HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1991.06.05226 CITY OF BURLINGAME CITY COI'NCIL STUDY },IEETING Wednesday, June 5, 1991, 7:30 p City HalL Conference Room A m Mayor cloriaCity Council Barton on the convened tbe study session of the Burlingame above date in Conference Room A at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT:COUNCILMEMBERS PAGLTARO BARTON, HARRTSON, LEI,IBI , O II,TAHONY, STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES (l-ate), HARVEY, KIRKUP, TOWNS, WAGNER BECKER, BERGSTNG, },IALFATTI, MONROE, COLEI,{AN, PAL},TER, QUADRI, 1. REVIEW PROPOSED 1991-91 BUDGET AND CAPTTAL PROGRAM The Finance Director presented the budget overview. High pointshrere: Due to the recession and state budget crisis, most of the econornic news has been bad. Earlier this year we reduced the 1990-91 budget by $1 nillion because of reductions in sales taxand additional expenses such as purchase of the Duncan property, new booking fees and property tax adrninistration fees, and theconvention center study. The projected revenues for 1991-92 inthe general fund increase only l-.9 percent to 920.3 rni1lion. Expenses are increasing by 5.9 percent due to increases in salaryand benefits including health care and retirement costs. Therehas been a large reductj,on in funds availabl,e for capitalprojects. In prior years we have appropriated approximately g4ruillion for capital projects; in L99t-92 this amount has beenreduced to $t.5 nil-1ion. There is also a large degree ofuncertainty in our revenue assurnptions. A11 three of our rnajorrevenue sources are subject to various risks this coming year because of state budgetary problerns. Council questioned whetherthe proposed increase in hotel tax was included in this budget. The Finance Director replied it was not. The effective date ofany tax increase would depend on the Council. Finance Director also dj-scussed the various state budgetproposals for reduci.ng current city revenues for fines andforfeitures, vehicle in 1ieu, and the possible change in salestax distribution to a per capita basis which would greatJ.y affectBurlingarne. The water and sewer enterprise funds aie proposed toincrease 13.4 percent because of rationing and the 4O percent SanFrancisco water rate increase. Water and sewer rates areanticipated to be increased approximately 20 percent. Theprincipal and interest on the recent certificites ofparticipation v/iII be phased over a 3-year period. In thecapital improvernent fund, there are onl-y thiee general fundprojects proposed for l99t-92: the fire station, sidewalks, andWashington Park we1I. Some 21 projects totaling g34.2 nill_ionare Listed in the capital improvenents program is fundingrrunknownrr for future years. The bottom line was that the cityshould try to expand and diversify its sources of revenue andcontrol, cost increase such as heaLth care and retirement. Un1esscurrent trends reverse, we are one to two years away from serviceLevel or program reductions. Budget Chairman Pagliaro indicated that he had reviewed thebudget and only had selected questions. Councilwoman OrMahonyquestioned why the library salary costs are increasing so rnuch.Finance Director indicated that the library and recreitiondepartments are subject for the first time to social securitytaxes for their part-time help. Mayor Barton indicated that shehad net with the Librarian and reviewed the 1ibrary budget andfelt that it was very tight. She wished that the book budgetcould increase by a larger percent, but realized the need io staywithin the financial guidelines. Council supported andreconnended the library budget. Councilman l,embi indicated that he had rnet with the police Chief 227 and reviewed the police budget. He distributed a list of the vehicles proposed for replacenent and discussed the 3-year leaseof ne$, computer equipnent and the training budqet. Councilwonan o'Mahony reviewed the fire budget. Fire chief replied to aquestion concerning the hazardous materials supplies andindicated that in rnany instances we bill back to the prepetrator our costs for these items. Budget chairnan Pagliaro reviewed the park and recreationdepartment. Councilwoman OrMahony stated that she felt the park departnent should get a medal for the tightest budget. ParkDirector answered questions concerning the effect of waterrationing on our parks and ball fields. He also noted that the budget addressed maintenance of over five acres of new landscaping which had been installed as a part of the Anza Bridgeproject in the Anza