HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1990.05.07BURLINGAME, May 7, CALIFORNlA 1990 CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City council was held on the above date in the City HaII Council Chambers and $rascalled to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Don Lembi. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Led by city PLanner Meg Monroe. ROLL CALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT : MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 16 and the study Meeting ofApril 18, 1990 were approved unanimously on motion of councilman Harrison, second by councilwoman o'Mahony. PRESENTATION OF BADGES TO NEW DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL AND FIRE CAPTAIN Mayor Lembi announced his pleasure in presenting badges to ne$r1y promoted Deputy Fire Marshal Keith Marshall and Fire captain Robert Ke11y. The spouses and children participated in the ceremony by pinning on the new badges. RESOLUTI ON 48-90 DECLARING WATER EMERGENCY AND ADOPTING RATIONING Director of Public Works reviewed his memo of May 1 which recommended council hoLd a public hearing and adopt the resolution declaring a water emergency and adopting a rationing p1an. The san Francisco Public Utility Commission held a public hearing on ApriI 24 and approved the SFWD staff recommendation to impose 25 percent mandatory water rationing based on 1987 consumption; the PUC wiII formally adopt the plan on May 8, 1990. on April L6 council approved using the same rationing plan that was in effect in 1988-89 because people are familiar with it and it can be put into effectquickly. The program would include all exceptions previously granted so customers would not have to reapply unless changes haveoccurred. one new provision to the plan would be to aLlow a customer to carry forward any unused portion of their allotment, if a customer had an alLotment of 9000 galLons and only used 8500gallons, the unused 500 gallons would be carried forward and addedto their next allocation. The effective date of rationing would be May 8, 1990 with the first penalties being imposed on the JuIy biII. There wiII be about a 15 percent increase in our rates since San Francisco wiII also raise their rates on May 8. In response to council comments, Director explained that therationing would average a 25 percent reduction bupercent reduction during the sunmer because of th outdoor lratering and 15 percent during winter; th the same plan adopted by council during the last rieh atrat s actuaLLy 30igher leveI ofit is exactly ioning period except for the credit. Councilwoman O'Mahony suggested that the resolution be published in the newspaper for public information.Director noted that a copy of the resolution would be mailed to each customer; violators would be visited by water staff who couLd issue warning citations. Mayor Lembi opened the public hearing. Ardith Erickson, 22L Arunde1, suggested that notices be placed inhotel rooms to notify hotel guests about water rationing. Council thouqht that an excellent idea; city Attorney said he had seen suchnotices in hotels in santa Barbara. Mayor Lembi closed the public hearing. 09 BARTON, HARRISON, LEMB], OIMAHONY, PAGLIARO NONE Councilman Harrison moved adoption of RESoLUTIoN 48-90 DecLaring a water Emergency and Adopting water Rationing Plan. Seconded by Councilwoman o'Mahony, carried unanimously by roll call vote. Councilwoman Barton wondered who did the notices in the hotels in Santa Barbara, City Attorney said they were generic folders. staffwill explore the costs involved in preparing and distributing such notices to Burlingame Hote1s. REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION OF THE LANDS OF OICONNOR ON HILLSIDE AND SUMMIT DRIVES - RESOLUTION 49.90 APPROVING TAX EXCHA}iIGE city Manager briefly reviewed his memo of February 7, 1990 which recommended council adopt the resolution for tax exchange but recommend staff oppose the annexation at the LAFco hearing. Staff opposes the annexation because it would create a more distinct island of county land surrounded by city; it would reduce the Burlingame HiIIs se$rer district; it contains a second unit that is nonconforming; and because the city does not want to be responsiblefor the portion of Hillside Drive adjacent to the site. Council questioned if OtConnor \4,ould have to ask for a varj-ance if the site were annexed. city Manager responded that orconnor would want to request subdivision of the Iot if the land is annexed to Burlingame because there are two houses on the Iot. The second unit facing sr.unlnit is built to County standards but does not meet city standards in that it is too ta1I and the driveway is too steepi those issues could be grounds to deny the parcel map. Councilwoman Barton wondered \"rhat point there was in approving an annexation if you planned to deny the lot split. Bob Ol approvwillin smaII