HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1988.03.07L71 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA March 7, 1988 A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council washeld on the above date in the City HaII Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Mayor Frank J.Pagliaro, Jr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Planning Commissioner Harrison from the audience. ROtL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT : COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES AI4STRUP, BARTON, LEMBI , MANGINI , PAGLIARO NONE Minutes of Meeting of the Regular Meeting of February L6, and the Study February 20, 1988 were approved. TOURNAMENT Mayor Pagliaro recognized John Horgan who told of an upcoming !.romenr s basketball tournament at Burlingame High School. TheBurlingame Women's Team has one of the best records in the State. PROCLAMATION: MUSfC IN THE SCHOOLS WEEK Mayor Pagliaro read the proclamation and invited BurlingameIntermediate School music teacher Doy Prater forward to receiveit. Prater thanked council for recognizing the musical effortsof students and teachers. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION ON A PARKING VARIANCE FOR515 FRANC]SCO City Planner reviewed her memo of March 1 in which she recommended council hoI Lacs, the contractor re requesting a parking vaat 515 Franci.sco Drive new one car garage builincludes adding a fourt ublic hearing and take action. Billnting the property owner, ise so that the existing one car garage e converted to a family room and afront of it. The project also room over the garage, thereby dap prese rianc can btinh bedincreasing the house from three to four bedrooms. City coderequires two covered off-street parking spaces behind the frontsetback for four bedrooms; the project would provide one coveredspace and one uncovered space behind the front setback. If theexisting garage $rere retained and the new garage built in front,a variance would be required for tandem parking. The planning Commission voted to deny without prejudice at its meeting of ,fanuary 25, 1988. Commission felt that there rrrere other optionsto provide parking on this site. Mayor Pagliaro inquired about the required width of a garage;City Planner responded 20 feet interior width is required for twocars. Mayor Pagliaro opened the public hearing. Bill Lacs, contractor representj.ng the owners, showed photographsof the present garage with the applicant's two cars inside; the net, garage will be same size. He presented a Ietter in supportfrom an adjacent neighbor and told of l-arge additions to other homes in the area which had narrower driveways; he said alt theneighbors support the proj ect. CALL TO ORDER a L75 Councilmembers questioned Lacs about the amount of open space andrecreational room in the project. This will be a very largeaddition, total of an additional I,I00 square feet. Council was concerned about parking on the streets. Most council membersfelt the project could be redesigned to reduce the variance need. John Portillo, applicant, noted he had lived in Burlingame forfive years and wanted to stay, needed to enlarge home for his familyrs enj oyment. fwo neighbors also spoke in favor, noting it is a neighborhoodwith growing families and people take pride in their homes, theproject would enhance the area and improve the value of the houses . Mayor Pagliaro read the letter from an adjacent neighbor stating the project would enhance the neighborhood and there would be no parking problems. There were no speakers in opposition and the hearing was closed. Councilman Lembi felt strongly that the project should be approved; this is a young family, the project will enhance area and there are other substantial additions to homes in area . the the Other council members thought the project could be redesigned to reduce the need for parking variance. Mayor Pagliaro noted the plans are excellent but the city has parking problems on the streets, he favored the project except for the garage and wondered if the front steps could be moved to add to garage area. Councilman Mangini moved to sustain the Planning comnissionrs denial without prejudice. seconded by Councilman Amstrup, carried unanimously on roll call vote, councilman Lembi noting that he voted yes because the applicant can come back with revised plans. URGENCY ORDINANCE 7362 - AD.'USTING MINIMUM STREET FRONTAGES AND UIREMENTS FOR LARGE IOTS city Planner reviewed her memo of March 1 in which she recommended council determine if an urgency ordinance is appropriate and, if so, hold a public hearing. over the past several years, council has expressed concern about the divisionof existing large lots into two or more smaller lots which are redeveloped with structures