area. Councilman L,embi asked whether we contj-nue to have the summer crews; both the park and public worksdirectors indicated that these are currently still in the budget. Council-man Harrison reviewed the public works and city haIIbudgets. He had net with the Publ,ic Works Director concernj.ngthe City Manager reconmended reductions in the building inspection division and was satisfied that these were acceptable. CounciLrnan Lenbi, asked the City Manager to elaborate on the statement ri/e are one to two years away from service leveL orprogran reductions unless trends reverse. City lvlanager revieweda number of the points raised in the overview. Council and staff next reviewed the capital improvement portionsof the budget. Budget Chairman Pagliaro asked why a number ofthe sidewalk and resurfacing projects appeared in the carry-overbudget. Councilwornan OtMahony asked about Measure A and prop 111funds. City Manager indicated that we nay not receive any prop 111- funds because of problems $rith the timing and formula for maintenance of effort provisions in that legislation which statehas imposed. Council indicated that we needed to continue towork with our legislators to i,nsure that we get our fair share. Councj-lman Lembi questioned whether funds for c/cAG had beenincluded in the budget. city Manager indicated that g20,ooo hadbeen included and that any additional funds would need to comefrom continerency reserve. After the discussion on capitalimprovements, the Councit commended the department heads, FinanceDirector and City lrtanager for the L99l-92 budget and directedthat it be presented for public hearing at the June 17 Council rneeting. FUNDT NG REOUESTS FOR CO}n{UN TY GROUPS Budget Chairman Pagliaro indicated that seven groups servingBurlingame residents have requested the same amount of funding(or within $500) as last year. He favored funding these groups. Councilwoman OrMahony felt that we also should provide fundingfor the san Mateo Perforning Arts center even though they had notrequested funds. It was noted that the reguest from last year was made on the basis that it would be a one-time-only grant. Councilman Pagliaro indicated that he had spoken to lohn KeIIy ofSanarit.an House and had suggested to him that he might want toattend tonight's meeting. Mr. Ke1ly hras present. Mayor Barton indicated that she knew John KeIIy and workedregularly at Sarnaritan House but questioned how they know thatthe homeless they serve are from Burlingane. John Kelly repliedthat approximately 30 to 40 Burlingame residents each rnonth otherthan homeless use their services. Mayor Barton asked why theyhad not subnitted a budqet with their request. .lohn xe11yreplied that in general terms their budget was gTOO,ooO annually;over 70 percent is from private funds, approximatel,y 15 percentare public funds. He thought Burlingame could do rnore forcommunity service agencies than it currently is doing. MayorBarton felt it was a philosophical question concerninggovernmentrs rol,e in support of social programs. The cityts prinary purpose was to run city functions and the private sector should have more responsibility in social services. John Kel1y questioned whether $15,000 is the fair amount for the clty to contribute towards hunan services given the level of service needed by city residents. After additionaL discussion, it wasthe councilrs opinion that the $15,000 budget anount should be raised to $18,000 with funding as follows: samari.tan House Mission Hospice Easter seal CALL-Pr inrose Suicide PreventionProject Reach/PARcA Human Investment/ shared Hornes Friends for Youth Mercy High School Fire/ Earthquake Repairscenter for fndependenceof Disabled San Mateo wonenrs Shelter 2, 000 1,500 1, 000 Judith A. Malfatticity Clerk $ 3,ooo 1,000 3,000 Lt750 1,500 1, 500 1, 000 750 Based on budget limitations, no new community groups would receive funding. Council supported the $20,000 contract amount for the Chamber of Commerce and a 5 percent increase in the Convention Bureau budgetto $336,000. There was a dj-scussion concerning the reducedsupport from other cities to the Convention Bureau and the needto restructure the Bureau if this continues or other citieswithdraw. Councilman Lenbi indicated that after sitting on their Board of Directors, he felt that having any additional votes onthe Board of Directors would make no difference in the iterns considered. FROM THE FLOOR There were no comments from the floor. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9315 p.m. 228 3. COMMUNITY PROMOTION