HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1991.12.02302 BURLINGAI,{E, CAIJIFORIIIA Decenber 2, 7991 CONDOI.,IINIW PE T FOR 962 CHULA VISTA AVENU Mayor Pagliaro acknor./ledged a Letter fromrequesting postponement of this hearing unto represent the applicant. David Mortazapresent as were several neighbors who wishsubject. Some councj-I members suggested ocontinuing it to the next meeting; othersunfaj-r not to hear these people tonight, ihear them without the presence of the appl-these neighbors would vrant to be present a any$/ay to hear council discussion and votethose neighbors to leave their names and anotified of the next rneeting; he then contmeeting of January 6, 1992. attorney David Carrtil he coul-d be present vi, appJ. j,cant, was ed to speak on the pening the hearing and noted that while it wast was also unfair toicantrs attorney andt the next neeting. I'Iayor Pagliaro asked ddresses so they can be inued the matter to the City Pl-anner reviewed her memo of November 25 which reconmendedcouncil hold a public hearing, review the revised project andtake action. The applicants, Kai-yee !loo, architect and Mr andMrs Lee, property owners, have subrnitted a revised one story pfan showing a 45.25 percent 1ot coverage; the plans are for a 3;620square foot house with four bedroons, four bathrooms and anattached thro car garage with l-9 by 20 foot dimensions. Therevised project showed a reduction of 330 square feet; the frontsetback was increased fron 1,9 feet to 22 feet except for thegarage portion of the house which remains at a 15 foot setback.Additional square footage was taken from the side adjacent to 2849 Mariposa and frorn the rear addition to the kitchen. Byshortening the house from front to back, the height of thehighest roof ridge was reduced frorn 217.5 to 2L6.2 footelevation. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL FOR LOT COVERAGE VARIANCE FOR AN ADDITIONAT 2845 MARIPOSA AVENUE - RESOLUTION 109-91 APPROVING SAME councih,ronan orMahony asked about the front setback neasurement;City Planner responded measurement is to the bay window area. Mayor Pagliaro opened the public hearing. Kuang-Hui Lee, property owner, noted he and his wife have workedvery hard to meet council requirements; he hoped for approval and asked his architect to explain the project. WiIIiam Joseph, architect, showed transparencies of the project before and after this latest revision; square footage was reduced CALL TO ORDER ,: A duly noticed-regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City HaII Council Chanbdrs.. The, neeting was called to order at 7t32 p.n. by Mayor Frank Pagliaro. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Pledge of allegiance sras led by Joseph Brattasani. ROLL CALL COTJNCIL PRESENT: HARRISON, KNIGHT, LEMBI , OIMAHONY, PAGLIARO COTJNCIL ABSENT: NONE MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 18, 1991 and the Study Meeting of November 20, 1991- were unanirnously approved. POSTPONEI.IENT OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND at the front,the existing dirnensions of measurements . west side foundationfoyer and and from the rear kitchen area,. he used as nuch as possiblel he confirmedlibrary area for council and 1ot coverage ,ferry Deal. questj-oned the height and angle of the roof ridge,asked if pitch of roof has changed. Joseph replied pitch to theside would be slightly less. Mayor Pagliaro closed the public hearing. Councj-lman Harrison said the pl-ans srere well- done, but his realconcern was the massiveness of the project; he was notcomfortable with it appearing to take up about 90 percent of the1ot; he could not support it. Councilwoman Knight agreed with Lenbi; the rear of the propertyslope is unbuildabLe and a two story addition is impossible,granting the variance is necessary for the preservation and enj oyment of the applicant's property rights,. the project willnot be detrirnental to properties in the vicinity; and it will becompatible e/ith the character of the vicinity,- she woutd approve. Councilwoman OrMahony concurred with Harrisonl council is getting complaints about massive projects it is allowing; this project wouLd be rrtop-heavyrr on the lot; council directed the applicantto bring back a projeet less than 45 percent lot coverage andthis is slightly more than 45 percent. Mayor Pagliaro agreed, but they have reduced the size and hewould approve it reluctantly. Councilnan Lernbi rnoved adoption of RESOLUTION l"O9-91 ApprovingVariance. Seconded by Councilwonan OtMahony, carried 4-1 on ro11call vote, Council-man Harrison voting no. councilnan Lembi cornmented that council- does get complaints about massive projects, but council- only approves projects that meetcurrent building and zoning l-aws; these