HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1991.02.06163 uayor GloriaCity Councilcity Hatf at PRESENT 3 CITY OF BI'RLINGAME CTTY COI]NCIL STUDY I,TEETTNG Wednesday, February 6, !991 , 7:30 p.M City Hal1 Conference Room A Barton convened the study session of theon the above date in Conference Room A of7:30 P.U. Burl ingarne Burl ingane COt,NCILII.IE},TBERS PAGLIARO BARTON, HARRISON, LE},{BI, O ' MAHONY, STAFF PRESENT: ARGYRES, BECKER, QUADRT COLEIT{AN, KIRKUP, MEANS, MONROE, OTHER PRESENT: REPRESENTATMS OF BFI, Leno Valbusa, Debj- Sargent, Dan Day 1. RECYCLING PROGRAM REVIEW City.Uanager reviewed the staff nemo d.iscussing the BFf program inBurlingane commencing with residential curb side recycling andcondors, apartments and businesses on request. A list of 50condominiums, apartments and businesses in Burlingarne now recyclingwas attached. It r./as noted everyone including busj,nesses rec-ivinggarbage collection was paying the 4.22 recycling surcharge. Three representatives from BFI were present. Leno Valbusa and DebiSargent spoke, reviewing progress of recycling program inBurlingame, dernand and uses for recyclables incluaing gardenclippings and problens inherent in recycling progran! forrestaurants because of the relatively sma1] nunber of reltaurants,the lack of storage space, and the big differences in volumes andtypes of materials generated. BFI is now working on a progran toinvolve nore businesses in Burlingame in recycling. council members noted only three hotels are now recycling the mostconmon and often only naterial recycled by businesses andrestaurants is cardboard, what about glass and metaf: need toincrease participation of biS users/generators; City shouldconsider .sending a letter ernphasizing the necessity ofparticipating; discussed briefly results of City of San Malteo'sRecycling Pronotion Progran; flier sent today tb all Burl-ingamechanber members about recycling; how are apartments units b-ingincluded, beginning to distribute smal-Ier carts for collectiontwhich enable more apartments to participate, ol/ners need to bewilling to participate; businesses recycling cardboard should becontacted about other materiaL they can recycJ.e. If no response,perhaps city should think about legislation requiring businesles torecycle. Staff and BFI should report back to the Council at the May studysession with progress of apartment, condorninium and business(including food preparation businesses) participating in recycling. 2. WATER RATIONING PROGRAM City I*lanager introduced topic by noting that the public WorksDirector had attended a neeting with San Francisco water thismorning. He also noted that the list of accounts which hadexceeded their allotment by lOO,OOO gaLlons or more reflected onlythe most recent billings cycle (ending Decenber t-990), historildata on overuse by address is not yet avaiJ-able. public WorksDirector updated drought situation as revj-ewed by san FranciscoWater Department; they are going to buy rlater, not enough instorage at this years consurnption 1evels for more than one yearlthey- are going to plan as if next year vi11 also be a drought andcut back City allocations accordingly, as a result, they may belooking at a 40-458 (based on 1987) reduction per custom& in thecoming year as cornpared to Z5Z reduction this year. 164 The San Francisco Water Departrnent will nake their proposal to the San Francisco PUC February 26, and it will go into effect in May,with penalties being charged in June. They will leave it up to theindividual cities how to achieve reductions to required leveIs.There is some chance that San Francisco Water rril1 have a priorityto purchase surpJ.us water controlled by the state because they havebeen conserving water for a nurnber of years where other waterservice areas have not. Issue though is how the City wiLl attainthe greater percentage of consumer reduction. Council nembers conmented on: the possibility of digging weIIs, thelack of underground supply and absence of distribution connectionsto weIls; most residential users have been neeting or exceed the25* reduction, the najor violators are cornmercial and industrialusers; lrho has authority to levy fines or penalties, the Citycouncil; overal.l reduction in service areaj has been 259, inBurl-ingame overall reduction 218r. need to check sights, such as ol-dhotels, for dams in toilets and other water conservation devices;appears we need to nove from a passive program of cornpliance to arnore proactive one; proposal would add water enforcement personfu1J. time, a revj,ew of an steeper graduation of penal-ty feesl morenotification of transient users and how to deal with waterallocations banked by present users; hor^, many swimming pools inCity, how. wouLd they be affected; regulationJ and rnultipie unitsand activities in closed garages. staff wiII return with i programat the first meeting in March addressing penalties, reductions ofhotel, comrnercial and industrial use, and an enforcernent program. 