HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1985.08.01BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION August 1, 1985 The regular scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, August 1, 1985 at 5:35 P.M. in the City Hall by Chairman Carbon. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Bowling, Cady, Carbon, Disco, Gilmore, Hagstrom, and Shev- chuk. MINUTES Staff Director Quadri Minutes of the July 11, 1985 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Status Report/Commissioner Attendance. Letter to Mr. Ward, 210 Occidental Ave. explaining the department's current prun- ing program for the sycamore trees. Letter to Chairman Carbon from David Altscher of PG&E re their meeting and the discussion re trimming of sycamores. Mr. Altscher will be waiting for information and/or a proposal re a long term approach with respect to tree replacement. Inter -Office Memo from the City of Burlingame Chief Building Inspector, Pete Kriner, re roof at 440 Bloomfield, indicating that the structure and placement of the ex- isting roof is conducive to leakage. Letter from Mrs. MacIlroy, 440 Bloomfield Rd., withdrawing her original request for the removal of the tree at 631 Plymouth. Instead, she requests that the tree be pruned. REPORTS QUADRI Hugh Mahan, Tree Trimmer Leadworker, is retiring after 31 years with the City; the department has begun the procedure for replacement. He will be difficult to re- place; person must be able to climb and know what to do in emergency situations. Asst. Director, Rich Langevin, suggested that the 100 block of Anita be an area of consideration for the Arbor Day planting. Acacias in that area look bad; up to 8 trees can be planted in the area. A Certificate of Recognition is being designed for the Commission to use in recog- nizing individuals for significant landscaping to their property. CARBON The portion of the Safeway parking lot adjacent to El Camino should be paved. Since this is on City property, Director Quadri is working with Public Works department to coordinate this with future work in the area. Noted that the area at Broadway and 101 has been relandscaped by Caltrans; will the island on Broadway between Rollins Road and Carolan also be relandscaped? Director Quadri indicated that Caltrans does not want to take responsibility for the relandscaping of that island. The City is in the process of considering ex- tending that island to change the traffic flow; at that time, the island can be relandscaped. The Commission requests that a small 'Welcome To Burlingame' sign be placed on the island. DISIO There are Eucalyptus on ECR that need to be raised for truck clearance. Director Quadri will inspect and report to Caltrans. REPORTS (cont.'d.) SHEVCHUK Le Gare's (Broadway S.P. Station) exterior is in bad shape. The Commission will send a letter to Caltrans requesting their assistance in improving the appearance of this building. OLD BUSINESS Landscape Award Nominees. The Commission discussed the list of Landscape Award nominees: Town & Country Realtors 1160 Paloma - Blgm. Burlingame Office Center 1633 Old Bayshore - Blgm. Paul Purdon & Company 1845 Magnolia Avenue - Blgm. Wells Fargo Building Burlway Road - Blgm. Clementina (Clemco) 1657 Rollins Road - Blgm. Seabreeze 1 700 Airport Blvd. - Blgm. Crowne Plaza 600 Airport Blvd. - Blgm. Home Savings 1188 El Camino - Blgm. A decision will be rendered at the next meeting on September 5, 1985 Tree Removal - 1530 Drake Avenue. Resident requests tree be removed because mas- sive root growth prevents resident from landscaping parking strip. Director Quadri indicated that when the sidewalk is repaired by the Public Works depart- ment some of the roots will be removed and that a root inhibitor will be used. Commissioner Hagstrom moved that the request be denied and that the resident be informed of alternative methods of landscaping in that area; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. P.G.&E. Trimming of Sycamores. Chairman Carbon opened consideration of this mat- ter by reviewing discussions from the last 2 meetings and restating the various options open to the Commission. Upon questioning, Director Quadri indicated that preliminary results of the recent street tree survey show that approximately 25% of City trees are under power lines. Many of them, however, are varieties that do not need pruning. The survey further indicates that 94 trees should be re- placed: since it is likely some of these will be under power lines, it is possi- ble that any comtemplated long range replacement policy could start with these. The Commission discussed a long range replacement concept in cooperation with P.G.&E. as a feasible solution to an ongoing problem. Following further discussion, Commissioner Hagstrom moved that the(Park Depart- ment continue its current method of sycamore pruning on a 4 year cycle; that P.G.&E. continue its current practice with close monitoring by the Park Dept.; .. and that the City explore a long range replacement program with P.G.&E. for those trees which interfere with primary power lines The motion was seconded by Com- missioner Cady, and carried unanimously. Commissioner Cady stated that it would be helpful for staff to write an article in the local paper explaining the long range replacement program to the residents. Commissioner Gilmore added that it would be important for the residents to know that the computer survey is being used to identify problems and/or pruning needs of the City's trees. Commissioner Shevchuk indicated that the long range replace- ment program should be emphasized as a means of restoration and conservation of the City's street trees. NEW BUSINESS Street Sweeping. .Commissioner Carbon noted that the street sweeper seems to be doing a more thorough job. Park Equipment. Commissioner Carbon indicated that along with the purchase of t e coffin the Park Department, that the department continue to evaluate and update its equipment. Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary u