HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1989.02.06BURLINGAME, CATIFORNfA February 6, 198 9 CLOSED SESSION A Closed Session regarding litigation on (1) the bowling a11ey, (2) the ham radio antenna, and (3) Boardwalk Properties $ras caIled to order at 6:45 p.m.. All council members were present. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City council- was held on the above date in the city Ha11 Council Chambers. The meeting was ca1led to order at 7:37 p.m. by Mayor Irving S. Amstrup. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by Karen Key, Executive Secretary of the chamber of Commerce. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MINUTES AMSTRUP, BARTON, LEMBI (went home MANGINI , PAGLIARO ilr ) Minutes of the Study Meeting of January l-4 and the Regular Meeting of January 18, 1989 were approved. APPEAL OF DENIAL OF PARKING VARIANCE FOR AN ADDITfON AT 1545 RALSTON - UPHOLD DENIAL City Planner reviewed her memo of January 25 which recommended council hold a public hearing and take action. Robert Louth is reguesting a parking variance in order to make an 802 square foot second story addition to the house at L545 Ralston. A variance is required because the applicant wishes to retain the present 17 feet by L7 feet garage hrhere a 20 feet by 20 feet garage is required for a four bedroom home. There is a 30 foot long driveway and a studio apartment in what was originally a breezeway between the house andgarage. The appticant proposes to remove the studio and breezeway so that the garage is a detached structure. The Planning Commission voted unanimously at its January 9 meeting to deny the request because there were no exceptional circumstances or hardships to provide a standard size garage. Councilman Pagliaro inquired if a new garage would be required to meet setback requj-rements. City Planner stated a neht garage could be built to the property lines, as the present garage is. Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. Robert Louth, applicant, said circumstances for a variance are met because this is an unusual smaller corner lot; properties in area aII have smaller qaragesi he can fit two cars in the present garage and has a long driveway; the addition would be compatible with the neighborhood; he would build a one hour fire waII. Mayor Amstrup closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Barton had viewed the property and did not understand why the applicant would be able to keep the apartment. City Planner reviewed that this apartment is non-conforming and any addition of more than hal-f the vaLue of the property would require removal of the non-conforming portion. Barton noted that if the apartment is removed there would be plenty of room to increase size of garage. Councilman Mangini inquired how many walls would have to be moved to remodel the existing garage. Director of Public works responded that he would have to remove at least two waIfs, and that the roof might also have to be changed, as may the foundation. 310 311 councilvroman Barton moved to uphold the Planning comnission denial. Seconded by Councilman Pagliaro, carried unanimously 4-0 by ro11 call vote, Councilman Lembi being absent. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE 1386 - INCREAS]NG AMUSEMENT PERMIT FEES city Attorney reviewed his memo of January 10 which recommended council adopt an ordinance to increase Amusement Permit fees. The fees are currently $25 and with a recent court decision that thecity must notify everyone within 300 feet of a new amusement permit, the city costs will increase significantly. The new fee is proposed to be $100. Mayor Amstrup opened the public hearing. There be5-ng no colunents, the hearing was closed. Councilman Mangini moved adoption of ORDINANCE 1385. Seconded by councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously 4-0 by ro11 call vote. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1387 - ESTABLISHING STOP SIGNS AT BROADWAY AND CORTEZ Mayor Amstrup reviewed the Public works memo of January noted the Traffic Commission's recommendation to establi way stop siqn at Broadvray and Cortez as reguested by res that area. 31 shid which a four ents of councilman Mangini moved introduction of oRDINANCE 1387. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously 4-0 by voice vote. TRAFFIC ALLOCATIONS - FEBRUARY 1989 Councilman Pagliaro stated that he did not favor car rental land uses. Councilmembers noted that if traffic allocations are approved, it does not imply approval of the projects which require special use permits. Councilwoman Barton moved to aIlow the two requests for trafficallocations. Seconded by councilman Mangini, carried 3-l- on roII call vote, Councilman Pagliaro voting no. PLANNING COMMf SSf ON TERM EXPIRATIONS Mayor Amstrup reviewed the city Managerrs memo of January 18 $rhich recommended council establish a deadline for accepting applicationsfor the two Pl-anning Commission terms which expire April 7, 1989. The current commissioners have been asked to reapply if they wish to serve another term. The interview team is Amstrup/Lembi. Mayor Amstrup set February 28 as the deadline for applications and askedthat the press inform the public regarding these openings. RESOLUTION 13-89 - APPROVING NEGATIVE DECLARAT]ON FOR CONDOMINIUM AT 1532 FTORIBUNDA - ND 416P City Planner reviewed her memo of February 1 which recommendedcouncil review the requested negative declaration and find that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have asignificant effect on the environment. The proposed project is fora six unit condominium near the corner of El Camino on Floribunda. The lot is presently developed with a single family home. The area has been zoned R-3 since 1954 and the general plan shows the areaspecified as apartment use since 1969. The project conforms to al-I requj-rements except a special permit for height because of a two anda half foot decorative parapet. At the Planning Commission meeting two neighbors complained that the project will impact parking andtraffic; affect the light to adjacent lots and change the characterof the area. The Planning Comrnission approved the negative Cj-ty Planner reviewed her memo of January 26 which reco[unended council review the two requests for allocation and take action. One is for an expansion of the Dollar Rent-A-Car storage yard at 840 cowan Road. The other is for a new car rental operation for Payless Car Renta1 at 1?55 Bayshore. 