HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - BC - 1986.05.01*4w- `. BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION May 1, 1986 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order on Thursday, May 1, 1986 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall by Vice Chairman Hagstrom. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cady, Erickson, Gilmore, Hagstrom, Hughes, and Shevchuk. Absent: Commissioner Carbon Staff: Director Quadri MINUTES Minutes of the March 6, 1986 meeting were approved as submitted. CORRESPONDENCE Letter rom Mary Gassenberg, 967 Chula Vista requesting the removal of liquidambar because it is "ruining the city sidewalk . . . as well as the sprinkler system". Letter from Pete Popin, 300 Lexington, requesting permission to remove and replace a city tree that is located on a "contiguous portion of my property". REPORTS QUADRI - Caltrans has removed debris on E1 Camino between Adeline and Ray Drive. Caltrans has indicated that in the future, debris will be removed within a 24 hour period. The Park Department will begin tree planting this month. During the February storm an elm tree on Anita laid over on a new construction. Upon inspection and a report from Ken Meyer from Mayne Tree Expert, it was deter- mined that the tree fell due to the open trench that was left around the tree during sidewalk excavation. The Public Works Department has notified contrac- tor that they will be charged approx. $3,400 for the removal and replacement costs of the tree. According to Ken Meyer from Mayne Tree Expert, the estimated value of the elm tree was $8,233. Some of the City's trees are being damaged by the street paving. The Park Depart- ment trimmed prior to the street paving to alleviate some of the damage. The damage is expected to be only temporary and it is anticipated no trees will be lost. HAGSTROM - The post office at Broadway continues to be a mess. Director Quadri stated that the parking lot is scheduled for repaving. Commissioner Hagstrom would like to see the Commission send a letter to the post office requesting the newsracks be replaced. GILMORE - Explained to the Commission the system being used for the Clean Campus Inspection. An Awards Assembly will be held at the end of the year. The winning school will receive the banner for the next school year. The children are very responsive to this type of program. HUGHES - There is a collection of trash and debris between the Lucky parking lot and the Hughes gas station up against the ence Director Quadri in ica e at `-- he will contact a owner. ERICKSON - Remarked on her concerns re the Sycamore trees in the city, i.e. leaf drop, disease, pruning practices. Director Quadri explained current pruning practices and that the City in cooperation with P.G.&E. is expermenting with %__ N"W, growth retardants; pollarding is no longer a practice because of the hazardous effects it has on the trees; spray costs for the control of Anthracnose is pro- hibitive; in 1985 the Beautification Commission submitted recommendations to the Council re the current pruning practices and that of the P.G.&E.'s cutting under the utility lines. The Council approved the Commission's recommendation of con- tinuing with current practices and encouraged the Park Department to continue working with P.G.&E. on the long term removal/replacement program. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to be discussed. NEW BUSINESS Tree Removal/967 Chula Vista. Resident requests removal due to damage to side- walk and sprinkler system. Director Quadri indicated to resident that sidewalk is scheduled for repair and at that time tree roots will be pruned. Resident still wishes tree to be removed. Commission will review and render a decision at June meeting. Tree Removal/300 Lexington. Resident requests permission to remove and replace a City Sycamore tree located on a "contiguous portion" of resident's property. Director Quadri indicated that this is an unusual situation. Tree is located on the side of resident's property in a cul-de-sac and is not part of a standard row on the street. Resident will bear the cost of removal and replacement if Commission should grant permission. Commission will review and render a deci- sion at the June meeting. Budget Review. Director Quadri explained budget and advised Commission to review and call with suggestions and/or bring them to June meeting. L- Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Karl ene Harvey Recording Secretary