HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1990.08.0668 BURLINGAME, CALIFORN]A August 6, 1990 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City HaII council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Don Lembi. PLEDGE OE ALLEG]ANCE TO THE FLAG Led by carlos Alcala of the San Mateo Times. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: MfNUTES BARTON, HARRISON, tEMBl or MAHoNY, PAGLIARo ( vacations ) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of JuIy 16 and the study Meeting of JuIy 18, 1990 were approved unanimously on motion of Councilman Harrison, seconded by councilwoman Barton. APPEAL FOR SPECIAL PERMIT AND FOUR VARIANCES FOR CONDOMINIUM AT 51 EL CAMINO REAL - MAP FOR SAME . CONTINUED AO 8/20 Mayor Lembi noted that the appellant has requested continuance to the next meeting because a fuII council was not Present tonight. councilman Harrison expressed concern that people may be present tonight to speak to this appeal. It was determined that two people vrere present to speak, and that the applicant \^tas notpresent. City Planner said the appellant knew there would be three council members present when the hearing was first scheduled and that she would notice this appeal again if council continues it. Mayor tembi continued the hearing to August 20 and noted with concurrence of the seated council members that it would not be continued again. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE 7416 - ESEABLISHING SEWER RATES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, ].990 Public Works Director reviewed his memo of July 12 which recommended council adopt this ordinance after a public hearing. EPA regulations require that operation and maintenance costs of the sewer treatment plant be paid from the sewer fees charged customers. The current sewer rate $ras adopted in August 1989 and was effective october 1, 1989. The proposed new rates were analyzed based on the adopted 90-91 Budget whic debt cost of $456,000 and Capital Improvement c He noted analysis was difficult because of wate rates are proposed to j-ncrease 17 percent for a hi ostrrsi ncludes a bondof $400,000.ationing. The ngle family home. Burlingame woutd still have the lowest rates of surrounding cities. Mayor tembi opened the public hearing. There being no conunents, the hearing was closed. Councilwoman Barton moved adoption of oRDINANCE 14L5. Seconded by councilman Harrison, carried 3-0 on ro11 call vote of members present. RESOLUTION 94-90 - FIXING ASSESSMENT FOR WEED AND RUBBISH ABATEMENT - CP O].3 Pub1ic Works Director revie$red his memo of JUIY 23 which recommended council hold a public hearing and adopt the resolution fixing assessment. The City Engineer has posted the subject properties, has contracted for weed and rubbish removal and has preiented the assessment report to the City Clerk. The Clerk has published the required notice. This abatement was 69 carried out in August 1989, the property owner has been bilIed and failed to pay the cost of weed abatement, therefore the costwill be placed as a lien against the property. There is only oneproperty involved, a Iot between 1200 and 1240 Bayshore High!.ray. Mayor Lembi opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the hearing was closed. Councilman Harrison moved adoption of RESOLUEION 94-90 fixing assessment for weed abatement. Seconded by Councilwoman Bartoncarried unanimously 3-0 by voice vote. RESOLUTION 95-90 - APPROVING ANNEXATION OF LANDS OF OTCONNOR RESOLUTION 95-90 - ORDERING DETACHMENT OF LANDS OF OTCONNOR FROM BURLINGA}4E HILLS SEWER DISTRICT city Attorney reviewed his memo of July 20 which recommended council approve this annexation. Several months ago council approved a tax exchange as a preliminary to LAFco proceedings on the annexation of this property between Hillside Drive and SunmitDrive. on June 20 the annexation was approved by LAFCo. Under LAFCo statutes this property is considered uninhabited because it consists of less than 12 property owners, therefore the city was authorized to approve the annexation without formal notice andhearing. The property must al-so be removed from the BurlingameHiIIs Sewer Maintenance District and a resolution requesting such removal should also be adopted. Councilwoman Barton noted that she voted against this proposal originally and wondered if a negative vote would affect the annexation tonight Attorney respondedvote, or two out of wit tha rh h only three council members present. cityt the resolutions only require a majorityree, of the council members seated. Councilman Harrison moved adoption of RESOLUTIoN 95-90 and RESOLUTION 96-90. Seconded by Mayor Lembi, carried 2-L on ro11call vote, Councilwoman Barton voting no. TRAFFIC ALLOCATION - AUGUST 1990 city Planner reviewed her memo of July 23 which recommended council review the reguest and take action. Metro