HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1985.02.07BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION February 7, 1985 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, February 7, 1985 at 7:35 pm in the City Hall by Chairman Car- bon. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Carbon, Bowling, Hagstrom, and new Commissioner Gilmore. MINUTES Absent: Commissioner Disco Staff Director Quadri Minutes of the December 6, 1984 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Copy of letter sent to Trinity Lutheran Church from City Attorney informing them that their gardener, Mr. Ortiz, did not appear in court and a $50 forfeitable bench warrant was issued by the court. City Attorney also reminded Trinity of the City's concern over the pruning of these trees. Letter and check in the amount of $100.00 from the Garden Study Club of the Penin- sula toward the Arbor Day planting. Letter from Director Quadri thanking the Garden Study Club for their donation. Invitation from Council for the Commissioners Dinner on March 1, 1985 at Kee Joon's Penthouse Restaurant. Letter from Trinity Lutheran Church to City Attorney informing the City that their Council, Board of Church Property and hired staff have been apprised of the seriousness of the tree pruning matter and that further pruning will not be done without first obtaining the City's approval. Letter from Dan Santos, 9 Victoria Rd. requesting permission to remove city -owned walnut tree in front of 9 Victora Rd. due to possible damage to sidewalk and haz- ardous conditions when the nuts and leaves fall. Memo from City Council via City Manager re Commissioner Attendance -- Council is still concerned about the attendance of a few commissioners and will be review- ing the current policy on commissioner attendance at their March Study Meeting. Letter to the City Council from the Beautification Commission suggesting that Street Sweeping schedule be instituted so citizens can assist cleanup operations by moving vehicles. Letter to the City Council from the Beautification Commission recommending that the City pursue the purchase of the Pershing School property. Letter from City Manager to Mayor/Council re STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE -- that limited staff, lack of extensive signage and vigorous enforcement of parking limitations, and the effectiveness of setting a schedule when, in fact, leaves do not fall on a set schedule, prevents staff from setting a schedule. RF 'TS Qo._,<I The City is currently involved in negotiations with the School District re the purchase of the Pershing School site. 9 Victoria Road has been inspected by Director Quadri; walnut trees are not on the approved street tree list and providing owner remove and replace with suit- able tree, Director Quadri has no reservations as to removal. Commissioners will inspect and report back to next Commission meeting. A -five year old Magnolia tree was vandalized in Washington Park. There has been quite a bit of vandalism in Washington Park. City forces have stepped up patrol in that area; Asst. Director made a citizens arrest; lights have been left on in the restrooms. Fragrance Garden sign has been completed. Sign states the types and locations of plants to the garden. A REPORTS Election of Commission officers did not take place in October 1984 due to the teN- CONT'D. porary combining. Commissioner Hagstrom moved that the Commission wait until October to elect new officers. "1 Three new commissioners have been appointed to the Beautification Commission: Suzanne Cady, Jeannie Gilmore, and Rufina Schevchuk. Commissioners Cady and Gil- more are replacing Nita Perry & Allen Levy who were still eligible for another 3 year term but declined reappointment. They will serve the remainder of that 3 year term (which ends 10-7-86) and will be eligible for reappointment at that time. The Commission has the option of setting their own meeting time. The Commission tabled the item until the next meeting. The repaving and restriping of the parking lot by the Broadway Post Office is on the list for the next contract. The parking lot behind Cheese Please has been cleaned up. Route 66 was primarily responsible for the extra litter in the area. REPORTS --Commissioners CARBON On the corner of Burlingame Avenue and ECR at Hughes Gas Station there is a drain- age problem. With the combination of oil and water it presents a hazardous condi- tion for motorists. Director Quadri will refer to the Public Works Department. The small planting strip on ECR (between Howard & Burlingame Ave.) by the Safeway meters needs continual care and maintenance. Chairman Carbon suggests that area be filled with concrete to alleviate maintenance and beautify area. Director Quadri will inspect. Litter throughout the City seems to take up quite a bit of discussion by the Com- mission. Chairman Carbon would like the Commission to send a letter to the City Manager suggesting that the City address the issues of litter. Director Quadri advised that when the problem is on private property, the City cannot be involved unless it becomes a health problem, but that the Commission can by way of corre- sponding with the parties involved. Director Quadri suggested that perhaps a stan- dard letter could be designed by the Commission so that when these particular things occur a letter, signed by the Chairman, could be sent. The Commission agreed. Chairman Carbon will instruct Commissioner Disco to draft a letter. HAGSTROM Behind Petrini's, at the Burlingame Plaza, there is a hole in the sidewalk that could be a tripping hazard. Director Quadri will refer to the Public Works Depart- ment. OLD BUSINESS r Day will be cel topics will be on Growi will provide Coffee, ar missioner Hagstrom will Ha at Bayside F g Your Own Veg Commissioners bring cookies, or. H1gn campuses tor the dean campus fication Commission is being sought to mission Gilmore volunteered to serve on Park on March 7 at 10:00 a.m. and the SDrin e Recreation Center. Spring garden Seminar tables and Pruning Fruit Trees. The City Disco and Gilmore will provide cookies. Com- cups, napkins, and plates. pection will take place this month of the program . Another person from the Beauti- serve on the Inspection Committee. Com- the Committee. NEW BUSINESS The following items were discussed: Updating the approved tree list; Eagle Scout projects; redoing the service club signs; planting of trees on California Drive, south of Broadway; final approval of plans for the Save Our Station Project. The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Carbon at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karlene Harvey Recording Secretary ao 2/7/85:. innie Gilmore and Suzanne Cady are re - `'placing Nita Perry & Allen Levy who were still eligible for another 3 year term but declined reappointment. Due to the P&R and BBC combining tempo- rarily, the appointments to fill these two positions was postponed. The two newly appointed commissioners will serve the remainder of that 3 year term (which ends 10-7-86) and will be eligible for reappointment at that time. Please explain this to the two new com- missioners. ORB on, 1"I "r,fiai yt 4 jft4p, (1Gt's -"I, ��rst f., rn. i I i z—q A�;t Mkl