HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1991.11.18295 BT'RLINGAUE, CAI,IFORITIA Novenber 18, 1991 CALL TO ORDER uly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame city CounciL wasd on the above date in the city HalI Council chambers. Theting was ca11ed to order at 7:33 p,m. by Mayor Gtoria Barton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Ad heI nee Burlingane Boy Scoutpledge to the flag. ROLL CALL COT'NCIL PRESENT: COT'NCIL ABSENT: MINUTES Troop 156 presented the colors and fed the BARTON, HARRISON, LEUBT, OIMAHONY, PAGLIARO NONE Councilman Harrison pointed out that Councilman Lembi, not he,reported on the convention Bureau; with that change, the minutes were unanirnously approved. RESOLUTION 105-91 DECLARING RESULTS OP CITY ELECTION Mayor Barton read the City Clerkrs memo of November 12 which recommended council- adopt the resolution declaring the results ofthe General Municipal Election of November 5, l-991; FrankPagliaro and I"Iarti Knight were elected and Measure K, making theCity Treasurer appointed and combined with the position of Finance Director, passed. Total votes cast were 5,534i votes forindividual candidates: carol, Tanzi - 1,917; Frank Pagliaro -2,357i Michael Galligan - Lt426i Dorothy cusick - 1,749; Marti Knight - 2,465; and Measure K received 3,066 yes votes and 2,01,8 no votes . councilman Harrison moved adoption Seconded by Councilwoman o tMahony, vote. of RESOLUTION 105-91. carried unanirnously by voice Mayor Barton thanked the residents of Burlingame for theprivilege of servj-ng these past years; she congratulated Frank and l,{arti on their election and introduced her husband John, son creg and his wife Renee, and many friends and neighbors who werepresent in the audience, as well as her boss, Jerry Fuchs; she thanked staff for doing a tremendous job, especially the city Manager; and she thanked past and present council members whom she had hrorked with over the years. Then she turned the meeting over to Vice Mayor Frank Pagliaro. Vice Mayor Pagliaro presented Mayor Barton with a pin rrDonrt call me honey, baby or girl; call me Mayorrr and with a plaque withgavel from the City engraved with her name and years as a council member, as Mayor and as a commissioner. carol Hatch, Presidentof the chanber of commerce, presented Mayor Barton with a plaque frorn the chamber. Each council member thanked },layor Barton and then Mayor Barton took a seat in the audience. vice Mayor Pagliaro and nev/Iy elected Councilwoman Marti Knight stood beforethe City clerk, took the oath of office and received certificatesof election. Councilwoman Knight thanked Mayor Barton for her assistance during the election campaign r' she introduced her husband, daughter and son, and many carnpaign workers, friends and neighbors in the audience. Vice Mayor Pagliaro said is was an unusuaL carnpaign and generally a very clean and positive campaign which is reflected in the 296 large nunber of votes each candidate received; he vras pleased with the help of many young people during his campaign; he introduced his rnother, wife and daughter who all helped in his campaiqn, his canpaign workers and friends in the audience. He asked for noninations for tlayor. Councihnan Lembi noninated Vice Mayor Pagliaro as Mayor; norninations were closed and Pagliaro was unanimously affirmed. Councilwoman OrMahony nominated Councilman Harrison as Vice I"layor; noninations were closed and Harrison was unanimouslyaffirmed. Vice Mayor Harrison introduced his wife Doloressaid he would listen to the citizens. COMMISSION CANDIDATES LETTER O}I CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and Mayor Pagliaro saj-d Burlingarne faces hard financial- situations inthe next few yearsl a library expansion, the dump closure, and new fire house; we also need to look at expansion of recreationalfacilities and parking on Broadway; when revi.ewing the budget we need to keep in mind the needs of others and our support ofcharitable groups; it wontt be easy but !,re can do it; in Burl-ingame we do things in a special way, other cities rnight havesold the bus depot site, but our city is renewing the site forpublic and park usel other cities might have torn down the firestation and built a modern facility, but we are recreating thisarchitecturally significant site. He invited everyone to join ina celebration in the lobby and recessed the neeting at 8:16 p.m. The neeting reconvened at 8:44 p.m. $/ith Councitmernbers Harrison,Knight, Lembi , O I I\,Iahony and Pagliaro present. APPROVAL OF CITY COI'N CIL CALENDAR FOR 1992 Mayor Pagliaro reviewed the proposed calendar for city councilneetings and special dates in 1992. Councilnan Harrison novedapproval of the 1992 calendar. Seconded by Councitman Lembi,carried unanirnously by voice vote. City Managerrs memo of November 13 showed twelve candidates forvarious cornmission appointrnents; there were thro new applicationsreceived after preparation of the staff report. Mayor pagliaro directed the application period be extended for anolher two weeksfor Beautification and Traffic Cornmissions. Council menbers needto inform the litayor of interview committees on which they want toserve, as wel,L as other committee appointments; interviews wil-tbe scheduled. City Manager reviewed the Chamber tetter dated Novenber 12 