Park is requesting a traffic allocation in order to use the vacant two acre parcel at 765 Airport Boulevard in combination with a one acre parcel (currently part of 731 Airport) to create a newairport parking facility. The total acreage in the new facilitywill be 3.25 acres. The proposed use would generate less traffic than the designated use of that site which is restaurant/hoteI. Councilman Harrison asked if the property is sti1I owned bymultiple owners. The applicantrs attorney, George Corey, was present and responded that there are still 19 to 21 owners. The applicants have control of the lots for which they are makingapplication and when they gain control of additional lots theywill be able to proceed with something more significant on thesite. Council-man Harrison moved approval of the traffic allocation. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote . AVAILABILTTY OF GREYTIOUND BUS DEPOT SITE City Manager reviewed his memo of July 31 $rhich notified councilthat Greyhound will forfeit its lease of the Bus Depot atCalifornia and Howard Avenues. The city has received t\"ro lettersof interest in the site, one from a commerciaL establishment and one from a quasj.-commercial organization which would like thesite for a private meeting room. He responded to council thatthe city currently gets $125 a month rent for the site. Hethought there may be other groups interested and suggestedcouncil set a deadline of September 30, 1990 to receive l-ettersof interest. City Attorney said this property was the site ofthe first city park in Burlingame. Council concurred with City Manager's recommendation. 70 DENIAL OF TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR 1273 EL CAMINO REAL Pub1ic works Director reviewed his memo of August 1 which recommended council concur with the Planning Commission and deny this map. At the JuIy 23 meeting, the commission reviewed the map and condomini-um plans and denied the condominium permit and variances requested and the special permit for height, noting that the project was too large in all aspects and the city easement on the property is not sufficient justification for aII the requests. He also noted that the applicant is not present and has not appealed the denial . CounciLman Harrison moved to deny the map for ]-273 E7 Camino Real. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously. BREWER RESERVOIR STATUS REPORT Pubtic Works Director reviewed his memo of August 2 which recommended council approve a feasibility study on reactivating the Brewer Reservoir prior to proceeding with negotiations with the current property owner. The water department disposed of the reservoir due to water quality problems and 1ow use, and improvement costs were not justified at that time. However, times have changed; many 5.mprovements have been made to the city's water system and the Anza area has been developed. Additional storage is needed. He had prepared a calendari funds are budgeted for this study which could be completed by December, and negotiations and construction plans could then Proceed though there is no budget for that. In response to council. questions, he said the site is located off BarroiLhet in the Town of Hillsborough; the reservoir could hold 1.9 miLlion gallons of water. Council concurred with the plans. CONSENT CALENDAR councilman Harrison said he was pleased with the proposal to contract out the public notice procedures (item h), and commented that he would like to proceed with the suggestion made by City Planner to charge a fee for notices to help defray the cost of this service. a.INTRODUCTION OFDINANCE 1417 JOINING JOINT POWERS AGENCY FOR TRAFF]C SYSTEM MA}iIAGEMENT PROGRAM (TSM) City Managerts memo of JuIy 24 recommended council introduce this ordinance and set public hearing for August 20. fn order to be eligible for Measure A funds, the city needs to adopt a TSM ordinance. This ordinance has already been adopted by the cities of Belmont, Foster city, Redwood city, San carlos and san Mateo. The ordinance requires every employer to submit a transportation survey annually; employers or work complexes with 25 or more employees shall post and disseminate TSM information; employers and work complexes with over 100 employees shalI have a TsM program with work-p1ace coordinator and annual report; an annual impact fee can be imposed on employers; and the TSM Board of Directors sha1l develop incentives for participation and shall provide for enforcement. b. INTRODUCTION ORDINANCE 1418 ALLOWING HEALTH SERVICES fN CERTAIN BLOCKS OF C-1 ZONE city Plannerrs memo of JuIy 25 recommended council introduce this ordinance and schedule public hearing August 20. This amendment is to clarify that health services are allowed in the area bounded by EI Camino Real, Murchison Drive, California Drive and Dufferin Avenue. This provision was inadvertently