3L2 declaration, the condominium permit and the special permit for height at its January 23 meeting. In response to council, City Planner reviewed the three different levels of environmental review. Council noted that the project meets all city requirements; the area is zoned R-3 and people that live there know that; there are tall apartments across street. Council noted its right to caII the project up for review. A member of the audience stated that the project will impact parking in this severely impacted area, that it would restrict light to neighboring properties. If approved, he suggested a limit to number of adults occupying a unit. Councilwoman Barton moved to adopt RESoLUTIoN 13-89 approving the Negative Declaration. Seconded by councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by ro11 call vote. Mayor Amstrup asked that staff explain the environmental process to the speaker. TENTATTVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR 1532 FLORIBUNDA Pub1ic Works memo of January 24 recomnended council concur with Planning Comnission and approve the tentative map for this project. Councilman Mangini moved approval of the Tentative Condominium tuap. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote. INFORMATION ON ACO UISITION OF EASEMENT - SISTERS OF MERCY/VAIDIVIA Council accepted the Public works memo of January 31 which reviewed the city's negotiations to acquire an easement to complete the water main project between the Sisters of Mercy land and the Rivera Drivesection. The residents of the preferred route are resisting city acquisition and this issue may require eminent domain proceedings. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Pagliaro asked that the wording regarding insurance be changed in the Concession Stand contract (d). a. RES OLUTION ].4-89 - AGREEMENT FOR FIRE STAT]ON STRUCTURAL SURVEY Fire Department's memo of January l-5 recommended council approve the contract with Cabak Randall Jaspar Griffiths Associates for a preliminary structural survey and reports regarding building stability of the city's fire stations at a cost of $9,000. RESOLUTION 15-89 MANAGEMENT PLAN ACCEPTING SAN MATEO COUNTY SOLfD WASTE City Manager's memo of January 23 recommended council approve the San Mateo County 1989 Solid Waste Management PIan. In accordance with state 1aw, the County has updated the 1984 pIan. This plan must be approved by a majority of the cities in the county. RESOLUTION 16-89 VANCOWER AVENUE - APPROVING SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR 1249 b d. RESOLUTION 17-89 - AGREEMENT FOR BAYSIDE PARK CONCESSION STAND OPERATION Pub1ic Work's memo of January 31 recommended council approve the agreement with John and Theresa Colombo, subdividers, to ensure that the subdivider performs all the improvements as conditioned for approval of the parcel map. Recreation Director's memo of January 31 recommended council approve an agreement with Deacon Deacoff to operate and milntain the concession stand at Bayside park for leagues, tournaments and special events in 1989. 313 C. TENTATIVE AND FINAL PARCEL MAP - LOT COMBINATION, 270 EAST LANE Public Works' memo of January 24 recornmended council concurwith Planning commission and approve this tentative and final map to combine four lots. f. DENIAL OF CLAIM: FANENE City Attorney recommended denial of this indemnitree limb that feII and damaged a car belongingShirley Fanene. ty to claim for a To'o and a SCHEDULE APPEAL HEARINGS Mayor Amstrup scheduled appeal hearings for February 22 for anaddition at 143 Dlvight and a fence exception at l-152 Cabri1lo. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Amstrup commented on a public meeting February 15 in San Francisco concerning the Downtown Station Relocation. Councilman Pagliaro will represent the city at that meeting. Council agreed towrite a letter supporting the extension of the rail system into dovrntown San Francisco. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS commission Minutes: Beautification, January 5; Park and Recreation, January L9; P1anning, January 23; Library Board, January 17; Traffic, Safety and Parking, January !2, L989. Department Reports: Treasurerrs Report, December 31, L988. Memo from City Attorney regarding sign code violation and enforcement . Most council members had no objection to endorsinq the proposedtrail. Councilwoman Barton expressed some concern about the proj ect . f Letter from Assemblyman Floyd regarding new mandatory helmetbiII, AB 8. Council directed a letter in support of the Iegislation. s Letter from Senator Kopp regarding SB 300, funding. transportat ion Council will discuss further at a study meeting. h. Letter from Patson Development requestS-ng reconsideration ofthe denial- of real estate offices at 1440 Chapin. City Attorney corunented that since council had denied this projectwithout prejudice, it should hear the proposal agaj-n. b S. ENCRoACHMENT PERMIT FoR RETAINING WALL AT 2843 ARGUELLO Pub1ic Works memo of February 2 recommended council approvethis encroachment permit to allow the property owner to construct an engineered retaining wa11 four feet into the cityproperty at the rear of 2843 Arguell-o in the Mills Canyon area. Councilwoman Barton moved approval of the consent calendar. Seconded by Councilman Mangini, carried unanimously by voice vote. d. Memo to Bay Area Water Users regarding Bay Delta hearings. Council directed a letter supporting San Franciscors position. e. Request for endorsement of Bay Area Ridge Trai1. 3L4 FROM THE FLOOR Ian Paget, Patson Development, was present and requested rehearing for the 1440 Chapin proposed real estate offices. Council discussed whether it would rehear this issue, or send backto Planning comnission. Council directed Paget to present a letter with the proposed project by 5:00 p.m. the next day in order to have a hearing set for the next councj-I meeting on February 22. Letters and petitions in support of the real estate office were noted. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Judith A. Malfatticity Clerk