whichrequested council a1low free one hour parking during the holidayseason on al-I one-hour neters in the Burlingame Avenue businessdistrict; at the present time there is free one hour parking onlydirectly on Burlingane Avenue i he estirnated a loss to the pirkingfund of approximately $5-6,OOO during this period; signs wouldhave to be printed and j-nserted in each one hour meter; there areno one-hour meters on the side streets on Broadway and there isalready free one hour parking directly on Broadway. A represent-ative of the Burlingame Avenue merchants said they hoped tonention the free parking in their holiday ads and bring rnorecustomers to the area and more tax revenue to the city. Council lras supportive of the idea and $rj.shed to assist the rnerchants I Councilman Harrison moved approval. Seconded byCouncilwonan O'Mahony, carried unanirnously. Councilwoman OtMahony said the nerchants have complaj-ned aboutthe need to wash the sidewalks, yet they worrj-ed they hroul-d be f ined. f or using water to wash the sidewalks. City l.,tinager saidthe city has received a request for sidewalk washing this past week and is considering an exernption for the nerchants in order 297 a SCHEDI'LE DECEI{BER 4 STUDY MEETING City Managerrs memo of Novenber 13 recommended council schedule astudy neeting for Decenber 4; council concurred. councilman Lembi asked that the issue of joint city/school- rnaintenance of high school and elementary school playing fietdsbe placed on the February study agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR counciLlroman Knight asked about an obnoxious sehrer odor aroundthe Washington Park grandstands; staff will investigate. RESOLUTION 106-9]. - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF WASHINGTON PARK GRANDSTAND RENO VATTON - CP 827 Park Directorrs neno of November 7 recommended council-accept the project as completed by H.L. Falk Incorporated ata cost of $447 ,7 65 .26 . b. RESOLUTION ].07-91 - APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR FUTIJRE ROAD II.{PROVEMENTS AT 58 9 O SKYLT BOULEVARD PubLic Works rneno of November 14 recommended council approvean agreement for future roadway improvernents on Skylinefronting Lots 5 and 6 of Tract 91,9, a San Mateo CountySubdivision. This agreement sha1l not becorne effectiveunless this tract receives final county approval. C. RESOLUTION 108-91 - ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF MERCY TO RIVERA WATERLINE -cP 245 for the sidewalks to be cleaned; he nentioned the city is wel} below allocati.ons in water use. Public Works memo of November 12 recommended council acceptconpletion of this project by D.W. Young Construction ofDanville in the amount of $136,535. d. WARRANTS AND PAYROLL Finance Director recommended approval of Warrants 17730 -]-82o]., duly audited, in the anount of $1,i-50,107.35 andPayroll Checks 41990 - 42738 for the nonth of €epte"ftbcr l-991-in the amount of $1,204,348.62. O eraBz7 Councilman Harrison moved approval of the Consent Calendar. seconded by councilman Lernbi, carried unanimously by voi"ce vote. COI,'NCIL CO TTEE REPORTS Councilwoman OrMahony reportedprincipal activity was passage a report by Supervisor Griffindiscussion of Bay Vision 2020, rneeting. on the C/CAG meeting she attended;of the Congestion Management PIan, on regional government anda vote was delayed until the next Councilwoman OrMahony and Mayor pagliaro will attend the ABAGceneral Assenbly. Councilman Harrison reviewed a letter councilreceived from the llayor of pleasanton concerning Bay vision 2o2oand the need for representation by elected officials. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Pagliaro scheduled public hearings on December 2 forthe appeal at 2845 Mariposa and (2) for a condorniniun withunits at 962 Chula Vista. (1) four Soundwalls: Councj-lwornan Knight said former Mayor Barton hadasked her to bring up a nelrspaper article about soundsratls andnoise problems; other council members thought this noj.se problem was caused when there are soundwalls on both sides of the freeway which wiII not be the case in Burlingame. Councilwonan Knight thought it a grood idea to notify calTrans of our concerns in casethere is a problem in the future, counciL concurred. ACKNOWLEDGEI'IENTS a b c Commission Minutes: Traffic, 10; Civil Service, October 8; Safety and Parking, october Planning, November 12, 799]-. Departrnent Reports: Treasurerrs Report, October 31 , 1991;Police Report, October 1991. Letter f rorn Janis l"Iusante Eucalyptus trees . regarding the oakland fire and council directed Musante Novenber 2 0 at rrrhich the Letter fron Ruthproperty. be invited to attend the study rneetingfire study would be discussed. Gardner regarding recent flooding on herd FRO}I THE TLOOR There rrere no comments from the floor. ADJOT]RNIIIENT The neeting was regularly adjourned at 9:10 p.m Judith A. City Clerk Mal tri 298 Tree Lighting ceremony: councilwonan Knight said it had come to her attention that the Chanber is not advertising the city's treeliqhting ceremony. City Manager said last year there were sorne merchant compLaints about custoners beingT drar^rn away from the avenue for this event. councilnan Lembi noted it took several years for this event to get going and he wished to see itcontinue. Council concurred and staff will follow up.