HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1990.02.24488 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL STUDY MEETING Saturday, February 24, 7990, 9:00 AM City Ha11 Conference Room A Mayor Don Lembi convened the annual work program and goal session of the Burlingame City council and department heads on the above date j-n conference Room A of Burlingame City HaII at 9 AM. PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS BARTON, HARRISON, LEMBI , PAGLIARO, OIMAHONY city Manager briefly reviewed 1989 and presented a forecast for 1990. He then reviewed a list of problems, issues and projects which we anticipate the city needing to act on i These included regional issues, 1ocaI issues, bu major capital projects, and commissions. A through the outline, it began its dj-scussion of nt dgest var e existing regulation of creeks for a future study meet- ilmembers Harrison and o'Mahony commented on the dj.scus- ks from the prior Wednesday but indicated that it would e to review the regulations now in pIace. Councilwoman t that the numbers presented in the previous creek study bjective and that the current study data did not seem to stently to the 1954 data. he upcoming year . t/ administration ,he Council worked ious items. Council asked that the issue of developing a plan for Bayside Park on the sanitary 1andfiIl be placed on a future study meeting. In discussinq the Convention center co[unittee, Council indicated that it would be acceptable to replace Rick Adie with the new Hyatt manager Rod Young. Councilmembers Pagliaro and Barton asked that staff prepare a short report on thing. councsion of cree be acceptabl orMahony fel were very surelate consi In discussing Broadvray parking, Council-woman o'Mahony stated that Park Road Realty had prepared a paper for Council review. She thought it would be possible to seII the city property on Rhinette and use this revenue as a dor^rn palment on the Chu1a Vista site. Councifwoman Barton discussed the history of public parking on Broadway as compared to Burlingame Avenue and the fact that Broadway had never had a parking district or any property owner contribution. She had discussed the underutili zation of the Rhinette Iot with some merchants and thought we might look at some type of free or permit parking for the 1ot. Councilman Harrj-son thought there was another iite option which needed to be looked at, a condominium site on Rhinette which is now vacant adjacent to a lot on Broadway. Coun- cilman Pagl-iaro fel-t that the merchants need to do some self help in terms of reducing the parking impact by encouraging employees to use the Rhinette lot. He stated he would not support purchase of the chul-a vista 1ot at this time but thought Councilman Harrison's idea of reviewj-nq the Iot on Rhinette with some type of sralk-through across Stanawayrs Market parking 1ot needed to be reviewed. Mayor Lembi stated that due to a conflict of interest, he could not paiticipate in any discussion of the condo lot on Rhinette. He Lhought- we needed to focus on all of the options for providing park- ing on Broadway, similar to what we had done on Burlingame Avenue. councitwoman Barton felt the council was in agreement that the next dime for parking would go to Broadway, but that there currently are no funds in the parking fund and we need to look at options. coun- ciLwoman o'Mahony stated that the fand on Rhinette which is cur- rently vacant il zoned residential versus the Chula Vista 1ot which is zoied commercial . It was the consensus of the Council that staff was to prepare a report outlining the various locations and options which are ivailable for addressing the parking problems on Broadway ' The next item Council discussed was the possibility of some type of senior citizen addition to the Rec center. Mayor Lembi stated he wiIl be meeting with various representatives of seniors groups to understand their concerns. councilman Harrison stated that there STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, BECKER, BERGSING, KIRKUP, MONROE, PALMER, OUADRI , TOWNS, WAGNER, CITY TREASURER JOE HARVEY OTHERS PRESENT: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND BROADWAY MERCHANTS REPRE- SENTATIVES are currently seven different seniors groups in town and that it would be a good idea to review their needs. Councilman Pagliarostated that previous Park and Recreation commissions have reviewed senior needs and that we need to review this material. Mayor will meet with representatives of the seniors groups and report back to Council. Mayor Lembi and the Council discussed the need for after-school ac-tivities at our various schools and encouraged the Recreation department to work with the schools on this matter. Councilman Harrison stated that he would Iike to see the city assumeall the costs of sidewalk repai-r rather than the current policy. City Manager stated the city currently assumes approximately 80 per- cent of the cost of sidewalk repair caused by tree damage. Eliminating private contribution j-s a matter which staff would con-sider in terms of speeding up the repair process and reducing ad- ministrative costs. In reviewing the commission item, Council agreed that it would be a good idea to have a Saturday morning breakfast meeting hrith the Planning Commission at a future date. The City Manager reviewed the budget outlook for 1989-90 and 1990- 91. Because of to the loss of hotel revenue, it is anticipated that there will be a reduction in fund balance to the general fund this year as there was last year. As a result of the earthquake damage to the Hyatt and Amfac plus the fact that for the first year in seven ye growing. ticipate but declined 8.3 percent in 1988this year. Data for the first quarter o and industriaL uses are off 30-40 percent felt the bottom line tras that we ne transfers to capital projects and that we sewer working capital. Council asked City Treasurer Joe Harvey to review the investment situation. city Treasurer indicated that be- cause of declining interest rates, we are not earning as high a rate of return as last year. Council moved from the budget discussion to a review of current service 1evels and department head resolutions. Councilman Harrison thought it was very important that the city staff and employees con-tinue to emphasize developing a positive attitude towards the public ars we have no nel^t hotels opening, hotel tax revenue is not Sales tax is our largest revenue and is dj.fficult to an- f 1989 shows that both auto . City Manager stated he ice depaof Broad ed that tor Quapark mablic acc -89 and is uncertain for eded to reduce general fund need to increase r"rater and rt- way due ad-driin- look at and thej-r jobs. Councilwoman O'Mahony asked that the PoLment look at trying to improve the safety at the corner and Capuchino by more enforcement. Police Chief indicatto the additional parking being created, he may need to ding more parking enforcement personnel. Park Direcstated that he will be asking for a new position for the tenance because of the addition of eleven new acres of pu on the Bayfront to maintain. tion of the Chula Vista property for park that council make some indication of itsBarton stated that she had no interest Councilman Harrison thougtt that we needednatives prior to committing to any FROM THE FLOOR Tim Auran of Park Road Realty asked the Council to consider acquisi- Judith A. Mcity clerk or Broadway. He askederest. Councilwoman he property currently. ook at all the alter-location. Councilman ing fintinttol one Pagliaro felt that the property owner needed to look out after his own interest and advised him not to hold the property off the market waiting for the city to develop an interest. Marti Knight of the Elementary School Board thanked the Council forindicating its willingness to work with the school district in ad- dressing the needs of the youth, noting continued parent concern for needs of older children. The meeting was adjourned at 1 a lfatti 489 ADJOURNMENT AM.