HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2020.09.17R C1TfY ti o� `ls Rvoawreo PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION APPROVED Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, September 17, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Matthews at 7:02 pm via Zoom meeting. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Milne, Holzman, Lewis, Matthews, Lee, Pappajohn & Ardito (joined at 7:18 pm) None Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Recreation Manager Acquisti, Recreation Coordinator Houghton and Recording Secretary Helley YAC members: Kylie, Pamela, Christiana, Ethan, Carina, Shareen, Zachary, Maddie, Pierce, Dylan, Sylvie, Cameron, and Taylor; also present Perry Mizota and Patricia Stark Commissioner Lewis made a motion to approve the August minutes with typos corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Milne and was approved. 6-0-1 (Ardito not present). 4. CORRESPONDENCE None 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Youth Advisory Committee Presentation Recreation Coordinator Houghton noted the committee has four new members, and tonight the members will share with the Commission the activities they will be participating in to share their positivity and commitment to the community. Members that presented were Kylie, Pamela, Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes September 17, 2020 Christiana, Ethan, Carina, Shareen, Zachary, Maddie, Pierce, Dylan, Sylvie, and Cameron. The group presented a PowerPoint with information regarding their first meeting on October 8, the status of their By -Laws, and possible initiatives. They have chosen to add Mental Health and Social Justice to their Green Initiative. They have created a Youth Advisory Board as a way to keep teens engaged who were not selected for the Youth Advisory Committee. In addition, the group shared events and programs they will be working on during Sept -Dec 2020. Included are Facebook workshops, a Halloween Event!, Mills Canyon cleanup, game night via Zoom, working with seniors by participating in the Virtual Companions program. Chair Matthews stated she admired the creation of the Youth Advisory Board and inquired how game night via zoom would work. Houghton noted the group would utilize a platform call FactTile that will assist with many of the ideas they have in the works. Matthews also said that she was happy to hear about the Virtual Companions program. Commissioner Lee expressed gratitude for the efforts being made by Coordinator Houghton and the Committee through these hard times and noted that experts and wisdom say that getting over hard times is by building community and contributing to others and helping others out. She commended the group for all their work. b. Washington Park Tennis Court Lights Recreation Manager Acquisti noted the Washington Tennis Courts are the only lighted courts located in Burlingame and are open daily from 8 am-10 pm. Currently, at dusk, tennis players can deposit eight quarters ($2.00) into the coin machine for 1 hour of lighted courts. Over the past several years, staff has had to repair the antiquated system on numerous occasions. Patrons have also complained about the coin machine and have asked for an updated system. Multiple issues have prompted the Department to ask the Commission to make a determination as to whether to replace the coin machine and continue to charge for lighting or to install a light timer. Commissioner Milne asked if one -timer turns on the lights for all four courts. Acquisti confirmed this to be the case. He also inquired if there was a plan to switch to LED bulbs for power savings. Glomstad stated the court lights would, in the future, be switched out. Lastly, he inquired if there any other city courts that charge for lights Acquisti noted this is the only park with a coin light machine. Commissioner Lewis asked what use the tennis courts currently get and will this increase use. Acquisti noted the courts are well used with tennis, Zumba classes and afterschool classes. The courts were one of the first amenities open after the shutdown was started. Commissioner Pappajohn appreciates all the research done regarding neighboring cities. Commissioners Holzman and Pappajohn stated that they felt the courts were a public amenity should be free. Chair Matthews suggested that if the light timer is approved, it should be advertised to the public. MOTION: Commissioner Pappajohn made a motion to approve the removal of the coin machine at Washington Park tennis courts and replace it with a light timer. The motion was seconded by Commission Lewis and was approved. 7-0 2 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes September 17, 2020 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Director Glomstad reported the dog waste boxes are up at Skyline Park. The Foundation is working on ordering a signboard that will display future ideas and projects for the park. She also reported the upcoming public hearing of raising the minimum wage in the City before the State timeline. She noted that it would increase the Parks & Recreation's part-time wages approximately $70,000 a year in a traditional operating situation. The program areas that would be affected program are, primarily, in house camps and preschool. If the Council decides to pass this cost onto the public, this could mean a 10-15% increase in program fees. The increase takes effect on January 1, 2021. Additionally, the construction of the community center is on schedule. b. Commissioners Reports Commissioner Lee reported the Community Center Capital Campaign met in early September, and the group decided to wait until the New Year to begin fundraising. A brochure and website are in the works to publicize the campaign. Lee also reported on the North Rollins neighborhood committee's first meeting, and lots of ideas and visions were discussed as ways to improve and beautify the area. She encouraged Commission to share any ideas they may have for the area. There may also be a naming contest for the neighborhood area. Lee praised the Senior Gazette as a very nice publication and wondered about using brand names in the recipes. She also inquired as to how fall registration was going. Glomstad mentioned that afterschool sports were going well, and the other classes are slower but seem to be doing fairly well. Commissioner Lewis asked if there is an update on when the parks will reopen. Glomstad noted the City has to wait for direction from the State. All the playgrounds have been inspected and are ready to go as soon as the State gives the approval to open. Lewis asked if an email update could be sent to the Commissioners when the playgrounds are reopened. Glomstad agreed. Commissioner Milne asked for an update on the violation of the COVID guidelines by the Burlingame Soccer Club mentioned at the last meeting. Glomstad reported there had not been any complaints, and Acquisti noted she has, on numerous occasions, observed the group, and they have been following the protocols in place for their use of the fields. Chair Matthews welcomed the two visitors and asked them to introduce themselves. Perry Mizota introduced himself to the Commission. He has lived in Burlingame for 20 years and has been doing a lot of behind the scenes work and is considering applying for the Parks & Recreation Commission. Patricia Stark introduced herself to the Commission. She was raised in Burlingame and has recently returned to Burlingame after several years in southern California and thought she would check out the Commission. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None 10. ADJOURNMENT Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes September 17, 2020 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 15, 2020, at 7:00 pm via Zoom meeting. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 4 Parks & Recreation Commission APPROVED Minutes September 17, 2020