HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR - 2020.01.16• City of Burlingame BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME BURLINGAME, CA 94010 F I� Meeting Agenda - Final Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, January 16, 2020 7:00 PM Burlingame Recreation Center 850 Burlingame Avenue 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes a. December 19. 2019 Minutes Attachments: 4. Correspondence 5. Public Comments Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State and local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are asked to fill out a `request to speak' card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff, although provision of a name, address or other identifying information is optional. The Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 6. Old Business 7. New Business a. Design Approval for J Lot Playground Renovation and Proposed Name Change Attachments: Staff Report Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C b. Update to the Parks & Recreation Department Mission Statement Attachments: Staff Report C. Update on the Relocation Plan for the New Communitv Center Construction Attachments: Staff Report City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 21412020 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Agenda - Final January 16, 2020 d. Presentation by the City Attorney Attachments: Staff Report 8. Staff and Commissioner Reports 9. Future Agenda Items 10. Adjournment Next Meeting: Thursday, February 20, 2020 NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Department at (650) 558-7323 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.org. City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 21412020 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION DRAFT Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, December 19, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Milne at 7:00 pm at the Burlingame Community Center, 850 Burlingame Ave, Burlingame. Commissioner Pappajohn recited the Oath of Office as administered by her husband. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Milne, Holzman, Lewis, Matthews & Pappajohn COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Lee & Ardito STAFF PRESENT: Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Recreation Coordinator Fuhrman and Recording Secretary Helley OTHERS PRESENT: Kimathi Marangu & Aristotle Marangu; Lauren Schmidt, MIG 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Matthews made a motion to approve the November 21, 2019 minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lewis and was approved. 5-0-2 (Lee & Ardito absent). 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Update on Memory Cafe Recreation Coordinator Fuhrman introduced herself to the Commission and gave background on how the development of a Memory Cafe came to be in Burlingame. The Memory Cafe concept was brought to the attention of staff at a Conversations with Council event by a Burlingame resident, Charles Voltz, in October 2018. Staff researched the Memory Cafe concept, studied the 1 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes December 19, 2019 Memory Cafe Tool Kit, and contacted other organizations currently offering the program throughout the United States to see if the concept could be replicated in Burlingame. The Peninsula Health Care District is funding the program with the City providing staff time to support the program. The first Memory Cafe was held in September 2019 with 13 attendees and 5 Rotary Club volunteers. To date, four Memory Cafe gatherings have been held, with a different activity each time, including Chair Yoga, Music and Memory program, and Photo Sharing. Each Cafe has brought new participants, and most participants have returned to each of the subsequent gatherings. The feedback from the participants has been very positive. They report enjoying their time and the activities, the opportunity to connect with others going through similar situations, and appreciate the support and resources they receive from the Memory Cafe team, as well as their peers. Commission commented on how wonderful the program is and learned that the program is countywide, has participants are both men and women. b. Approval of Parks Master Plan Glomstad provided an overview via a power point presentation on the development, information gathering strategies and the compilation of the data into the current version of the Parks Master Plan (PMP). The document is meant to be a flexible resource that aides decision makers for the next 8-10 years based on the community's priorities as deemed from the data collection done via outreach, web surveys, phone surveys, etc. The PMP sets the framework for decision -makers in the planning, maintenance, development, and/or rehabilitation of Burlingame's parks and recreation facilities. It also provides a systematic and prioritized approach to the implementation of parks and recreation projects. The Plan includes three elements: 1) The Parks and Recreation Department Mission - Burlingame Parks and Recreation Department is creating a better community in which to live and play by providing quality recreational environments, enriching opportunities, and empowering people. 2) The Parks Master Plan Vision - Create, activate, and sustain a connected system of thriving and accessible parks, public spaces, and recreation facilities that spans Burlingame from hillside to Bayfront. 3) Eight Goals - Enhance Public Spaces; Support Healthy People; Create Ecologically Healthy Places; Establish Strong Physical Connections; Ensure Strategic Growth; Advance Stewardship; Expand Partnerships; and Stabilize Funding. Questions and comments from Commission included: Holzman asked how much of the plan is for public understanding versus more internal or for developing partnerships? Glomstad noted it was for both. Milne requested the plan be posted for public viewing on the City website. The Commission noted that the current Department Mission statement wasn't grammatically correct 2 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes December 19, 2019 and it needed to be corrected. The Commission also requested that public art be added to the downtown park recommendations on page 71 and add the location of Benito Triangle to page 73. Glomstad noted that the draft PMP will be updated to correct the typos that the Commissioners found during their review and will be presented to the City Council in January for approval. After discussion, Commissioner Matthews made a motion to approve the PMP with the noted corrections and additions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holzman and was approved. 