HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1985.04.04ROLL CALL 1. L, BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION April 4, 1985 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, April 4, 1985 at 7:35 pm in the City Hall by Chairman Carbon. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Bowling, Carbon, Disco, and Shevchuk. Absent: Commissioners Cady, Gilmore, and Hagstrom. Staff Director Quadri Guests Susan Manely and Mike Huisman (State & Local Gov't. students from CSM) MINUTES Minutes of the March 7, 1985 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Park Department to Mr. Dan Santos informing him that the Beautifi- cation Commission approved issuance of a permit to remove a walnut tree and replace with 2 Aristocrat Pears. Letter from Park Department to G.W. Williams Co. informing them that the Beau- tification Commission approved issuance of a permit to replace missing street trees at 1401 Floribunda Avenue with European White Birch trees. Letter from "An Oak Grove Resident" expressing her appreciation for the liquid - amber trees in the City; and her heartfelt thanks for the planners, planters, and maintainers of Burlingame's beautiful parks and garden displays. Letter from Mr. Gary Hellman, 221 Bayswater Avenue, requesting the city remove walnut tree in front of his residence due to hazardous conditions such as: "tree sheds walnuts, in an underdeveloped stage, which lie green and stick on the sidewalk" causing a hazardous situation for pedestrians. Resident will replace with an evergreen pear. REPORTS QUADRI Director Quadri recommends issuance of a permit to 221 Bayswater for removal of wa nut tree an p anting of evergreen pear but at omeowner's expense. ommis- sion was in agreement to Director Quadri's recommendation. 1985-1986 Budget for the Park Department is due April 5. Copies of the depart- ment bu get wi bl i e sent wit t e next agenda and reviewed at the next Commis- sion meeting. $42,000 in contract tree work for Eucalyptus, funds for the pur- chase of a computer and the replacement of a grader and a park truck have been requested. REPORTS --Commissioners SHEVCHUK The Spring Garden seminar was successful; about 70 people were in attendance. The program was very informative and was enjoyed by the participants. CARBON Chairman Carbon suqqests that perhaps trees could be planted on the westside of California Drive between Broadway and Burlingame Avenue. anting trees on Broad- way was also discussed. Chairman Carbon asked Director Quadri when the landscaping plans for the SP Sta- tion will be submitted to the Commission for review. Director Quadri indicated that funds are still available for landscaping for the Garden Study Club, but CARBON until renovation of the building is completed plans for landscaping will not be �­ConV d.) submitted. 6� BUSINESS Chairman Carbon said the strip between Safeway and the gas station (along ECR) is still in need of paving; nothing can be planted there and it just collects debris. Chairman Carbon also reported that there is still street by Hughes gas station. Director Quadri in report the hazard to the Public Works department. It was the general consensus of the Commission th be changed to :30 instead of the :30 meeting ti that this be on a 3 month trial axis; seconded. NEW BUSINESS a hazardous oil slick in the icated that he wou d again at the Commission meeting time me. Commissioner Bowling moved Motion was carried unanimously. P_.G.&E. Trimming of Sycamores. Director Quadri informed the Commission of Coun- cil concern regarding unbalanced look of various streets after P.G.&E. line clearance work. He will be sending Council a preliminary report before their meeting of April 15, 1985. The report will list various pruning alternatives, pros and cons of each method, and costs involved. He stated the commission should be aware of this problem as Council may choose to refer it to them for study and recommendation. Chairman Carbon indicated that another resident on E.C.R. has made improvements to the planter strip. He noted that this is adjacent to the 2 that already re- ceived letters of appreciation, and asked that a letter also be sent to this resident. The Park Department will obtain the name and address for the Com- mission secretary. Entrance to Burlingame - Skyline, Trousdale. Commission has long been interested in improving this area in any manner possible. Director Quadri stated that changes in the existing median islands are being considered by Public Works. Commission discussed various alternativesand unanimously recommended that any changes in is- lands include landscaping similar to recent project on E.C.R. and, if possible, a "Welcome to Burlingame" sign. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary e) I