HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1988.06.20220 BURLfNGAME, June 20, CALIFORNIA 1988 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the city HaII Council chambers. The meeting was calIed to order at 7:37 p.m. by Mayor Frank J. Pagliaro, Jr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Chamber of Commerce Di-rector Karen Key. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, TEMBI , MANGINf, PAGLIARO NONE Minutes of the ReguLar Meeting of June 6 and the Study Meeting of June 8, 1988 were approved. RESOLUT]ON 56-88 ADOPTfNG THE 1988-89 BUDGET AND CAPITAL fMPROVE- MENT PROG RAM - RESOLUTION 57-88 ADOPTfNG APPROPRIATION LIMIT Mayor Pagliaro turned the meeting over to Council Budget Chaj-rman Amstrup who reviewed the budget discussion at the Study Meeting and the Community Funding requests which were reviewed. He compl-emented the city Manager, Finance Director and staff for thetight budget. Mayor Pagliaro opened the public hearing. A representative of the San Francisco Airport Travelerrs Aid was present and noted their group had requested funding during thepast two years. She hoped they would be considered. Mayor Pagliaro explained that the city received Federal Revenue Sharing funds in the past, but the city no longer gets this funding. council had decided to fund groups it has previously funded. John Ke11y, Samaritan House, thanked council for its support. Mayor Pagliaro closed the hearing. councilman Lembi inquired about the Chamber ofor additional funding. City Manager noted i an additional $2,400 for a promotional item, request, in addition to the traditional $15,0 fCrh whi 00. ommerce request ad been granted ch is a one-time Council discussed the San Mateo County convention and Visitors Bureau funding. Mayor Pagliaro felt the city should have more representation on the Board of that agency since the city provides the largest contribution of any other city or the county. The county has five representatives including its appointees. Councilman Mangini noted among the various appointees to the board there are five representatives who come from Burlingame on the Board. Council members felt the Bureau was doing an excellent job in bringing business to the city.city Manager advised counciL that the Convention Bureau contract would be reviewed in ,JuIy and at that time the actual funding would be decided upon. councilman Amstrup noted that he would Ij-ke to see the Bureau move its headquarters back to Burlingame. Councilman Amstrup moved adoption of RESoLUTIONS 56-88 Adopting Budget and 5?-88 Adopting Appropriation Limit. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by voice vote. SECOND READING - ADOPTION OF ORDfNANCE 1366 - ESTABLISHING MOTOR- CYCLE PARKfNG ZONES Director of Public works reviewed the city Attorneyrs memo of May 26 to which was attached a map of the location of the motorcycle parking spaces on Broadrray and Burlingame Avenues as requested bY council. Council reviewed that motorcycles would also be able park in other parking spaces, vrhereas cars would not be allowed to park in these very small motorcycle spaces. Mayor Pagliaro opened the public hearing. There being no cofiunents, the hearing was closed. Councilman Lembi moved adoption of oRDINANCE 1356. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote. ANNUAL RENEWAL OF AMUSEMENT PERMITS city Attorney reviewed his memo of June 15 in which he recommended council renew the amusement permits for a period of one year to June 30, 1989. He noted that council had previously heard from attorney Joseph GeIIer regarding the lack of noticing adjacent property owners regarding these permits. Geller will be suing the city on this issue, but Ge11er had no particular concerns he wished to express at this meeting about the Marriott Hotel which is near his property. Councifman Amstrup moved to renew all Amusement Permits for a period of one year. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote, REPORT ON PUTNA}4 HYUNDAI city Attorney reviewed his memo of June 16 in which he noted Putnam Hyundai appears to have striped the employee parking spaces in its garage as required by its planning permj-t. The lights are turned off early in the evening. He wj-1I continue to monitor the parking, lighting and noise requirements. LIBRARY BOARD TERM EXPIRATION Mayor Pagliaro set July 11 as the final date for application to this position. He noted that Mrs. Mink, the incumbent, has already applied for the position. CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL OF WEEKLY CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM City Manager reviewed his memo of June 14 in which he requested council approve the concept of recycling in our city. If enoughcities in the BFI area approve the concept, a contract will be prepared for future council approval. Council members supported the concept, noting it is environmental need and it will extend the life of the landfill. Council had some questi-ons about the costs to homeowners, and the monetary returns on recycled products to BFI . The proposed contract has a clause in which the charges would be increased if operating ratio goes over 91 percent but there is no provision to reduce costs if the ratio goes below 91 percent. City Manager noted these are issues proposed contract, that if customersto reduce the number of garbage cans miqht be reduced. to be worked out in therecycle they should be able they use so their costs Councilwoman Barton moved to approve the concept of recycl-ing. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously by voice vote . 221 222 INSURANCE COVERAGE City Attorney reviewed his memo of June 16 in which he recommended council approve purchase of workers compensationinsurance at a cost of $.25 per $100 payroll and liability insurance with a retention of $500,000 from Curtis Day and Company for a cost of $242,000. He also recommended that ifCurtis Day is not able to place al-I their reinsurance the city renew hrith Fred S. James at the $250,000 retention. He recornmended agtainst purchase of 'rtai1 insurance." Councilman Mangini moved to approve the recomnended insurance. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried unanimously by voice vote. Mayor Pagliaro removed item "c. Construction award for PumpStation Improvements . rl a RESOLUTION 58-88 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR SOIL SERVICES FOR MILLS CAI.IYON SLIDE AREA - JOB 8802 Public Works memo of June 10 recommended council approve the agreement with Hallenbeck and Associates for soil engineering services in the amount of $7,900. RESOLUTION 59-88 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT FOR BILL COLLECTION SERVICES Finance Directorrs memo of June l-3 recommended council approve an agreement with County Credit Control forcollection of delinquent DUI billings. c. Removed. Pub1ic Works Director's memo of June 13 recomnended council approve an agreement with O' Brien-Krietzberg for construc-tion management in the amount of $229,644. RESOLUTION 51-88 - SET PUBLIC HEARING JULY 5 FOR CALfFORNIA DRIVE UNDERGROUNDING PROJECT Traffic Engineerrs memo of June 13 recommended councif setpublic hearing for the formation of Underground Di-strict 8 along California Drive bet$reen tincoln and Sanchez Avenues. RESOLUTION 62-88 - AWARDING BID FOR FOX PLAZA LANE REPAIR - JOB 8705 Public works' memo of June 14 recommended council award acontract, as shown on Schedule B, to P & F construction in the amount of $28,253. RESOLUTION 63-88 - AIiARDING BID FOR HfGHWAY ROAD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE REPAIR - JOB 8623 Assistant civil Engineerrs memo of June 14 recommended council award a contract to cunningham & Sons for $1,2,822. RESOLUTION 64.88 - APPROVfNG SUPPLEMENE TO AGREEMENT FOR FAU E'I]NDING - A]RPORT/ANZA TRAFFIC SfGNALS - JOB 8OO5 B Traffic Engineer's memo of June 13 recommended counciL approve a supplement to the State agreement 04-5171 for fundj-ng an FAU project in which the city would receive $216,000 in FAU funds from the State. d f h CONSENT CALENDAR t- RESOLUTION 60-88 - AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTfON ADMINISTRATION OF MAfN PUMP STATfON fMPROVEMENTS - JOB 8602 s. VARD REHABILITATION - JOB 8328 city Engineerts memo of June 15 recommended council approve an imendment with THM & Associates in the amount of $49,277 to complete engineering services for this roadvJay rehabil- itation and leachate berm installation project. )TENTATIVE AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNI CATION DISPATCHERS Finance Director recommended payment of warrants 39950 40477, duly audited, in the amount of $L,672,982.78 atd PayroII Checks 83878 - 84896 for the month of May 1988 the amount of $589,169.65. City Manager's memo of June 13 recommended council approve this agreement with representatives of Teamster Local 856 Communication Dispatchers in accordance with prior council authorization; this agreement is for a tl',o year term !'rith percent salary adjustments JuIy 1, 1988 and 5 percent July 1-, 1989. 5 K. RESOLUTION 66-88 - AUTHORIZfNG DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE RECORDS City Clerk's memo of ,June 13 recommended council approve disposal of certain records over two years old. 1. WARRANTS AI{D PAYROLL 1n Councilwoman Barton moved approval of the consent Calendar excepting item "c.tr Second.ed by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by voice vote. REMOVED CONSENT ITEM c. RESOLUTION 57-88 - AWARDING BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MAIN SEWAGE PI'MP STATION fMPROVEMENTS -JOB 8602 Public works Directorts memo of June 15 recommended council approve a resolution awarding the work to the second low bidder, Monterey Mechanical, in the amount of $1,467,000 and rejecting the low bid of Marelich Mechanical company as being non-responsive to the specifications. Mayor Pagliaro noted the presence of representatives of Marelich Mechanical , he acknowl-edged receipt of a letter from Albay Construction regarding the bid award, statj.ng that the second