3 4 PROPO ED INCREAS IN PLANNIN G FEES city Manager introduced topic by noting that the nerr/ state nandatedDepartnent of Fish and Game fee is the largest of aLl the feesdj.scussed here. While the increase in the pianning fees proposedis_a_Iarge_ p-e-rcentage over presently charged fees, t-trey ard a srnalltotal in dollars and the increases are justified. councir comments included concern about the large nurnber of feesresidents and developers have to.pay and the delafs they expeiiencefor processing; 1923 last planning fee increaseJ a loig tirne ago,the City ig n9t responsible for other agencies fees; w5uld preierto eliminate the new g5o.Oo zoning pIJn check fee for prLjectsunder 9100,000; need to raise fees because of financiat situitionif no zoning request, no fee would be required; consider ctringinfzoning plan check fee to be g5O.OO between- gfO,OOO and 9100,000 andno fee for construction proposed that cost less that *1o,ooo.staff Director to bring this i.tem to next city councir meeiing foraction. o N AIRPO IN USES staff report reviewed noting that for car rental agenci.es there hrasno correlation between parking spaces and receifts or sales taxrevenue to the city. car rentar agencies that do not write leaseagreement. in Burlingane se11 cars herer. the City gains the sal,estax from the car saLes. counciL commented that concern was for car rentar operations whichstore cares in Burlingame but write agreements eisewhere, so norevenue to city. -Appears that, because cars are stored. on airportsites and rented frorn.there if agreernent is written there, thi; isnot the problem anticipated._ Moreover, because of car saies, eventhose sites which are prirnarily used to stock airport rots generaterevenue to the City. A possible tax on Long term parking was discussed. These users areextensive i-n terms of land use and-generate a rarge number of tripsand generate no revenue to the city. The city At--torney noted thitbecause of changes in leqar requifernents, a r.ax on this use wourdprobably have to go to election, The closing date for bal1otmeasures for the November election is .lu1y. rt was suggested thatCouncil revisit this itern at study in June or Jul,y. 165 Council began discussion by noting the infl,uence that the number ofmaneuvers needed to get in or out of a stall had on whether peopleused their off street parking. It was noted the City -might consider lirniting the percentage of the totaL spaces which couLd beaccessed by three maneuvers. Sorne council mernbers felt that 3 $/asan acceptable nunber, particularly given the inpact parking had onthe nunber of units allowed on a site. No action was discussed andthe issue was dropped. 5 PARKING STANDARDS - 3 5 6. COIJNCIL CO},IMENTS It was noted that the hternationaL Soccer Masters Cup game is tobe played locally. A1so, the retirenent of Larry Nofziger and BiItKey were noted. J tlCI.1 th A. Malfatti Council suggested the Joint planning Cornmission/ councif Meeting beheId. Saturday, ApriI 27, 1991. The schedul-ed April 17 s€uclySession will be canceled. The possibility of conbining the openingr day of little league andbobby sox and having a parade down Burlingame Avenue to thegrandstand was discussed. parks Director noted that while theoutside of the grandstand would be cornpleted, the interior andseating might not. Perhaps the combined opening should beconsidered for the following year. Council looked at a sampLe of a brass key to the City. Theydiscussed a variety of things from very j.nexpensive on up to keepon hand to give out. The problem with the height of the play structure and desire byneighbors for other improvements at Cuernavaca park was discussed.The Park Director noted the structure wiII be lowered as soon asthe parts for the poles exposed when the canopy is removed arrive.The play structure installation was funded by a state Grant 1irnitedto play apparatus. There is no funding for other improvernents atthe park. The tennis courts at Franklin belong to the school. TheParks Director noted he would send a copy of the fetter he sentearlier to the neighbors regarding Cuernavaca improvements outagain to those who cal"Led council members. Status of the 1209 Donnelly site and fire clear up. The need fora pedestrian connection between Burlingarne Avenue and Donnelly wasdiscussed and should be noted to any future developer FROM THE T'LOOR A1an. Ilorn spoke on the seriousness of the drought and thepossibility of the City considering buitding a desalinization planton the bay to augrnent the City's water supply. Whi1e he noted thissras an expensive source of water, ten years from now, it might becritical and affordabl.e. It was noted that there are a nurnber ofdesalinization plants being planned State r^ride. The processedwater is very expensive and the desalinization procesJ takes alarge anount of electrical energy. ADJOT,RNI.TENT The neeting was adj ourned at 9:OO p.M. City clerk