5-0-2 (Lee & Ardito absent). c. Rotation of Chair Chair Milne passed the gavel to Commissioner Matthews. Commissioner Ardito is now the Vice -Chair. d. Commissioner Assignments Glomstad stated there are two open spots on the assignments listing and requested the Chair speak with and assign commissioners. Commissioner Pappajohn was appointed to the Dog Park Advisory Group and is the liaison to Burlingame Youth Boys Baseball organization. 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports None b. Commissioners Reports Commissioner Pappajohn enjoyed the ribbon cutting for the new Washington Park Playground and sport court. She has received positive feedback from the public on how wonderful the new area is. Commissioner Holzman enjoyed the Bayfront Fitness opening despite the rain and praised the Tree Lighting event. Commissioner Milne reported the J-Lot Playground committee is nearing completion of the design of the playground renovation. He is interested in proposing a new name for the park. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Mission Statement update 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Burlingame Community Center. Respectfully submitted, 3 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes December 19, 2019 Joleen Helley Recording Secretary Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes December 19, 2019 BURL]NGAME STAFF REPORT To: Parks and Recreation Commission Date: January 16, 2020 From: Karen Hager, Management Analyst — (650) 558-7317 Subject: Design Approval for the J-Lot Playground Renovation and Proposed Name Change RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Parks & Recreation Commission approve the conceptual design for the J-Lot Playground as recommended by the J-Lot Playground Committee and to endorse changing the playground's name to Primrose Playground for approval by the City Council. BACKGROUND The J-Lot playground was installed in 1999 in conjuncture with the parking lot renovations. Prior to the construction of the J-Lot playground in the current location, the playground was located in the middle of the J-Lot parking lot. After an unfortunate accident which damaged the fence and playground equipment, the parking lot was redesigned and subsequently renovated with the playground in the current location. The play equipment is now over 20 years old and needs updating to be compliant with current ADA and ASTM standards. J-Lot Playground Committee Unlike our neighborhood playgrounds, J-Lot playground is located within the Burlingame Avenue Downtown Business District. Due to the playground's unique location, staff invited the Downtown Business Improvement District (DBID) President, Jenny Keheler to serve as the community representative. The committee was comprised of the following members: Jenny Keheler — DBID President Ian Milne — Parks & Recreation Commissioner Bob Disco — Parks Superintendent Richard Holtz — Parks Supervisor, Certified Playground Safety Inspector Karen Hager — Management Analyst, Project Manager The committee convened on two occasions to review and refine designs from Landscape Structures as presented by Alex Hailey from Ross Recreation. The City has Landscape Structures equipment in the new Washington Park Playground, Pershing Park and Laguna Park. The 1 inspiration for the design was taken from the whimsical mural that is proximate to the playground attached as Exhibit A. Playground Renaming During the committee discussions, Parks & Recreation Commissioner Milne proposed that the playground name be changed from the parking lot name to the street name which aligns more closely with the other City of Burlingame playgrounds. Staff supports changing the name to Primrose Playground which not only represents the street name but is reflected in the flower designs included in the revised playground design. The name change would need approval from the City Council but is proposed to be changed concurrent with the playground reopening after construction is complete. Timeline and Communication Plan If funding is secured in time, the intention would be to complete this project in fall 2020. Due to the popularity of the J-Lot Playground, the community will be notified of the project timeline via the eNews, Facebook and Nextdoor. Additionally, the DBID and adjacent businesses to the J-Lot Playground will be notified of the project timeline via mail when the contract is issued on anticipation of parking impacts. DISCUSSION Attached is the proposed J-Lot Playground design as recommended from the J-Lot Playground Committee attached as Exhibits B and C. FISCAL IMPACT At this time the J-Lot Playground Renovation Project is unfunded. However, the intention is to use this project to apply for the Proposition 68 per capita grant funds. Proposition 68 was placed on the ballot via Senate Bill 5 (DeLeon, Chapter 852, statutes of 2017) and approved by voters on June 5, 2018. Funds for the bond's grant program were appropriated via State Budget item 3790- 101-6088(b). Projects not serving a "severely disadvantaged community" (median household income less than 60% of the statewide average) require a 20% match. The 20% match for this project will be taken from the Parks Citywide Playgrounds and Resilient Resurfacing Capital Improvement Program. At their June 17, 2019 meeting, the City Council approved a resolution to approve the filing of the Proposition 68 Per Capita Program application and conditions of the grant. The Proposition 68 grant application is due January 31, 2020. EXHIBITS A. J-Lot Mural B. Proposed J-Lot Playground Designs C. Proposed J-Lot Playground Design showing Fall Zones 2 IHO k `W -rim rL _ 4 I Tr ' 4 M Fe. kr. C — — + r � i dp 4k 4 - - _ _w -J - _ aL br L _• 3 - t