HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1985.11.07OR �. I.W, BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION November 7, 1985 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, November 7, 1985 at 5:35 P.M. in the City Hall by Chairman Carbon. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Bowling, Cady, Carbon, Disco, Gilmore, Hagstrom, and Shevchuk. Staff Director Quadri MINUTES Minutes of the September 5, 1985 were approved with the following correction: was called to order on Thursday, September 5, 1985 at 5:35 P.M. in the City Hall by Vice -Chairman Hagstrom. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Mr. John Raiser of the Raiser Development Company, informing him that his property, SEABREEZE I at 700 Airport Blvd., was chosen to receive the 1985 Beautification Award. Letter(s) to Commissioner(s) Bowling and Disco expressing the Council's appre- ciation for their service on the Beautification Commission. Letter(s) to Commissioner(s) Bowling and Disco announcing the temporary exten- sion of the current expired terms on the Beautification Commission and the Park and Rec Commission so as not to "short -hand" the commissions while new commis- sioners are being chosen. Rr'FORTS QUADRI The Park Department has hired a new Tree Trimmer Leadworker to replace Hugh Mahan. Steven Porter comes with experience from the City of South San Francis- co and Mayne Tree The computerization of the street tree program is in its final stages. The old system is still being used along with the new system with the hope of phasing out the old system completely. GILMORE The Clean Campus inspection for October between Taylor Intermediate and Burlin- game Intermediate was a tie. Both campuses were quite clean. SHEVCHUK In trying to locate the correct person and address to send the letter re beau- tifying the exterior of Le Gare, Commissioners Disco and Shevchuk found that as of 7/l/85 Caltrans is responsible for the maintenance of the Broadway Train Station (currently known as Le Gare Restaurant). In speaking with Mr. Bomar of the Transportation Department, he indicated that there were"no funds bud- geted for the painting of the exterior". Mr. Bomar indicated that a letter from the Beautification Commission would be taken into consideration. Commissioner Disco will send a letter from the Commission. HAGSTROM The ECR Beautification project is looking more beautiful as the plantings mature. Mr. Raiser received the 1985 Beautification Award at the Community Dinner: Di- rector Quadri made the presentation. CARBON Commissioner Carbon remarked that he was concerned about the placement of the newly planted Eucalyptus on ECR. Caltrans planted the replacements in the same areas . . . he felt they should have had more space between them. Director Qua- dri indicated that with the different variety of Eucalyptus being used, the spacing would not hinder the trees. Caltrans is following the intent of the Com- mission that the character of the avenue be maintained. \.. OLD BUSINESS Mills Canyon Wildlife Area - Director Quadri indicated that there has been no word from any volunteer groups on redoing some of the trails. The Park Depart- ment put RR ties down for 'steps at the Adeline entrance. P.G.& E. Pruning of the Sycamores - The November Study Session to discuss the sycamore prun!22,fi s een�ed until the December Study Session. The Park Department at this time is continuing with their current sycamore pruning pro- gram. NEW BUSINESS The Park Department is ready to award the contract for tree pruning in the City but Econo-Tree is a small company and is having a hard time getting insurance; insurance rates have become very high, and the small contractors are not able to qualify. Burlingame Avenue tree lights - Commissioner Carbon asked if the Chamber's cision to leave the lights on the trees would pose any pruning problems. Di- rector Quadri reported that the lights will be removed every 3-4 years for prun- ing purposes. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 5arLloene Harvey Recording Secretary WRI