not in keeping with the pattern and character of the existing development in the area. Larger lots are those of 7,000 or 10,000 square feet minimum size, there are about 1,340 of these lots in the city. Under current code the large lots are subject to the same front, side and rear setbacks as smaller lots. The most direct approach to providing better guidance to developers would be to adjust the street frontage and side setback requirements of large Iots. councilman Mangini questioned need for an urgency ordinance, staff noted this is council's choice, council can either adopt an urgency ordinance tonight which would take effect immediately or introduce an ordinance which would be adopted in two weeks and take effect 30 days thereafteri staff also responded there would be no change in requirements for smaller lots and this would have no effect on the application of daylight requirements. Mayor Pagliaro reviewed for the audience that council is concerned about the development of a large 1ot with one o1d home on it into tr,ro or more smaller lots with structures closer together hrhich are not in character with the neighborhood. Mayor Pagliaro invited comments from the floor. Ross Bruce, resident a improve redevelopment recentl-y are shoulder favored an architectur realtor, felt this ordinance would the city; some of the homes built shoulder and high density, he also review board in the city. nd IN to a1 SIDE SETBACK LTti David Hinck1e, 1616 Sanchez, favored the urgency ordinance; heIives across the street from a lot recently annexed to the city and divided for development. M h r McNally was concerned about development of 125 Pepper sinceIived nearby. Patrick Kinsella spoke in favor. Speaking in opposition were two real estate agents who represented the owner of 125 Pepper. They were concerned about developing the 1ot after this ordinance is passed and thought many people were present tonight because of this 1ot. City Planner stated that an application for a 1ot split for 125 Pepper is currently being processed, she thought the ordinance would not affect this parcel map because the application hasalready been received. City Attorney stated the ordinance may, or may not, have aneffect; that is stil1 to be determined. Councilman Mangini asked about requirements for urgency; CityAttorney reviewed findings needed. He noted each project whichis being processed would be considered individually. Councilman Lembi inquired about areas of the city which would beaffected; City Planner responded. Councilwoman Barton moved adoption of URGENCY ORDINANCE 1352. Seconded by Councilman Amstrup. Council-man Mangini stated he would vote against this ordinance because people have invested money in property. CounciLman Lembialso was concerned about changing rules in the middle of the game. Mayor Pagliaro reviewed for council that the City Attorney hasstated that each application in process would be consideredindividually and that it may or may not affect the application. Councilman Amstrup said this ordinance is for planned growth,people want the city to stay the way it is, that is why they are here . The motion adopting the adj ustment of lot frontages and side setbacks for large lots as an urgency ordinance !,ras carried 4-1 on ro11 call vote, councilman Mangini voting no. SAN MATEO COI'NTY TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE PLAN Mayor Pagliaro stated that the final Transportation ExpenditurePlan is norr, before the city for approval. It needs approval by amajority of cities in the county, as well as MTC and the Board ofSupervj-sors, in order to be placed on the June ballot. Councilman Mangini moved approval of the County Transportation Expenditure PIan. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote. Councilman Amstrup thanked Mayor Pagliaro for his leadership as chairman of the Transportation Committee. Other council membersalso expressed their appreciation to the Mayor. PLANNING COMMISSION TERM EXPIRATION City Manager noted that the term of Planning Commissioner Ruth Jacobs expires in April. Council set March 28 as the deadlinefor receiving applications for this position. Ron Becheli, favored some limitations on development; people buyin Burlingame because of its quaintness; he also favored anarchitectural review board; he favored the ordinance. L77 CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman tembi asked removal of item "n. Amendment to Parking Structure Agreement. " a RESOLUTION 15-88 - AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL MONITORING WELTS AT LAIiID FILL Senior Civil Engineer's memo of February 23 recommended council approve an agreement with Harding Lawson for additional land fill monitoring wells at a cost of $23,500. b RESOLUTION 16-88 . ACCEPTING VALVES FOR