HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1986.08.07Ste_ \W BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION August 7, 1986 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, August 7, 1986 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall by Chairman Hagstrom. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Hagstrom, Commissioners Cady, Carbon, Erickson, Gilmore, and Shev- chuk. Absent: Commissioner Hughes Staff: Director Quadri MINUTES Minutes of the June 5, 1986 meeting were approved as submitted. The order of the Agenda was changed to accommodate Mr. George Avanessian, architect for Putnam Buick, Richard Corso, V.P. and General Manager of Putnam Buick at 50 California Drive, re the new agency at the corner of Anita & Peninsula Ave. in Burlingame. Attorney Dave Finklestein representing Joe Putnam explained that 9 elm trees on the Anita side create problems for the business, i.e., raising sidewalks, 2 blocking view to showroom, and 1 blocking entrance/exit ramp to parking area. Putnam proposes that if granted permission to remove the 9 elm trees, they would replace with 9 - 24" box Italian Cypress or an acceptable variety as approved by the Park Department. Mr. Corso addressed the Commission. In the past, the area has had low foot traffic so public safety has not been an issue. With the increased foot traffic expected, the sidewalks are a hazard to the public; this new structure will add aesthetically to area; even if sidewalks are repaired they will begin to buckle again; willing to work with the city as to the type of replacement tree. Commissioner Carbon asked if shrubs at the corner of Anita & Peninsula would be sea- sonal to which Mr. Avanessian replied they would be evergreen shrubs. Commissioner Carbon asked if Putnam would be open to seasonal plantings and gardener maintenance? Mr. Corso replied that they are willing to cooperate with the City. Director Quadri addressed the Commission. In speaking with the City Engineer and the City Attorney, the sidewalks in this location were low in priority for sidewalk repair program. However, with the new project the City Engineer has indicated that the sidewalk repair will be done by the City before the dealership is open. Land- scape plans for this project were not submitted to the Park Department because there were no variances on the project. One tree blocks view of the showroom from Peninsula and another tree is in the middle of ramp. The City, in addition to repairing the sidewalks, will issue a permit to prune the trees back to the property line and will balance on the other side. Residents residing accross the street are opposed to the removal of any of the trees. If the Beautification Commission grants the removal of all 9 trees it will be the most significant removal the Commission has ever granted. The Commission will be expected to render a decision at the September meeting. Chairman Hagstrom thanked the representatives from Putnam Buick and stated that their comments as well as those of Director Quadri's would be taken under advisement. Director Quadri suggested that the representatives from Putnam Buick work with him on revised plans so the Commission won't have to act on a proposal that would remove 9 mature elms. A discussion by the Commission followed after the guests were excused: Commissioner Carbon felt the City was negligent in maintaining the property at that address and that the City should accommodate the businesses in the City. Director Quadri feels that he as well as the Beautification Commission is responsible for protecting the trees in the City. Commissioner Carbon stated that the trees are growing into power lines, raising sidewalks, and are susceptible to DED. This kind of stand would be in line with the long term replacement program the Commission is trying to establish with P.G.&E.; that the Commission needs to be willing to make these kinds of decisions. Director Quadri indicated that there is no incidence of DED in the area of Anita and Peninsula; elms are dying off because of DED: we don't want to add to the number by removing 9 healthy elms. Chairman Hagstrom stated that permitting the removal of 9 trees at one location would be setting a precedence. Director Quadri had asked Putnam's attorney, Mr. Finklestein, to convince his client to reduce the number of trees requested for removal but there was no negotiating -- they wanted all trees removed. The City Engineer stopped by briefly to explain the sidewalk repair program. He explained that the sidewalks in the City are being repaired in the order of low/ high foot traffic; sidewalks in area of new construction or businesses are repaired as buildings are completed. CORRESPONDENCE Letter rom r. & Mrs. Moir of 138 Channing Road requesting permission to remove and replace privit because "my wife is allergic to bee stings and this tree . . . attracts bees by the hundreds". Letter from Director Quadri to Peter Popin, 300 Lexington Way, granting permission to remove the Sycamore tree (on the side easement of property) at his expense as per the June 5, 1986 Beautification Commission meeting. Letter from Director Quadri to Mary Gassenberg, 967 Chula Vista Ave., denying request for removal of a liquidambar as per June 5, 1986 Beautification Commission meeting. REPORTS QUADRI - Bids on Tree Pruning contract for 1986-1987 were opened on August 5. Tim- berline was awarded contract as low bidder at $24.44/man hr. Timberline will pri- marily be trimming Eucs throughout the City. HAGSTROM - Euc on ECR south of Broadway is dead and needs to be replaced. Director Quadri stated that Caltrans has been notified. CADY - Commissioner Cady informed the Commission that this will be her last meeting. THend of her first term is October 7, 1986 but she will be leaving for college soon. GILMORE - Presentation on the Beautification Commission was made to the Kiwanis Club by Commissioner Gilmore. Thanked the Park Dept. for landscaping in front of the S.P. Station. CARBON - The entrance to Broadway is unsightly. After a brief discussion Commissioner Carbon moved that a study be made to review entrance to Broadway, similar to the ECR Beautification project; seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Director Quadri will place on the agenda and look into funding of project. SHEVCHUK - The Bird Sanctuary has a lovely bridge and the weeds have been trimmed down but there are no plants. Can irrigation be put in or iceplant? Director Quadri reported that an Eagle Scout has been doing work on weekends in that area; Director Quadri will investigate as to future plans and make those available to Commission. HAGSTROM - The Fragrance Garden in Washington Park is not in good condition. Director Quadri will investigate. \.. OLD BUSINESS - Landscape Award Nominees - The following buildings were nominated for the 1986 Landscape Award: Hyatt - 1333 Bayshore Hwy. - Burlingame Entre - 525 California Dr. - Burlingame King Building - 1350 Old Bayshore - Burlingame Crowne Plaza - 600 Airport Blvd. - Burlingame Executive Center - 880 Hinckley -Burlingame Other buildings may be considered. A decision will be rendered at the September meeting, and presentation of the award will be made at the Community Dinner in October. There being no NEW BUSINESS meeting was adjourned at 6:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ka lene Ha vey Recording Secr tary M