eliminated when ordinance 1403 was adopted making technical changes to the zoning code. INTRODUCTION ORDINANCE 1419 ESTABLISHING UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUI LDING HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM Publj.c works memo of August 1 recommended council introduce this ordinance and schedule a pubtic hearing for August 20 ' 7L State law requires the city to identify aII potentially hazardous buildings constructed with unreinforced masonry wa1ls; establish a mitigation program to reduce the hazards including notification to owners; and report the inventory data and mitigation program content to the State Seismic Safety Commission. The city retained Jim Russell as Seismic Safety Consultant to inventory the buildings and advise thecity on developing a mitigation programi the inventory was presented to the State in December 1989; a study committee was appointed; property ot ners were notified; two public meetings were held; and the proposed ordinance was developed. The ordinance classifies buildings by risk(high, medium and Io$, risk); provides structural repair standards (derived from the 1990 Los Angeles Building Code); provides for a timetable for property owners to bring the buildings up to codei and provides for a waiver of nonlife safety requirements . INTRODUCE OPDINANCE 1420 ESTABLISHING TWO HOUR PARKING ON PORTION OF ADRIAIiI ROAD Pub1ic works memo of August 1 recommended council introducethis ordinance to establish two hour parking for 155 feet infront of 1525 Adrian Road and to schedule a public hearingfor August 20. The Traffic Commission has unanimously approved this proposal. RESOLUE]ON 97-90 - AUTHORIZ]NG RETENTION SCHEDULE FOR PARK DEPARTIYIENT RECOF.DS RESOLUTION 98-90 - AGREEMENT WITH CALERAIN FOR OPERA- TION OF PARKING tOT AT BROADWAY DEPOT f Public Works memo of JuIthis agreement with CalT Broadway. The city woulparking fees, but vrould recommended council approveto operate the parking Iot at se $800 and $1500 per year inive about $200,000 of v27raind1o rece s improvements to Parking Lot U. RESOLUTION 99-90 - AGREEMENT FOR STATE DISASTER ASSIST- ANCE PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION BY SAN MATEO COI'NTY city Managerrs memo of July 25 recommended council approvethis revised contract with the county. Three properties in Burlingame have applied for this assistance. RESOLUTION 1OO-90 - APPROVING CONTRACT EOR PUBLIC NOTICE SERVICES FOR PLANNING DEPARTMENT city Plannerrs memo of JuIy 24 recommended council approve the contract with Engineering Data Services to prepare allpublic notices for the Planning Department for one year from September 15, 1990 to September 15, 1991- at a maximum costof $10,000. RESOLUTION 101-90 - ACCEPTING COMPTETION OF FIRE STATION NO. 2 SAFETY SIGNALS - CP 01.2 Pub1ic works memo of July 18 recommended council accept thisjob as completed by Arc Electric at a cost of $13,537. ). RESOLUTION 102-90 - INCREASING CONTRIBUTION FOR HEALTH BENEFITS FOR PSEA h l_ DISPATCHERS & AFSCME RETIREES Administrative Assistant's memo of July 31 recommendedcouncil adopt the resolution increasing city healthcontributions for reti.rees. RESOLUTION 103-90 - AWARDING CONTRACT FOR MILLS CANYON SLIDE REPAIR - CP 802 BAMM k city Attorney recommended council approve this permanent retention schedule for Park Department records. 72 1 Public works memo of August L recommended council award this contract to Sarrott Constructj-on of Clayton in the amount of $L57 ,6'7 2 . RESOLUTfON ].04-90 - AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER REPAIRS - CP 9198 Public works memo of August 1 recommended council award this contract to whiteside construction of san Rafael in the amount of $108 ,627 .50. m. DENfAL OF CLAIMS: (1) SHAO-CHING CHANG;(2) ECHO WEST city Attorneyrs memos recommended denial of these claims for(1) "aphid staj.ns" on building; (2) withheld liquidated damages for the parking structure construction project. n. RECLASSIFICATION OF PLANNER POSITION TO SENIOR PLANNER city Managerrs memo of July 24 recommended council approvereclassification of the existing vacant budgeted posit Planner to Senior Planner. We have been unsuccessful he vacant pI tion, it is ion ofin two anner hoped attempts in the past year to recruit for tposition. By creating a senior level posi that we will attract experienced applicant the planning organization. The additional s and strengthensalary cost is p $11,928 per year, no additional funds are needed this year because of the delay in hiring. o. FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR 1216 Et CAMINO REAL Public !