projects are not approvedarbitrarily. councilwoman otl"Iahony said some projects went up before thiscouncil was seated; she thought there rnight be room to change thedeclining height envelope laws; it rnight be helpful to tafk toexperts in design like Jerry Dealr. some of these projects may notvio]ate any city rules but they are rrhard on the eyes.tl RESOLUTION 110-91 - AI,IENDING WATER RATTONI NG REGULATIONS City llanager reviewed the Finance Directorts nemo of November 19which recommended council anend water rationing regulations toextend the landscaping allocation year-round, reduce rnulti-familycutbacks, and allow an additional l-50 gallons per day landscapingallocation for lots of three-quarters acre or larger. He saidthe Finance Director $ras present to respond to questions. Councilman Lembi said he was also concerned with mass and itsirnpact on l"Iariposa residents; the applicants have addressed thisby pushing the project back,. the neighbors rnost directly impactedby this project approve of j-t,. he would vote for approval. councilwoman Knight noted the city has stiff penalties and theseare not changed in the amendment; Finance Director agreed butnoted the allocations are increased so it would be less 1ike1ypeople would be penalized. Finance Director responded to othercouncil questions and conmented that the reason the ci-ty canincrease the allocation is because customers are doing anexceedingly good job of rationing water. Council was pleased itwas able to amend rationing regulatj-ons. Councilman Harrison moved adoption of RESOLUTION 110-91-. Seconded by Councilwoman orMahony, carried unanimously. 303 304 COUNCIL COI,IIIIITTEE ASSIGNI.{ENTS AUDIT CO}4IIIITTEE ASSIGNI.,IENT Mayor Pagliaro presented the new council cornrnittee assignrnents, commission interview teams and also noted, since the audit commj.ttee is a yearly assignment, it was added to the council conuni.ttee assignment list. The audit cornmittee members would be Councilmembers Ilarrison and O I }lahony. Director of Public works reviewed the memo of November 7 which recornmended council- approve this pernit with standard conditions and the additional- condition that the portion of the brickpilasters built on the city sidewalk be removed. The applicant was notified of this neeting and was not present. Councj.Irnan Lenbi agreed with staff recommendations and moved for approval of the pernit with conditions listed. Seconded by councilrnan Harrison. councilwoman Knight commented concerned that the contractor stop work; she feared a childthe $/a11, it was too rnuch f or she had looked at the fence and was continued !,/ork after being told to riding down hill could col-lide with the site. The motion carried unanimously. CANCELLATTON OF DECEMBER 16 MEETING Mayor Pagliaro canceled the December 16 regular rneeting withcouncilrs approval, the next neeting will be January 6, L992. Mayor PagLiaro scheduled a public hearing for January 6, L992 for extension of the special pernit for hotels at 460-480 Airport. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilwonan OrMahony questioned if we need a cornparison of ratesfor Cabl-e TV in various cities; she has received several conplaints about our city's rates being highest. Staff noted cable has been deregulated and there is not nuch the city can do until the franchise expires, other cities have o1der franchises with felrer channels. Councilwoman Knight wondered if council had ever considered televising its rneetings. city Plannerrs memo of November 22 recommended council introduce an amendment to the Hillside construction Permit requirernents to include a new map with recently annexedproperties; the pennit requirements would automatically extend to any future property annexed adjacent to the mapped areas . INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE ].448 - CLARTFYING PROPERTIES SUBJECT TO HILLSIDE CONSTRUCTION PERIVIIT REOUIREMENTS RESIGNATION OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER Mayor Pagliaro said council- had received a letter of resignationfron Planning Commissioner Shelley Graham. Council accepted the resignation $rith regret and set an application period to end December 20, L997. He requested City Ivlanager set up interviewsfor Park and Recreation, and Civil Service Cornmissions and extended the application period for Beautification and Traffic Cornrnissions because of few applicants. Councilnan Lenbi worriedpeople may not apply because of the holiday season. councilman Harrison noted another Planning Commissioner terrn expires inApril and he suggested council interview for tr,ro positions on the Planning Commissionl in the past council has a1lowed for atraining period for Planning Commissioners; council coutd appoint one commissioner