Conetgt por nor, 2811 Hillside, said the next step is for tAFCo to he annexation. In regard to the nonconformities , he was o make corrections; the height problem relates to a verytion of the roof which could be corrected; the driveway construction was approved by Burlingame and it is only L/4 inch off. Director of Public Works said Burlingame staff approved only $rhere the driveway met the city street area, not the entire driveway which is in county lands. o'connor said the driveway is only 1/4 inch off and could be engineered to meet city specifications. Councilman Paqliaro confirmed that O'Connor was willing to modify the roof area that does not meet city standards. Councilwoman Barton had no problem with the nonconforming issues but she vras concerned about inching up Hillside Drive with annexations; she supported staff's recommendation to oppose the annexation. other council members said since o'Connor is willing to remedy the height and driveway problems they riiere willing to approve the tax exchange and recommend annexation. Councilwoman o'Mahony said she sees this property as an enhancementto the city and moved to approve RESoLUTIoN 49-90 Approving the Tax Exchange. Seconded by Councitman Harrison, carried unanimously by voice vote. Councilwoman O'Mahony then moved to direct staff not to oppose the annexation. The motion carried 4-1 on ro11 call vote, Councilwoman Barton voting no. REOUEST FROM TAXI COMPANIES FOR RATE INCREASE AND AIRPORT STAND City Attorney reviewed his memo of April 1-2 which recorunended es. A letter from $2.00 a drop, $Ltime from $15 pest council support the airport since there have been nlrmerous complaints from county residents about San Francisco taxis refusing to drive residents. A representative from Luxor cab was present and reviewed the fares with council and the need for an airport stand so that residents rrould not have to call a local cab company and then wait at the airport; San Francisco cabs do not want to drive in this county and t approves of a rate Towne Taxi requests 0 per mile to $1.60hour to $20 perfor establishing a council direct staff to prepare legislation if i .4rt increase for the taxi compani a rate increase from $1.40 toper mile and increase waitinghour. In addition they reque San Mateo county taxi stand a 10 LL they are unfamiliar with the area. Councilwoman orMahony wondered about any city cost for an airport stand; as far as the represent-ative knew, there would be no cost to the city. Councilman Pagliaro questioned the figures in the two financial reports sent to council from taxi companies and he was concerned about seniors who use thetaxi services and whether they could afford this increase in rates, he would like more information from the taxi companies in order tojustify the increase. It was determined that the cabs do not offer a senior rate. The representative said a large percentage of customers are seniors; atypical call would be to pick up a senior at a gtrocery store, the driver would arrive at the store and go inside to find the customer, woul-d carry out the groceries and place them in the trunk and help the customer into the cab, then they drive a half mile or so and heJ.p the customer with the groceries into a home. The charges donot apply until he starts driving and yet it takes the cab out of service for a great length of time. Councilwoman Barton agreed that v're need an airport standi she supported a raise in taxi rates, a busj.ness needs to make a profit and they have not asked for a raise in six years. She informed council of a service available to seniors called FISH which offers free rides from volunteers to medical appointments and grocery shopping . Mayor Lembi was comfortable with the rate increase. Councilvroman o'Mahony had experienced the problem of getting taxi service at theairport; she wondered if other cities would support this issue; and would like a report on the amount of airport business Iocal cabs generate. Councilman Harrison moved to approve the concept of a rate increasefor taxi companies. Seconded by Councilvroman Barton, carried 4-1 onroll call vote, councilman Pagliaro votj.ng no. Councilman Harrison moved to support establishment of an airporttaxi stand for our county. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony,carried unanimously. city Manager suggested a letter in support from the council which the taxi companies could present to the airport . City Manager reviewed the report from Co-Chairmen Amstrup and Martin regarding the convention center study. The corrunittee supports the establishment of a convention center in the city; it requestsadditional time to explore various sites and financing methods. He noted a letter received from committee member John Root who had missed the meeting at $rhich this report was discussed and who disagreed with one statement in the report which said that the corunittee finds no support for contributing to the fairgroundsi Root thought it is was too soon to make that conclusion. John Root commented that he enjoyed working with the corunittee andthat it was too early to rule out the fairgrounds. SETECTION OF TWO COIiNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO AUDIT COMMITTEE CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Lembi noted that lgnatius Passantino has requested to comment on item F-3 regarding denial of his claim for an alleged injury fromfalling in a city drain; F-3 was removed from the consent calendar. STATUS REPORT FROM CONVENTION CENTER COMMITTEE Councilmembers congratulated the corunittee, they are doing anexcellent job. councilwoman orMahony felt it was time to get ananalyst to assist the committee and she hoped they would meet withthe blue ribbon fairgrounds committee. other council members agreedthat the comnittee may need an analyst but council should wait untilthe committee asks for one. Mayor Lembi appointed Council Members Harrison and O'Mahony to theaudit committee. L2 Passantino stated that he feLt there was a dangerous condition oncity property and that a grate shoul-d be placed over this drain; this is an area where city al-lows commuter parking, and bicyclists and joggers also use this area. Director of Public !'lorks said this Iocation \"ras constructed $rith the 280 Freeway and hras annexed from the county some years ago, City Attorney did not agree it was dangerous, the drain was clearly visible with a berm around it; he showed photos of the site to council. Councilwoman Barton said she would like to see a grate placed over the drain but will uphold the City Attorney's recorunendation to deny. Councilman Pagliaro noted that the government code provides immunity from this type of claim. Councilman Harrison moved to deny the claim. Seconded and carried unanimously by voice vote. councj.Iman Harrison asked to discuss item A introducing an amendment to the Hillside Area Construction Permit Review Criteria to add the word "siqnj.ficant" to the definition of view. He had reviewed minutes from 1"988 and 1989 regarding this law, and the petitions which council has received from cj-tizens regarding this proposed amendment. Based on these reviehls he recommended council withdraw this amendment. Mayor tembi thought the amendment would improve the Iaw, but he would go along with vJithdrawing the amendment. councilman Harrison moved to withdraw the introduction of the ordj.nance. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Mahony, carried unanj.mously by voice vote. Councilman Pagliaro said he ha a claim from Farmerrs Insuranc conflict of interest on item F-2, nd would abstain from that item.daea a b Withdrawn. fNTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 1410 - REZONING CERTAIN LOTS BOI,NDED BY BROADWAY/ROLLINS/TOYON/CAROLAN AND SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARING NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PtAN AMENDMENT city Planner's memo of May 1 recommended council set a public hearing May 21 for this negative declaration, general plan amendment and rezoning. In January council reviewed a request to rezone a property at 1011 Cadillac way from R-4 to M-1 so that an existing office building could become conforming with the zoning. Council turned down the request and directed staff and Planning Commission to study a larger area for general plan consistency and rezoning, and suggested C-1 or c-2 as more compatible with the uses in the area. c. RESOLUTfON 50-90 - RENEW ING SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM Recreation Director's memo of April L7 recommended council approve continuing the Senior Nutrition Program for 90-91. d. RESOLUTION 51-90 - AIVARDING CONTRACT FOR FIRE STATION NO. 2 SAFETY SIGNALS - CP 012 Public works memo of April 27 recommended council award this contract to Arc Electric in the amount of $72,647. e. RESOLUT]ON 52-90 - AMENDING CONTRACT FOR ADDITfONAL DESIGN SERVICE FOR OAK GROVE WATER MAIN -cP 922 FOR Public works memo of May 1 recommended council award addition design work to Brian-Kangas -Fou1k, Consulting Engineers in the amount of $5,851 to include design plans for an additional section of water main in Neuchatel Avenue. f. DENIAL OF CLAIMS: (L) CHRISTINE ,fOHNSoN; (2) EARMERS TNSURANCE; ( 3 ) withdrawn City Attorney recommended denials. APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR 1445 EL CAI/IINO REAL Public works memo of May L recommended council concur with the Planning Commission and approve the map for six condos. 9. 13 Councilman Harrj.son moved approval of the consent Calendar acknowledging Councilman Pagliarors abstention claim F-2. Seconded by Councilwoman Barton, carried unanimously by voice vote. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Chamber of colunerce Progress Seminar: o'Mahony reported on attendingthis seminar with the Chamber. It was a good seminar and a focus ofof conversation was regionalism. BCDC: Councilman Pagliaro had attended the recent Council of Mayors meeting discussing the BCDC seismic review provision. councilwoman Barton noted this was an example of ho\", cities could lose localcontrols, it is very dangerous issue. councilwoman o'Mahony agreed and said other cities also are concerned; BCDC is violating cities'rights. She suggested sending a Ietter to sacramento opposing thewillie Brown }egislation. Council concurred. city Attorney said he and Mayor Roger chinn of Foster city were the only people representing Peninsula cities at the BCDC hearing. Councilwoman Barton asked that copies of our letter to be sent to other Peninsulacities. OLD BUSINESS Study Meeting: Councilman Pagliaro saj.d that although he had askedfor review of historical building preservation on the May study meeting, he would be unable to attend and asked that discussion be held at the following study meeting in June. Council concurred. Soundwall: councilr^roman Barton noted a letter she had received from Assemblyman Lempert regarding the soundwall and that additional lanes would be added to the freeway in 1995 and a soundwall could bebuilt at that time; she wondered how lanes would be added. Staff reviewed that no city right-of-way would be used. Broadway Improvements: Councilwoman Barton wondered how far thethis project woul-d extend up California Drive. Staff said to Rhinette and that trees vrould be replaced. Convention Bureau: Councilman Pagliaro acknowledged the letter from Jane Powe1l; he said budget discussion is coming up and that the money given to the Convention Bureau should be reviewed carefully; he thought the number of Board members should be based on the contribution given to the Bureau. Council discussed at length, Mayor Lembi noted more than 30 percent of the Bureau's efforts are expended on Burlingame. Councilwoman Barton thought they were doing a good job; the city is represented by hotels as well as a council member; she did not want to threaten withdrawing money. Mayor Lembi said even if all council members were on the Board it would not make a majority and that they have proposed reducing the numberof County Supervisor representatives . Fox MaII: Councilwoman o'Mahony suggested that all the signatoriesof the petition regarding allowing all day parking in lot at Fox MaII receive copies of the City Attorney and Gilbert letters. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Lembi scheduled an appeal hearing for 1014 chula Vista for the May 21 meeting. Proposition 122: Councilman Harrison said this proposition might make moneys available for our Fire Station remodeling. city Manager thought competition for these funds would be fierce. 1412 Chapin: councilwoman Barton said although she did not want tocall up this project, she was concerned that the city had nothing enforceable for Fox & Carskadents promise that they would not rentto another real estate company. Councilman Pagliaro was also concerned. After some discussion the project was called up for review and hearing was set for May 21. Hiram walker Property: At the next study meeting, Mayor Lembi wouldIike to discuss purchase of this property for recreation purposes. L4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a Commission Minutes: Library Board, April L7 i Civil Service, March 13; Park and Recreation, April ]-9i Traffic, Safety and Parking, April t2; and Planning, April 23, L990. b.Department Reports: Fire Report, March L990; Treasurerr Report, March 31-, 1990. c Letter from Chamber of Commerce regarding Youth Scholarship and asking for judges. Councilwoman Barton volunteered to serve as a judge for the Chamber. d. Letter from Carol Mink regarding 347 Primrose. e Petition from property owners on Easton Block 9 objecting to a new owners proposal to rezone to R-3. f. Letter from Marlene Juscen objecting to tree removals. g. Three letters objecting to removal of FNN from Cable l5/. h Letter from County Manager regarding establishment of a loca1 task force for integrated waste management. 1 Letter from BCDC regard5-ng its proposed seismic review procedure. j. Letter from Chris Vlassis regarding downtown developments. k Letter from San Mateo County Housing Task Force regarding updating city's housing element. Letter from Jane Delzel] regarding concern about oversi-ze additions and suggesting an architectural review board. Proclamations: Older Americans Month: and Honoring Burch Bachtold on Retirement from Ca1Trans. FROM THE FLOOR Tonya Light, representative from Assembl!'rnan Lempertrs off ice, further reviewed possibilities for the freeway soundwall. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Lembi adjourned the meeting at 9220 p.m. to a Closed Session regarding labor negotiations. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:50 p.m. th A. Ma1fat City Clerk t m