{orks memo of July 3L recommended council concur vrith the Ptanning Commission and approve the final map for fourunits and the dedication of the five foot easement at the rear of the property. RESOLUTION 105-90 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF WASHINGTON PARK PROJECT - CP 907 Park Director's memo of August 2 recommended councif acceptthis project as completed by Golden Bay Construction at atotal cost of $245,306. Councilwoman Barton moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by councilman Harrison, carried unanimously by voice vote . COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Airport Roundtable: Councilwoman Barton reported on the feasibility study done by San Francisco Airport to extend runways two miles into the bay. At the meeting she wondered where BCDC was when this was proposed. She noted a long letter council received from BcDc regarding this airport proPosal. our city should watch this project carefully. Airport Noise: Councilman Harrison said he had been awakened twice at 4:00 a.m. by airplane engine noise which seemed to Iast 10 minutes. Mayor Lembi noted he had also been awakened by the same noise. They asked that a letter be sent to the Noise Abatement office. Convention and Visitors Bureau: Mayor tembi said that all members of the Convention Board support Burlingamers proposal for a convention center. Chamber of Corunerce: Mayor Lembi Bay vrould be held September 13-16 have a "Fiftiestr theme. reported Burlingame Days by theat the Hyatt RegencY. It will Regional Planning: Mayor Lembi said at a recent meeting of Mayors there was l-engthy discussion of the plans for a new regional organization to handle regional issues. He noted that this is the direction Sacramento is heading, and our county wilf be a forerunner in developing this type of organization, its intent is to carry out state mandated regional programs. Councilman Harrison said RPC had discussed the same subject. Councilr"roman Barton wondered if there are plans to do away with RPc; Mayor Lembi thought RPC would be a subcommittee of the new regional organization. councilwoman Barton hoped we are not creating another layer of government i she was hoping we woul-d be consolidating these groupsi she did not like to be pushed intothis by the state. Mayor Lembi said this regional group would be a very important committee; he thought it important the city be represented; he said there is money available for a pilot program like this. Tonya Light, representing Assembl]'man Lempert, reviewed plans to handle regional issues like transportation, garbage and waterwith a regional organi-zation. BCDCs Mayor Lembi reported the water Quality control Board voted upon the Apanolio Canyon waste sitei there was a 4-4 tie vote andit will be voted upon lateri councilman Snyder of Dublin was absent and will cast the deciding vote. Mayor tembi suggested we, and all cities in our county, write to Snyder urging approval . Council concurred in sending a letter. OLD BUSINESS Burlingame Avenue Train Station: Councilwoman Barton objected to State plans to put a gazebo at the stationi she said it doesnrt architecturally match the station; she objected to the State spending taxpayers money on such an unnecessary project when there are so many needy programs. Staff noted that the State has set aside funds for rrart projects" at train stations, and the gazebo is the art project for our station. Schedule Appeal Hearings: Mayor Lembi set August 20 for public hearings for a restaurant at L204 Broadway, and for an additionto a home at 2612 Hale Drive. September Study Meeting: Mayor Lembi asked that council discuss establishing a senior council at the September study meeting. Softball: Councilwoman Barton had received a complainsoftball team with two female members was not alloweda league, the umpire said it was all male league. Sta look into this complaint. CANCET AUGUST STUDY MEETING city Manager recommended council cancel the August 22 studymeeting. Council concurred. Comnission Minutes: Traffic, Safety and Parking, JuIy 12; Park and Recreation, July L8; and Planning, JuIy 23, 1.990. Department Reports: Police Report - .lune 1990. Letter of thanks from BfS for work on streets. Letter of thanks from Mrs. Ribero for cleaning alley on Cortez. Letter from Assembll'man Lempert regarding State Budget. t thatto pla ff wiI ayin 1 a b d f Letter from Martin & Glantz askinto HR 3325 to limit excessivoff-airport rental car companies . g council we airport f rite opposition ees for councilr^roman Barton complimented the Public works Department forall the letters of thanks for good work. 73 NEW BUSINESS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mayor Lembi asked that a letter be sent as requested by Martin &clantz. 74 FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the public. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Lembi adj ourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m. to a closed session on (1) Iabor negotiations and (2) litigation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adj ourned at 8:45 p .m. Judith A. Ma1faCity clerk