HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1988.07.20235 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Idednesday, JuIy 20, 1988,7:30 p.m. City HaII Conference Room B Mayor Frank Pagliaro convened the study session of the BurlingameCity Council on the above date in the Conference Room B of Burlin- game city Ha]I at 7:33 p.m. PRESENT: COUNCILME}4BERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMB], MANGINI , PAGLIARO STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, COLEMAN, KIRKUP, MONROE, 9UADRI 1. DECLINING HEIGHT ENVELOPE - PROPOSED REGULATION The City Planner reviewed the staff report on the proposed declin- ing height envelope regulation. The problems identified have been the effects of second story additions or nel^t two story homes on thevisual character of neighborhoods and the impact on air and light access to adjacent homes. The council and Planning Commission has reviewed various alternatives, suggesting the declining height en- velope approach for more detailed review. Staff presented a model indicating how the development envelope for a second story addition would be affected by the proposed new regulation. Councilmembers Barton and Mangini indicated their support for theconcept. Councilman Lembi acknowledged the need to address the problem but felt that it would affect the appearance of housing stock as it is now. He felt the new regulation did not fit the ex-isting style of architecture in many neighborhoods. He thought it would make some of the architecture out of character, reduce the amount of livable area, and increase construction cost. He felt rrte needed to study all types of property in the City and be asflexible and possible in regulation. Councilman Amstrup indicatedthat he has reviewed the matter at length with staff. He supported expansions of existing dwellings but felt that we needed to in- crease our concern for the neighbors. He felt that we need moreregulation because existing standards are inappropriate and we are approving too many variances. He supported the declining height envelope concept as presented. Mayor Pagliaro indicated that he also supported the concept. The consensus of the Council r^ras to prepare the proposed regulation for introduction and public hearing. The city Planner reviewed her study of the oldpresented a slide showing the current land usefronting on Bayshore Highway zoned M-1. Af general pLan, existing land use, traffic and denstaff concluded that allowing free standing area with a floor area ratio (FAR) of .15 would Baysotersit res p shore area andf the properties reviewing theies in the area,taurants in thisrobably have apositive effect on the traffic circulation system in the area. Development of office would have an adverse impact on the traffic situation. Councilman Mangini stated that a number of properties in the area were ready for re-use. Councilman Amstrup felt that an overlay zone on the exj-sting area to restrict use to restaurants with a FARof .L5 plus parking to C-4 code requirements would be acceptable. Mayor Pagliaro thought we should restrict the area to encouragehotel and restaurant but prohibit additional office uses. Staff indicated that it would also Iike to re-zone the Hyatt and Sheratonparcels from M-l to C-4. It was the consensus of the council thatstaff should prepare a draft of a rezoning for the area which wouldrestrict offices and limit freestanding restaurants to FAR of .15plus parking to c-4 code requirements. 3. MOD]FfCATION HOME OCCUPATfON ORDINANCE The city Planner reviewed the Council discussion at the May studysession concerning expanding the allowed home occupation to in-clude, with restrictions, accountants, attorneys, insurance and 2. REVIEW M-l DISTRICT OLD BAYSHORE - RESTAURANTS 236 real estate agents. The additional restrictions proposed for these occupations would be that one resident must be the sole person en- gaged in the business, there would be no other employees on site, and no clients would be allowed to visit the site. Councilman Amstrup stated that this would create an impossi-ble enforcement problem and urged that \"re go slowly with expanding the home occupa-tions in residenti.al areas. Mayor Pagliaro felt that the enforcement problem wouLd be no dif- ferent from these professions than for others currently in place. councilmembers Mangini and Barton supported the proposed revision. Councifman Lembi thought lve may gain additional control and regula- tion on these businesses by allowing the ordinance change rather simply prohibiting them and havlng them occur iIlegally. ft was the consensus of the Council that the revised ordinance should be introduced at the next regular Council meeting. 4. REVIEW 1860 EL CAI4INO REAL Mayor Pagliaro indicated that the City Attorney had informed him that he had a possible conflict of interest and that he would notparticipate in the discussion on this item. The city Attorney reviewed Mr. celler's position regarding the use of his client'sproperty at 1860 EI Camino Real indicating that the client wishes to expand the medical uses on the property. Medical uses have a higher parking requirement and staff has indicated that to expand these uses within the building his client must provide additionafparking. Mr. Geller has expressed two contentions to the City:(1) a legat issue concerning nonconforming use; and (2) he felt the City is favoring other buildings in the area which were allowed to expand medical uses. The City Attorney reviewed a number of specific sites in the inunediate area identified by Mr. Geller as medical expansions, The City Attorney recommended that Mr. GeIIer be advised that his client must request a parking variance in order to expand the medical uses within the building. The City Council agreed with the City Attorney's position. He was directed to inform Mr. Ge1ler to file for a variance if he wished to changed the uses in the building. 5. LEAF DROP SYCAMORES/TREE TRIMMING Mayor Pagfiaro asked the Park Director to review !.rith Council the concerns Councilwoman Barton had previously expressed concerning leaf drop by the sycamores in her neighborhood. The Park Director explained the current problem with the mildew resulting from the weather conditions. Councilwoman Barton stated that the Park Director had answered her concerns about the leaf drop problem but she felt the trees in her area needed to be triruned more freguently than every four years. Mayor Pagliaro reviewed the tree pruning area. PG&E trims one side every 12 to trims the other side every four years. uneven and unattractive appearance. Ciwith the Park Director the possibility of our tree trimming to match PG&E or f Councj.lman Mangini felt that safety was the occidenta 1/Ra Is ton months whereas the cityelt this creates a veryouncil then discussed ncreasing the frequency some other solution. gh priority. He would in 24 Hertycofi indahi not support any change in trimming schedule if it would affect the safety of other trees, especially Eucalyptus trees. After additional discussion the Park Director was requested to research the possibility and costs of increasing the tree trimming on the approximately 450 trees in areas with substantially dif- ferent heights caused by trimming for power lines. 6. DRIVEWAY 1504 CHAPIN Councilman Amstrup stated that vre have discussed this matter previ- ously and he felt that we should 1et the property owner p]-ace a culvert and asphalt in his driveway at the property ownerrs expense for this one case. Public Works Director stated that he felt we should require an encroachment permit in this instance so that we could require the property owner to maintain the pipe and insure free fIow. It was Council consensus that staff should prepare an 237 encroachment permit for the correction of the driveway problem with the condition that the property osrner maintain the drainage pipe and that he pays all cost for installation. COT'NCIL COMMENTS Councilwoman Barton stated that she had received a letter from Ann Parsons of the Broadway Merchants concerned with the City not being able to make the restoration of the Broadway sign in time for a scheduled celebration in october. Public works Director reviewed the bidding situation for sign repair and stated that we will have a recommendation for award of a contract on the August 1 agenda. Council also requested that a copy of the letter sent to the Coun- ciI of Mayors concerning voting procedures be sent to the mayor of each city in the county. FROM THE FLOOR Martha Rossman and Ramona Martinez addressed the council on their support for the need for increased regulation of second story of additions because of the overbuilding currently occurring. They commended their council for the work done to date. The meeting was adj ourned at 8:55 p.m. Judi-th A. MalfattCity clerk vmy ADJOURNMENT