low bidder, Monterey Mechanical, had a mathematical error of $100,000in its bid. city Attorney stated Monterey would have to and has agreed to absorb that error if the bid is awarded to them. Michael Price, attorney for Marelich, protested the denial of the bid of Marelich; he said Marelich is entitled to submit material to the city within 35 days to establish that the pumps they propose to use are egual to the wemco pumps which aII other bidders had based their bids upon. Mayor Pagliaro noted that contract provision did not apply to the bidding process but to other circumstances after award of a contract. Council noted that the city's consul-ting engineers had statedthat the pumps which Marelich proposed to use vrere not adequate and they recommended city reject the bid of Marelich as being non-responsive. Council had concerns that the other bidders had aI1 based their bids on using wemco pumps, that it was comparing "apples and oranges" to al1ow Marelich's bid to stand; that thecity required wemco pumps . Price stated that the bid specifications said Wemco or equivalentpumps. His client onty wanted the opportunity to prove that his pumps were equivalent to wemco, if they proved not to be hisclient would use wemco. City Attorney stated he had been requesting information on these pumps for a week and Marelich has not responded. 223 i. RESOLUTION 65-88 - AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR AIRPORT BOULE- 224 s equal to theallow them the opportunity to prove their pump i !,7emco i (2) reject all bids and rewrite the specs Wemco be the only pump accepted and then rebid tor acknowledge that an equal would never be fair a\.rard the contract to Marelich for the bid pricedifferential of the pumps required. Nejasmich sproposals would save the city at least $100,000. Larry Nejasmich, President of Marelich Mechanical, presentedIetters to council regarding the bid; he requested that councildo one of the following: (1) award the contract to Marelich and requiring that he project; (3) Iy evaluated andplus thetated these Council reviewed $rith Director of Public Works any problems and delays which might be encountered with these proposals. Councilmen Mangini moved to table this item until the next meeting in order to get more information to council. After somediscussion, the motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Lembi noted he would like to save the city $100,000;he did not care to deny the bid. Councih'roman Barton moved to adopt RESOLUTION 67-88 denying the Marelich bid and awarding the bid to Monterey Mechanical for the second lowest bid of $1,467,000. Seconded by Mayor Pagliaro,carried 4-1 on roll cal-1 vote, counciLman tembi voting no. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Barton complimented the Park Department and the Recreation Department on rrArt in the Park.r! Councilman Amstrup requested that staff write thank you lettersto BeIl Savings and the Chamber of Commerce for helping in thecelebratlon of the city's 8Oth Anniversary. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Lembi noted when he was visiting the Putnam Hyundaisite to check the parking he had noted some very foul smellingIiquids in the gutters across the street which appeared to be coming from the auto repair facilities nearby. Staff will investigate. Councilman Amstrup asked if a listing of the persons requesting appointment to the county Transportation Tax comnittee $rasavailabLe. council agreed this would be helpful . Mayor Pagliaro noted he would be requesting appointment as member at large. Mayor Pagliaro inquired if council would consider changing the name of Fox P1aza Lane to Charlotte Johnson Lane. Council members thought it a noble idea, but saw many problems because there are so many notable people in Burlingame who could be remembered in such a manner. Councilman Amstrup calleddish antenna at 3 Californ for council review the satelliteDrive. Hearing would be July 5. up councj-l had concerns about the newspaper articles regarding somecities plans to delay water rationing. city Manager noted that some adjacent cities have well water on which they can depend, but that Burlingame is rationing water. Building fnspection Report, May 1988.b Police Report, May 1988. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. coNnission Minutes: Traffic, Safety, Parking, ll,ay 12; Planning, June 13; Civil Service, May 10, 1988. SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING FOR REVIEW WATER RATIONING 225 d. Treasurer's Report, May 31, 1988. e. Letter from Chamber of commerce regarding its budget. f. Memo from city Manager regarding water Rationing Status. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. CLOSED SESSION A closed session regarding labor negotiations and litigation was held at 8: 5 3 p.m, ADJOURNMENT ]N MEMORY OF AL HORWITZ The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:25 p.m. after a moment of silence in memory of AI Horvritz, a former Planning Commissioner, who died yesterday. ith A. Malfatti City Clerk