HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1988.05.18211 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Wednesday, May 18, 1988, 7:30 p.m. City Hal1 conference Room B Mayor Frank Pagliaro convened the study session of the Burlingame city council on the above date in the Conference Room B of Burlin- game City HaII at 7:38 p.m. PRESENT: COUNCITMEMBERS AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBf, MANGINI , PAGLfARO fN RESIDENTIAL DfSTRICTS Mayor Pagliaro indicated that after reviewing the request from Mr. Donald Asplund of 433 occidental Avenue, he felt that this matter might be handled by some type of conditional use permit. The City Attorney indicated that if we are going to amend our code to al-low these currently excluded occupations as permitted uses, we needed to come up with a definitive category of similar types of profes- sions. The distinction between lega1 offices and some other professions seems difficult to determine. Councilwoman Barton stated that she felt we needed to be fair to all similar types of occupations. City Planner reviewed briefly the history of the current ordinance on home occupations and the enforcement problems which have been encountered. After additional Council and staff discussion, it was a consensus that staff was to draft a new category of permitted home occupations that would be restrictive but atlow professional uses. The specific restrictions would include that only one resident must be involved vrith the business, no clients may visit the home, the practice must be a sole practitioner, and that the allowed professions would include accountants, attorneys, real estate and insurance agents. Staff was directed to draft a proposed amendment and return it to the July study meeting for additional Council review. CITY HALL APPEARANCE ]MPROVEMENT AND SPACE PLANNING The City Manager briefly reviewed the proposal the city hadreceived from MliM architects to develop a plan for improvements tocity Ha1I. He indicated that there are a large list of items thatcould be considered for improvement and he requested Councildirection. Councilwoman Barton felt that the number one priority was that public works needs to take over the additional space in REVfEW DRIVEWAY 1504 CHAP]N AVENUE Mayor Pagliaro explained his reason for asking for Council review of this driveway. He indicated that the current driveway has ap- proximately a 30 degree slope and that the residents cars are scraping on the public sidewalk area because of the sharp transi- tion. The resident is requesting that a drainage pipe and addi- tional asphalt be placed in the curb similar to a neighbor down thestreet to reduce the transition and correct the problem. Public works Director reviewed the city policy and reasons for discourag- ing this type of installation because the pipe collects street sweepings and the obstacle in the curb can become a potential liability. councilman Mangini indicated that a similar situation exists at the Bur}ingame Post Office and in numerous other locations in the City where the older design driveways exist. councilwoman Barton indi- cated that she had not had an opportunity to visit the site and re- quested that Council continue this matter to the next study session so that she would have an opportunity to participate in the discus-sion. Council agreed to continue this matter until the JuIy study meeting . STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, COLEMAN, KIRKUP, MONROE REQUEST TO AMEND HOME OCCUPATION ORDINAIiICE TO ALLOW TEGAL OFFICES conference room B for their use. She felt we should expand con- ference room A by removing a wall to make the room big enough for Council use at study meetings. Councilman Amstrup thought that the sound system in the Council Chambers clearly needed to be improved. He agreed that the public works department was overcrowded which was costing them efficiency. He also fett that the City needed an adequate study room. fn addi- tion, the waIl dividing the finance department and treasurer's of- fice should be removed since this was a single work area. Some of the furnishings and chairs definitely needed to be replaced or reupholstered. Mayor Pagliaro stated that the entire Council chambers and lobby needed to be reworked. This should include the walls, carpets, and lobby area. councilman Mangini requested that the overhead tight- ing in the Council Chambers be studied. councilman Lembi thought that we should contact some commercial interior design and spaceplanning firms rather than an architect for suggestj-ons. He also suggested that staff develop a list of the various items so Council may consider developing a priority system. Mayor Pagl-j-aro indi- cated that he felt that Menlo Park was an exceLlent example of how the Council Chambers and lobby should look. He indicated he felt that the architects proposal was excessive. The city Manager indicated that $50,000 had been included in the 1988-89 budget to address some of the Council improvement concerns. There was a general consensus of the Council that staff should develop a list of the specific items that may need to be addressed and that a commercial interior design and space planning firm should be consulted prior to any further consideration. CHANGE JUNE STUDY DATE City Council agreed to change the study date for June from June 22 to June 8 for budget review. The June 22 meeting would be can- ceIed. Budget Chairman Amstrup reviewed a letter which he had dis- tributed to the Council on the prior Monday night suggesting that if council members had any major items of concern regarding the specific budget items they are reviewing, they should Iet the Manager know before June 1 so that all of the Council members could be prepared for discussj-on on June 8. FROM THE FLOOR Mayor Pagliaro asked for Council cofiunents and public cornments from the fIoor. There were no public corunents. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was continued until Monday, May 23, at 5:15 p.m. to consj-der a closed session on litigation. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. to a closed session on labor negotiations. The closed session concluded at 9:10 p.m. udith A.City Clerk vmy 2L2