to take office inmediately and another to be intraining until Apri1. council concurred. a. 305 b. RESOLUTION 111-91 - AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 1992 SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER REPATRS t-15 A Public Works memo of November 20 recommended an agreement with Golden Bay Construction in l!77,9O7.50 for the subject project. council- approvethe arnount of c RESOLTIIION 772-9L REI{ODEL, PHASE 1-B - ACCEPTING COI,TPLETION OF CITY HALL cP 91 Pub1ic Works rnemo of Novenber 25 recommended council acceptcompletion of this project by Basic Modular Facilities inthe amount of $35,845. d. RESOLUTION 113-91 - AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC CABLE TV FOR JOINT USE OF CITY UTILI TY CONDUTT ON AIRPORT BLVD. Public Works memo of November 26 recommended council- an agreement to allow Pacific Cable to use a utitj-tyat the intersection of Anza and Airport Boulevards. approve condui-t RESOLUTION LL4-9L - AUTHORIZING APPLTCATION FOR STATE LOAN FOR WASHINGTON PARK WATER W cP 114 Public works memo of November 27 recomnended councilauthorize the City Manager to apply for a State loan for theplanning of the Washington Park e/ater !re11. The Water Conservation Bond Law of 1988 provides loans to assist l-ocal agencies in developing new water supplies; the $9,500 loanwould be repaid from the $rater fund. Councilman Harrison noved approval of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Councilwoman Or}lahony, carried unanimously by voice vote . COUNCTL COMM TTEE REPORTS Convention Bureau: Councilman Lembi reported he $/ou1d beinstalled as Treasurer of the Board at the next neeting; the Bureau is struggling with reduced funds. Fanily Service Agency: Councilwornan Knight reported she attended an awards reception for Diane EngvaLl, a Burlingane resident witha disabled chiId, who volunteers for several organizations inaddition to holding a job as a single parent; she presented aproclamation from the city to Engrvall. Schools: She alsoreported that Burlingame student donations for Samaritan Housewil-I be presented to the Board of Supervisors on December 17, Senior Coordinating Council: She said the Senior councj-l wants councilmernbers to be asrare of their Media Watch program. ABAG: Councilhronan otMahony reported on the meeting she and Mayor Pagliaro attended. Mayor Pagliaro s/as disappointed thatonly 12 cities from San Mateo County srere there; vote was put offuntil March; he said conbination of ABAG, MTC, and Air Qualj.tyBoard would result in another layer of full tine, fulL paypoliticians. These plans sound great philosophically but wilfcreate problems which trrost people do not understand. Tree Lighting: Mayor Pagliaro told about the recent Christmas Tree Lighting and the vil-Iage anbiance of downtown. Council,man Lenbi said some merchants rnissed out in not supporting thisevent; people comnented to him about the need to block offstreets for better public participation. NEW BUSINESS Signs: Councilwornan Knight tal-ked about the proliferation ofsigns, particuLarly about a gun show, tacked to poles and trees around the city; perhaps letters to those agencies responsiblefor signs $/ould help control the signs. staff said city workers remove i1lega1 signs from public property, but not frorn private property. Council directed that letters be sent to affectedparties notifying them of city codes and removal policy. calendar: Mayor Pagliaro said the planning/ counci I joint rneeting scheduled for April 11 is on a Saturday during the Easter vacation and he suggested rescheduling the neeting. Zoninq: Mayor Pagliaro discussed the possibility of council- revi-ewing the zoning of streets which are transitional like Chulavista; that street is zoned R-3 but is typically duplex or singLefarnily, a large apartment house would irnpict the arLa. Council agreed this subject was appropriate for discussion at the joint counci l/planning meeting next year. Leaf BLowers: councilwoman Knight nentioned the Letter from John Horgan about noisy leaf blowers and a subsequent article in the Times about the necessity of these rnachines; Hillsborough bans their use on holidays. council di,scussed briefly, there arequieter nachj"nes available nowl council wil-l- discuss more at afuture study rneeting. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cornmission Minutes: Beautification, Novernber 7; Senior Council, November 21; Park and Recreation, November 21,i Planning, November 25 1 L991. b Notice of HilIside Constructj.on Permit Application at 1568 Alturas . Letter from John Horgan regarding leaf blowers. FRO}4 THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. ADJOURNMENT The neeting was regularly adjourned at 8:42 p.n. a Judith A.City Clerk MaIfat 306