve the character ofexisting neighborhoods. This ordinance includes newdefinitions of declining height envelope, habitable area and modification of the definition of story; adds to the R-1 and R-2 portions of the zoning code the requirement that side setback be established by the declining height envelope line; modifies the measurement of side and rear yard setbacks to include the declining height envelope l-ine; and disallows the horizontal extension of nonconforming setbacks. b. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1369 - ALLOWING LIMITED HOME OCCUPA- TION FOR ACCOI'NTANTS,ATTORNEYS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE City Planner's memo of JuIy 25 recommended council introducethis ordinance and set public hearing for August 15. After a request from a resident, council discussed revising the city code to allow certain home occupations now prohibited by thecode. This ordinance would allow such busi.ness if it is a sole proprietorship, there are no other employees and no clientsvisit the site, as weII as meeting all other present regulations for home occupations . CONSENT CALENDAR 241 RESOLUTION 76-88 - AVIARDING CONTRACT FOR BROADWAY ARCH SIGN REFURBISHING - CP 521 Public Works memo of July 22 recommended council approve a contract with Brumfield Electric Sign Company in the amount of $33,500. d. RESOLUTION 77-88 SUSPENDING SECTION 7.02 OF THE SETTLEMENT AGRE EMENT WITH SAN FRANC]SCO WATER DEPARTMENT Pub1ic works Directorts memo of July 27 recommended council temporarily suspend Section 7.02 of the agreement with San Francisco water Department for fiscal years 87-88 and 88-89 due to the current water shortage. This same agreement must be accepted by all 25 suburban water users affected by this contract. ff other water users only agree to suspend the section for the current year, this would exclude the 87-88 fiscal year . e. RESoLUTIoN 78-88 - AMENDING AGREEMENT WITH HARDING LAwSoN FoR AIRPORT BOULEVARD REHABILfTATION - CP 8328 Public works memo of July 28 recommended council approve an amendment with Harding-Lawson Associates in the amount of $727,620 to complete the geotechnical engineering services for this roadr^,ay rehabilitation and leachate berm installation. f. APPROVE ANNUAL CONTRfBUTION TO AIRPORT ROI'NDTABLE City Manager's memo of JuIy 18 recommended council aPProve $1,000 to the Airport Roundtable for a contract with the consultant-manager Walter Gillfi11an, funds to come from contingency reserves. APPROVE FI'NDING FOR 1988 SUMMER JOBS FOR YOUTH PROGRAM City Manager's memo of July 20 recommended council donate $975 to the county-t^ride Sumner Jobs for Youth Program, fundsto come from contingtency reserves. h. TENTATfVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP FOR ].564 757 6 1.590 ROTLINS i. DENfAL OF CLAIM: JANICE STRICKLAND City Attorney's memo of July 20 recommended denial of this trip and faIl claim. RESOLUTfON 79-88 - AWARDING CONTRACT FOR TREE PRUNING cP 809 Park Director's memo of July 27 recommended council awardthis contract to Timberline Tree Service for a bid of $27.85per man hour. $47,500 has been appropriated for tree trimming throughout the city this fiscal year. K. RESOLUT]ON 80-88 - AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SEWER REPLACEMENT - PALOMA PALM OAK GROVE AREAS - CP 511 Public works memo of JuIy 27 recommended council award thiscontract to Harty Pipeline for the amount of $159,075. councilwoman Barton moved approval of the consent calendar, seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by voice voteof members present. NEW BUSINESS ) counci Imacouncil o He felt t nf he Mangini stated his objections to the minutes of the Mayors' City Selection committee meeting of JuIy 14.y did accurately portray what happened at the meeting. Public works memo of JuIy 26 recommended council concur with the Planning Commission and approve this map to combine former SP property with these three addresses. s. 242 Vice Mayor Amstrup agreed, noting he would like to see theindividual city votes in the minutes. Vice Mayor Amstrup asked council members to look at the buildingat 27L7 Arguello where a second story addition has blocked the views of neighbors. He has received calls regarding this site,this is a legal expansion but with no regard for neighbors. Vice Mayor Amstrup scheduled appeal hearings for August 15 for a dry cleaning establishment at 314 Lorton and the rental car agency at Embassy suites, 150 Anza, and scheduled an appeal hearing for September 6 for 2017 Easton for a side setback. Commission Minutes: Civil Service, June 14; Library Board,July 19; Park and Recreation, July 21; Planning, July 25, 1"988. a b. Building Inspection Report, June 1988. c. Treasurer's Report, ,lune 30, 1988. d. Fire Department Report, Second Quarter of FROM THE FLOOR There were no corunents from the floor. CLOSED SESSION Council adj ourned t negotiations at 8:3 AD,JOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Judith A. Malfacity clerk 1988. laboro a Closed Session regarding o p.m. l_ SCHEDULE HEARINGS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS