HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1989.03.06326 BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA March 6, 1989 CALL TO ORDER A duty noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council- was held on the above date in the City HaII Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by Mayor Irving S. I\mstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Meg Monroe, City Planner. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT:AMSTRUP, LEMBI , MANGINI , PAGLIARO BARToN (vacation)COUNC]LMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES Minutes of the Study Meeting of February 15, the Regular Meeting of February 22 and the Special Meeting of February 28, 1989 vrere approved. CONTINUE APPEAT HEARING FOR FENCE EXCEPTION AT 1152 CABRILLO AVENUE Mayor Amstrup continued the public hearing for this appeal to the next meeting, March 20, at the request of the appellants. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE 1388 - REVI EW PROCEDURES FOR SECOND STORY ADDITIONS IN HILLSIDE AREAS city Planner reviewed her memo of February 16 which recommended council adopt this ordinance after a public hearing. At the time council was discussi-ng second story setbacks, some property ownersin the hiltside areas of the city raised the concern that no change in second story setback would resolve their problem of additions whj-ch block views from existing homes. on october L7, L988, council adopted an interim ordinance addressing the problem of view family home in the desig the map attached to the neighbors within 100 fee as Planning commission a which would be subject to appeal to council. Councilman Pagliaro noted that the interim ordinance required noticing neighbors within 200 feet but this proposed ordinance only required noticing of property within 100 feet; he was concerned that 100 feet would not be adequate due to the large lot sizes in the hillside areas. He commented that defining !rvierrs" is a difficult task. He also found the map designation of areas A, B and c difficult to read. Staff lvil1 revise the map, and reviewed the reasoning for the 100 foot designation noting that it was attempting to reduce the noticing requirements; council may change the number if it chooses. Mayor Amstrup agreed that 100 feet may not be adequate, it might include only the immediate neighbor. Councilman Lembi wondered if people other than those noticed could call a proposed addition up for review. Councilman Pagliaro expressed concern about the vague definition of tong distance views; staff reviewed research of other city laws regarding views . Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hearing was closed. single family homes in hillside areas. That nd wiII expire in April 1989. During thegislation council and staff have studied ating view protection. It was determineds" from !'alI habitable areas" of single nated areas (excepting areas A, B and C on ordinance) should be protected; thatt of the project should be notified, as weII nd Council, and if no objections werermit could be issued; if objections \^,ere 1d take place before Planning Conunission, protection for existing ordi-nance was extended aperiod of the interim Ie various methods of regulthat "Iong distance view expressed, a building pe expressed, a hearing wou Councilman Mangini moved adoption of oRDINANCE 1388. Seconded by Councilman Lembi . councilman Pagliaro wondered about provisions for a structure destroyed by fire or a new structure. city Attorney will include language to clarify replacement of structures destroyed by accident, and for new structures. council concurred with this amendment. The motion carried unanimously 4-0 Barton being absent. on roll calL vote, Councilwoman DRAFT RESOLUTION FOR COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Mayor Amstrup reviewed that council had requested this resolution to Iimit commissioners to two fuIl terms of service; he asked if there were any revisions desired by council. Councilman Mangini questioned the reason for requiring a commissioner to complete one year off a commission before being considered for reappointment to that commissioni he thought State laws set requirements for length of terms for commissions. City Attorney noted that state law does set term length for Planning cornmissioners. Councilman Mangini asked if council could decline interviewing incumbent commissioners or others if the j-ncumbents are 1ike1y to be reappointed. City Manager noted language could be added to make interviews of j.ncumbents optional to council. councilman Pagliaro suggested the resolution be brought to the next study meeting for further discussion. Councilman Lembi found the draft resolution acceptable; council determined it would consider at the next regular meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Amstrup removed item "h. Negative Declarations for (1) hobby shop at 100 California, and (2) church use at 1157 california.rl Councilman Pagliaro commented on the cost of building the parking structure on Lot A as compared to the cost of the purchase of the o1d bowling al1ey for a parking 1ot. He noted he would abstain from voting on item "9. 12) " due to a conflict; he questioned "9. (1) claim of Ethel cohn" if Ethel cohn had legal title to bring a claim and why the computers were stiIl being held after confiscation by police over one year ago. City Attorney reviewed that the computers are part of a criminal investigation. RESOLUTION 25-89 - JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AfR TRUCK PURCHASE Fire Chiefts memo of February 28 recommended councif approve ajoint powers agreement with the cities of San Mateo, Foster City and Half Moon Bay and the Tovrn of Hillsborough for purchase of a mobile air supply wagon, the cityrs cost would not exceed $15,000. RESOLUTION 26-89 - AWARDING BID FOR ANZA/A]RPORT TRAFFIC SIGNAL - cP 0058 Public workts memo of February 28 recommended council accept the bid of Steiny & Company for installation of traffic signals, street lighting and modifications to the median islands in the amount of $147,878.80. RESOLUTION 27-89 - AWARDING BID FOR PENINSULA WATER MAIN RE- PLACEMENT - CP 6138 RESOLUTION 28-89 - AWARDING BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING STRUCTURE ON LOT A - CP 77260 l^\ d 327 Public work's memo of February 28 recommended counciL accept the bid of Krzich Pipeline for a replacement water main on EI Camino from Barroilhet to Peninsula and on Peninsula from E1 Camino to Bloomfield in the amount of $290,748.50. Public Work's memo of March 2 recommended council award the contract to the Iow bidder, Echo-west, in the amount of $L,'129,922 for the constructj-on of the parking structure on Parking Lot A. RESOLUTION 29-89 - AGREEMENT FOR UNREINFORCED MASONRY BU]LDING SURVEY - CP 78230 Public l,torkst memo of March 2 recommended council approve an agtreement with James E. Russell for preparation o the State at a cost of $12,625. In 1985 the Stat 547 which requires every city to prepare an invenpotential-Iy hazardous unreinforced masonry buildi f a report to e passed SBtory of ngs in he rh its dangerse State jurisdiction, and to develop a program for reducing tof these buildings. The report must be submitted to by January 1, L990. f. SPECIAL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR FENCE AND CARPORT AT 925 LAGUNA Public work's memo of March 2 recommended council approve an encroachment permj-t for an existing carport and fence installedin a waterway easement subject to conditions that if destroyedor replaced they must be replaced to cj-ty code by property owner. s councilman Mangini moved approval of the Consent calendar. Seconded by Councilman Lembi, carried unanimousJ-y by voice vote with Councilman Pagliaro abstaining from vote on item "9. (2)." ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION Mayor Amstrup reminded everyone that tomorrow is the Arbor Day celebration and if the weather is rainy it will be conducted in the Council Chambers. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Councifman Mangini noted two comments in the Planning commission minutes which did not reflect city policy. He wanted commissioners reminded that their cornments are part of the public record and that they must be accurate. Council concurred that holding a joint meeting with the Planning Commission as has been done in the past would be desirable. SCHEDULE HEARINGS Councilman Pagliaro asked that council review the Planning Commission items regarding (1) a hobby shop at 100 California Drive and (2) church use at 1157 Californj-a Drj-ve. Hearings would be at the March 20 council meeting. Mayor Amstrup scheduled an appeal hearing on March 20 for a variance at 13 61 cabri1Io. CULTURAL ARTS Mayor Amstrup noted a letter he received from the County Cultural Arts Commission requesting to make a presentation to council. Council acknowledged its support for the arts but most preferred not to have a presentation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 328 DENIAL OF CLAIMS: (1) ETHEL coIIN; (2) SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. City Attorney recommended denial of claims for (1) seizure of the Sheraton Hote1 computers, and (2) for indemnj.ty regarding the station agent kilIed at the Burlingame Avenue Train Station. - 329 a. b. Commission Minutes: Civil Service, January 10; Park andRecreation, February 1-6; Library Board, Eebruary 2t; Planning, Eebruary 27, 1989. Department Reports: Police Report, January 1989; Treasurer'sReport, January 31, 1989. c d A f Proclamation: Career Awareness Week. Letter from Dollar Rent A Car regarding car rental businesses. Letter from Dr. Schwartz regarding an addition on Cortez. Letter from Kenneth Rumbaugh objecting to the BFI recycling program. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. ADJOURNMENT IN OF TONY FIRPO Mayor Amstrup noted the death today of Tony Firpo, the city'sTraffic Sign and Paint Leadworker, who had been employed with thecity for nearly 30 years. After a moment of silence, the meeting was adjourned in Tony's memory at 8:09 p.m. Judith A. MalfattCity Clerk t