ROLLINS ROAD BYPASS PIPELINE - JOB 405 Senior Civil Engineerrs memo of February 23 recommended council accept the valves furnished for this project from Dezurik at a cost of $44,915.17. RESOLUTION 18-88 - AGREEMENT WITH CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO FOR BIKE/PEDESTRIAN PATH AT SHORELINE BfRD SANCTUARY . JOB 538 Traffic/Civil Engineerrs memo of February 29 recommended council authorize this agreement with the City and County of San Francisco for a bike path on lands owned by the airport. RESOLUTION ].9-88 - REVISION OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR SAII MATEO COUNTY NARCOTICS TASK FORCE Chief of Police's memo of February 24 recommended council- approve certain amendments to the Narcotics Task Force Agreement . Public Works Directorrs memo of February 29 recommendedcouncil ar"rard this contract to Rockwell International forthe low bid of $85,710. RESOLUTION 21-88 - AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 87-88 SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER REPAfR - JOB 703 C Assistant Civil Engineer's memo of March 1 recommendedcouncil award this contract to whiteside Construction forthe low bid of $67,756. RESOLUTfON 22-88 . AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR TESTING AND INSPECTION - STREEE RESURFACING - JOB 720 City Engineer's memo of March I recommended council approvethe agreement \^rith Testing Engineers in the amount of $1s,800. RESOLUT]ON 23-88 - APPROVfNG PRO.JECT AND AUTHORIZING FI'NDING CLAfM FOR SKYLINE BIKE ROUTE EXTENSION - JOB 505 B Traffic/Civil Engineer's memo of February 29 recommendedcouncil approve the Skyline Bike Route Extension and authorize the filing of a claim \"rith MTC for TDA 3 fundingof approximately $15,000. RESOLUTION 24-88 - APPROVING A}iID ORDER]NG REORGANfZATION TO DETACH FROM TOI{N OF HILLSBOROUGH AND A}iINEX TO CITY OF BURLINGAME A PORTION OF HOOVER SCHOOL SITE f s l- ) RESOLUTION 17-88 . MEETING SPECIFICAEIONS OF CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO DISBURSEMENT FROM STATE COASTAL CONSERVANCY FOR SHORELINE BfRD SANCTUARY BIKE/PEDESTRIAN PATH - JOB 538 Traffic/Civil Engineerts memo of February 24 recommendedcouncil authorize this agreement with the State Coastal Conservancy for a grant of $40,000 for the bike path. d. RESOLUTION 20-88 - AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ONE AND ONE-HALF INCH WATER METER REPLACEMENT - JOB 729 h. 178 City Attorney's memo of February 11 recommended council approve this transfer of a sma11 portion of the Hoover School- site from Hillsborough to Burlingame so that theentire property will be located within one jurisdiction. K. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMfT FOR PLANTERS AT 257 PRIMROSE Cj-ty Engineer's memo of March 2 recommended council approvethis request to install portable store front planting nextto the building subject to conditions. 1. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERM]T FOR FENCE AT 1331 CASTILLO City Engineerts memo of March 2 recommended council approvethis request to install a three foot high redwood fenceperpendicular to the sidewalk. m. Assistant Civi council approv fence . 1Eet ngineerts memo of March 2 recommendedhis request for a three foot high picket Councilman Lembi moved approval of the consent Ca1endar. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by voice vote . n TETTER AIVIENDMENT FOR ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR PARKING STRUCTURE ON tOT A city Managerts memo of March 3 recommended council approve an amendment to our existing contract with MtlM Architectsfor an additional $9,500 to complete the design phase. Councilman Lembi suggested council schedule a public hearing for the parking structure plan because he has received many calls from people wondering what wiII be bui1t. Council did not have a unanimous vote for one deck. He felt building two decks would be economically wiser . Councilwoman Barton said this was discussed at a study meeting and council reached a compromise - to buy the bowling all deck Iot A. There was not enough money to put two decks eya onA AS She ant She to p1e nd and a buy and develop the bowling alley site.creating a controversy by opening this up said she could fill the chambers with peo taII structure next to our library. felt Lembi wthe public. \^,ho do not $, Councilman Lembi responded that he has brought up the idea of apublic hearing before; even building a ten story structure would not solve the parking problems on Burlingame Avenue. councilman Amstrup felt Lembi was being disruptive and reviewedthat when council needed a fourth vote to condemn the bowling al1ey it could not be found. Councilman Mangini noted that deck parking has been talked aboutfor many years, if council had a fourth vote for condemnation thecity might have a parking structure right now. Mayor Pagliaro stated he had no problem with calling for a public hearing on the structure. Councilwoman Barton said public hearing process would cause a delay and a big controversy. Councilman Lembi said in his opinion one story deck parking is not the best use of the Iot and will cost more dollars per space. Even allowing the foundation to add more stories in the future, the cost of building in the future will be much more. SPECfAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR FENCE AT 2223 EASTON DRIVE REMOVED CONSENT ITEM - PARKING STRUCTURE 179 Councilwoman Barton strongly objected to a talI parking structure next to our library. Staff reviewed for council that it had directed the architect to rework the design of the structure and the purpose of this letter amendment was to formalize that action. Councilman Mangini stated council was elected to make decisionsfor the people; Councilman Amstrup noted council has made a decision and it should stick with it; Councilwoman Barton felt apublic hearing woufd just slow up the process. Councilman Lembi thought all along that there would be a public hearing. Councilwoman Barton moved to approve the letter amendment with lilliM for redesign of the parking structure facade. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried 3-2 on ro11 call vote, Mayor Pagliaro and Councilman Lembi voting no. SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARING Mayor Pagliaro scheduled a public hearing on March 2l for camper storage at '720 Burlingame Avenue. He also called up for council review the mixed commercial/ residential use at 852 Edgehill. FREE PARKING CounciLman Amstrup asked that council review at a study meeting the removal or continuation of free parking in businessdistricts. AB 3075 CROSSING GUARDS Councilman Amstrup also asked for a letter in opposition to AB 3075 which would require cities to pay for any number of crossing guards which a school district wanted. Council agreed to write in opposition. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Mangini shared an article regarding airport noise and suggested Councilwoman Barton bring the article to the Airport Roundtable. Mayor Pagliaro appointed Vice Mayor Amstrup as budget chairman and asked council members to consider their committee assignments since they have not been changed in several years. He would review assignments at the next meeting. Councilwoman Barton asked that council write letter in support oflegislation to ban toy guns. Staff noted that the Police Chief had written in support. Mayor Pagliaro asked for more information at the next meeting. b c d Police Report, January 1988. Letter from John DeMarco regarding increased airport noise. Letter from League of Women Voters requesting approval of one-half cent sales tax for transportation. Staff noted the city does now provide crossing guards but at intersections of our selection. ACKNOVILEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Beautification, February 4; Park and Recreation, February 18; Planning, February 22i Libr ary Board, February 16, 1988. f Letter from Senator Pete Wilson regarding federal gas tax exemptj.on changes for cities. Request for a resolution in support of the initiativeproposition to modify Proposition 4, the Gann Limit. Mayor Pagliaro requested additional information regarding the Gann Limit be brought before council at the next meeting. FROM THE FLOOR Bud Harrison thanked council- for approving the CountyTransportation PIan and for their efforts in seeing this plan devised. Kristine Cannon hoped council would allow public input on theparking structure. She said people want to know rrhat is goingon. She noted that tonight council held a public hearing for oneperson to add to their home, she thought a city parking structure deserved a public hearing also. CLOSED SESSION The meeting was moved to a Closed Session regarding personnel andlitigation at 9:34 p.m. dith A. Malfatticity Clerk 180 e. Council members Amstrup and Barton responded that council haslistened to the public; the public wants an aesthetically unimposing structurei the council was elected to make decisionsfor the citizens; when council allocates the money for thisproject there will be a public meeting. Staff reviewed that the awarding of a bid to build the structure would take place at a public meeting but did not require a publichearing, al1 other discussions have been at study meetings wherepublic input is not taken. A public hearing would be counciltsdecision. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF BILL KNOWLIN Mayor Pagliaro adjourned the meeting in memory of Park and Recreation Commissioner Nancy Lindstrom's father at 9:58 p.m.